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Posts posted by klauskunkel

  1. According to a government insider, the Tourism Authority of Thailand is now researching a scheme to provide free "Love Thailand" tattoo vouchers for arriving tourists in a bit to bolster Thailands international image, after all, if millions of farang publicly state they love Thailand that should do wonders for the tourism industry! The TAT has submitted a request to the governmnet to increase their budget by an undisclosed amount...

    In related news, the Ministry for Culture is trying to get in on the budget action by trying to limit the appropriate body parts that can be made available to the Tattoo scheme. They have submitted a request to the government to divert some of the TAT's budget increase to fund their research into officially approved body parts. It is rumoured that the TAT is not happy about this development...

    Further, the Ministry of Silly Walks, is also trying to partake in the Tattoo scheme frenzie, but has not been able to come up with a plausible contribution, yet.

    That's all folks, will keep you updated.

  2. So if the tusks had been 20 cm shorter at the time of the attack, the victim would have survived??rolleyes.gif

    Again it has been proven, that those beautiful and intelligent animals, should not be kept in captivity for our entertainment !

    did you read the whole article ,, if you did ,you will find it has nothing to do with that they do that to " free the spirit of the victim "

    ...and the spirit of the victim is about 20cm long...

  3. Makes perfect sense. They are planning to campaign for this, that's all. So, they will make a budget. Then they need funds. And more funds. These funds will be allocated to...someone, something(?!!). This is what they (civil servants, officials) do, it's their reason for being (moving funds from somewhere to someone). Whether the Chao Phraya deserves/has a chance to actually become a World Heritage site is not the point. The point is that some official can disburse funds in another scheme of national prestige, that's all. Makes perfect sense. Repeating myself...

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  4. What if?

    I come back from abroad and notify my address at Immigration. My wife (registered home owner) stays abroad longer and therefore can not go to immigration with me. Will she be fined?

    What if?

    I rent a home from owner who stays abroad. How is the owner going to notify my address to immigration?

    What if Thai law makers start making laws that make sense?

  5. Deputy PM Chalerm is ordering the Thai Police to attend madatory seminars in order to address the problem of misunderstood bribes taking:

    Quote: "the concept of bribes taking is part of the Thai culture, and all the officers need to learn is to keep up with the latest Bribes Taking Techniques"

    These are the seminars:

    1. Location, location, location (take your bribe in a small, enclosed, previously searched area) - step-by-step walkthru, you fool

    2. Camouflage (how to alter any identifying badges, decals, etc) - working with a dummy, you dummy

    3. Misdirection (theatrics, dramatics, sleight of hands to fool any casual observers) - take a lesson from your favorite TV star, you nitwit

    4. Proof? What proof?!!! (creative accounting, off-shore banking) - the pros and cons, you con

    At the successful conclusion of the seminars, the officers will be given a bribes taking certificate to show any snooping reporter that they comply with Thai culture requirements.

    Deputy PM Chalerm, having completed said seminars himself: "Just do it, dudes, your life will be so much easier, trust me!"

  6. As much as despise his deeds, I am almost as much disgusted by all these "kill him and castrate him", "castrate him and then kill him"...or whatever posts.

    Pedophiles are mentally sick.

    You don't wake up one morning and say "Oh...it is such a nice day...I think, I am going to FXXX a 10 year old!"

    It is as little a choice as is homosexuality, heterosexuality, necrophilia or what ever you can think of.

    If you are going on to ask for pedophiles to be killed...ask yourself: where would you stop? What is acceptable to you?

    Pedophilia? Rape?

    Okay...now what about your neighbor?

    We know, that in Thailand (f.e.) rape and pedophilia are obviously much more "okay" than in "the west".

    Do I say that is good? Hell, no!

    But there are countries, where homosexuality is seen as the most evil and despicable thing to do...so...they are going to kill some gays instead...and that would be...okay?

    Pedophiles are sick and they need help.

    Do they need to be punished for what they do?

    Yes, absolutely!

    have a look at this...and try to get a grip!

    Let the sh1t-storm begin...

    Pedophiles do what they do by their own choice. They know what they do is wrong and criminal, but when they "indulge" anyway, it is by their own volition alone. They have the choice to seek medical help, or to just "relief themselves" until the urge is gone...If they still commit these acts despite, then they themselves chose consciously to do it and I believe that they will continue until caught.

    Personally, I do not want my taxes to be wasted on a cycle of evaluation, rehab, reintegration and other "help". Why should they be helped after having proven that they see children as objects and not human beings? I believe acting pedophiles have forsaken their humanity and should not be accorded any rights or institutional assistance, which should be reserved for real human beings (...and same goes for terrorists)

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