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Posts posted by klauskunkel

  1. What a load of joyless,meàn-spirited, bitter, military boot-licking lot you yellow shirt fanatics are. You hover 24/7 over your machines ready to spit venom at any mention of the Shins or their supporters. Get a frickin life why don't you.

    Reading over the thread I see a lot of ribbing, some sarcasm and a bit of derision aimed at the former PM. Does she deserve it? Well, yes. For reasons covering every aspect of her persona, position, history, allegiance, performance and so on. To make it quite clear to you, why don't you name one thing, one single action, one lonely, little item that she did for the sole benefit of Thailand as Prime Minister...

    ...and while you are hunting for that elusive and mystical prey, have a look at your remarks above once again. Even if we are all joyless, bitter, mean spirited, at least we are not deluded.

    • Like 2
  2. Klaus, you got any tilt-shift glass?

    No have! But I want...and fisheye, I want fisheye, too. Thank you very much wai.gif

    Me want dooay!!!

    Chasing Canon TS-E's on Evilbay last few days. Metabones IV and slap it on the A7r, smokin' hot!

    Can't decide whether the 17/4 or the 24/3.5 MkII. Written off Samyang, this has to be perfect.

    Good luck on ebay, na khap!

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