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Posts posted by klauskunkel

  1. ^^^ That would be a good idea M however...out of say 100 photogs you'd have 100

    different ways of achieving a good end result. Then many would copy each others

    stuff and in the end...there would be little individual creativity...just mass duplication.

    !00 eyes see the same subject matter differently...

    Tips & tricks would be nice...to an extent...because one ends up just copying

    anothers work/workflow in the end.

    As in your submissions...personally I like the end results, how you got there is

    really no concern to me & I'd rather you keep that to yourself...or many of us would

    be duplicating your work/work style....you see?!

    Take my strange "Blue Chair" pic...it begs to let the viewer know what little was

    done to get it to pop...and that's just it...very little was done. Folks who spend

    some time in the digital darkroom will know just how litle was done and doing

    so little is what I like best of all. Mind you I'm not saying I get it right "in camera"

    100% of the time however...coming from the ancient daze of film...we who shot

    heaps back then had to get it right in camera at least 90% of the time...without

    using the motor drive!

    I'd definitely go for a knobology/clickology thread on todays software as it can be

    rather daunting learning something new...not to mention time consuming.

    How U say sir?

    Well..., it's about Photoshop and altering pictures to achieve an effect. The manual is endless and the tutorials are tiring. I would rather discover a before/after result here and get the idea of applying the same to my unique picture and composition and maybe it works for me, and maybe not. I doubt it will create clones of somebody's style..., however, it seems a bit tedious to remember and recreate a particular workflow on a forum thread, and there doesn't seem to be much interest, so the thread either lives, or dies and I will not shed a tear either way, sniff.

  2. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    First rule in solving a problem is to identify the root cause.

    When a faucet is left turned on and water is flooding the basement, you would first turn off the faucet.

    Seems quite a number of posters here are young, or ignorant about history.

    Read up on the Boat People of the late 1970s, after the Vietnam War. Why are there none now? What closed that faucet?

    Are you a plumber, by any chance?

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  3. “For me, jail is normal. It’s not the first time I have been inside,” he said with a smile.

    ...wanna see my tats?

    “I was not surprised but I was very disappointed (about being arrested) because of all the support I have given to officials in the past,”

    ...translation not required.

    “During that time I received so many phone calls that my battery died. After that, I was advised by my lawyer to surrender at any police station nearby,”

    ...had to use a phone booth, no change and the lawyer's number is on the dead mobile - a true nightmare!

  4. How do you get those rings to appear around the sun?

    I believe they are actually sun flares. Normally, sun flares are at an angle from the sun and get bigger with distance. In this instance, my lens was centered in the same plane with the sun without any tilt whatsoever - so the flares become concentric and travel straight to your eye, and get bigger. The problem is, you can't really tell in the view finder if you hit it spot on, or not - so, it's one of those lucky shots...

    That's a really nice effect, but I think it has more to do with your camera and optics.

    Sun flares happen in the Sun and are local events out there (except when the flares eject particles to the earth and mess with ionosphere and therefore cause northern lights etc.).


    Halo would be closer one and happens in the upper atmosphere. The light from the sun reflect from the ice crystals which causes the ring effect around the sun. The area inside the ring is darker and outside it's brighter. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halo_(optical_phenomenon)

    The next one would be rainbows where the sun's lights are reflected inside water droplets.

    On your photo, the rings don't look like anything above. The outermost ring comes to the front of the yellow thingy which means the the light bends somewhere very locally. Therefore I think it's inside your camera.

    What kind of camera and settings did you use?

    Sorry, I meant to write 'lens flare', not sun flare - this is purely Singha's fault! The camera was a Minolta A2, fixed lens with f 11, 1/160, fill flash

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