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Posts posted by klauskunkel

  1. Gang of Rogue Stickers take over Police HQ

    It has been reported that a gang of rogue police stickers led by Lieutenant Change have taken control of the Thai Police Head Quarters in Bangkok. Having infiltrated the building during last night and subdued personnel on duty and arriving officers in what can only be described as an exemplary show of clandestine operation, the goals of the Sticker Gang are not clear as of yet, although a persistent rumor of "wanting better glue" has been making the rounds. A video showing a senior police official covered in stickers and pleading for help has been uploaded to LINE by the gang.

    Here is a comment from a Thai Police PR Spokesman: "First, to the Thai public: Don't Panic. These are only Tourist Police stickers, not commando or S.W.A.T., so their training is inferior. However, it remains a sticky situation and we have reason to believe the Sticker Gang had insider help in taking the building, probably some ghosts. We will ask the army for assistance in resolving this problem."

    We will keep you updated on new developments via LINE app...

  2. "It's microphones for use in the heavenly realm because of the price that we learned about," he said.

    that's exactly it, mikes to communicate with ghosts, and here is the proof from another article:

    Sinsakorn Aroon, a 60-year-old official, told reporters yesterday that he saw a ghostly phenomenon inside Nari Samosorn Building at around 6 pm on Wednesday.

    Mr. Sinsakorn, who is in charge of the audio system in the Government House's press conference room

  3. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    actually I view a drunk driver as a lot more careless than this guy - it's all about potential to harm or kill

    I also know a lot of people here in LOS that boast about their extremely risky behaviour with casual ladies yet refuse to get tested for HIV or Hep, again equally as bad - high potential to contract and infect and not knowing you have it is no excuse in this case, the potential and understanding that you could have it and are spreading it are high and that is well understood by those involved - denial is no excuse for stupidity and risk

    At the same time this guy is extremely irresponsible and could possibly have some mental issues, if he was getting treatment and being properly medicated the risk of passing the infection to someone is now understood to be near enough zero so there is no excuse for acting irresponsibly

    actually I view a drunk driver as a lot more careless than this guy - it's all about potential to harm or kill

    Sorry, you have lost the plot here. Give me the choice of walking down the street knowing a drunk driver will pass me in a car in the next 10 mins, or being made to have unprotected sex with an HIV ridden ho then my risk management skills tell me which of the two situations I am most likely to be hurt by, and it is not the drunk driver. 30% of vehicle accidents are caused by drunk drivers, that means two thirds are caused by sober ones wink.png 100% of transfers of HIV are caused by one of the participants having HIV.

    you can think what you like and that is your opinion but unfortunately it is not as simple as you make out, there are two clear sides to this and it is complex, being made to have sex with an HIV ridden ho as you describe will never happen as you will never know - you have most likely done it already and got away with it, on the other hand if you have an encounter with a drunk driver as another road user you be very unlikely to get away unscathed - you see a car or other vehicle is a big heavy thing and will cause serious injury if you get hit by one, the chance increase exponentially if the driver is drunk

    I'm only using the drunk driver example to try and put this into perspective and I am also aware of a considerable number of people that do it especially in Thailand and think it's ok - it is not ok - you are putting other people at extreme risk of serious injury or death

    First the risks from both sides

    There is the responsibility of an individual at reducing their own risks or exposure to danger in every thing they do

    There is the responsibility of an individual to reduce the risk to others by their own actions in every thing they do

    how you evaluate both these situations is based on having sound knowledge of the situation - it is obvious that many posters so far on this thread have little knowledge and base their contribution to this thread from pure ignorance of the facts

    In saying that - the guy mentioned in the OP is extremely irresponsible and possibly criminal, as I mentioned before if he had taken responsibility for his condition and was being effectively treated then the risk to others is near enough Zero if not completely Zero, he took the responsible step of being tested (which most don't even though they know they should) but failed to follow through and get treatment - which would have protected himself and protected others from him, like already mentioned - this guy must have mental issues, no reasonably thinking person would do this

    Waste not all your time, bandwidth and brainpower in nitpicking over the actions or inactions of an a**hole, but rain down scorn and derision on a judge who is pussyfooting around a case only to appear politically correct, instead of adhering to his mandate to protect the public.

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  4. This guy is a complete loon. Defrock him and toss his sorry ass out.

    granted, he's got a screw lose, but his followers are definitely also infected. I'd say just let him get on with it, die...don't die...resurrect...bullet proof...public drama...donations until bankruptcy...and when those believers have lost all their money and are in debt for the next several generations, then they will realize that they had the wrong amulets...

    people's mindset when it comes to religious belief is very similar when defending political ideology...their collective IQ just goes down the drain, it's group dynamics...coffee1.gif

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