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Everything posted by klauskunkel

  1. Yes, trust you. Trust you not to wear body cams, even though mandated by your own policies, trust you because can stand at attention for a photo op, trust you because you don't cheat at your own exams, trust you for protecting your image and not the public, trust you for decades of lies, extortions, crimes and cover-ups. I do trust you with one thing though, that your next attempt at deflection and white-washing will be even more pathetic and inept than the previous one,... and it's just around the corner.
  2. I see. And Thailand being a neighbor with Myanmar also has a role in resolving the conflicts there. And yet, neither country is doing anything about this respective issues, instead Erdogan is happily trading with Putin and Prayut is happily maintaining cozy relations with the Burmese Generals cum drug lords. What do you say "Don of the Myriad Issues"?
  3. that's like preferring a leech over a tapeworm, which parasite do you like better?
  4. but then he ate that tiger penis, and all bets were off...
  5. I also have True, and I experienced since a few months a daily reboot of the router. At first no big deal not to have internet for a few minutes during restart. Then it became much more frequent. I googled the problem and found one of the reasons for random reboot was overheating of router. Dusted it off and since then no problem.
  6. The police chief ordered a "transparent investigation". So, what could be more transparent than a timely release of the video footage?
  7. No, it doesn't. Same when RTP spoke to Interpol re Red Bull boy, didn't support their credibility, either.
  8. a roundabout way of saying "links to Government"
  9. A litmus test for Thailand's authorities Without knowing any facts, who would you rather believe: a visitor you don't know from a foreign country, or this uniformed person
  10. and the results are the same as his anti-corruption campaign
  11. Police happy for the increased extortion opportunities
  12. Deny all you want, it doesn't matter. Your credibility is shot and the blame for that is entirely yours.
  13. OK then, 60% corruption from RTP and 40% from Tourism Ministry (Phiphat going "huh?!?"). It's nice to be working for the good of the country. Too bad the country doesn't know what's good for it.
  14. they blacked out the license plate so the lottery numbers stay a mystery.
  15. and once this was accomplished, Thai officials discovered that there was indeed prostitution going on, which was previously obscured by the road cones, etc.
  16. does it give the lottery numbers?
  17. Another backup proof of residency I have in my pile of proofs when doing extensions is: a letter, utility bill in your name with your current address. It has never been asked for, but if they suddenly demand it trying to flex immigration muscle and make things difficult, I shall nonchalantly produce it on the spot with a smile an thwart the nefarious attempt.
  18. I may have an idea where those 80 Immi Offs were stationed...
  19. That's an unfortunate name choice
  20. Aah, promoting sportsmanship, that's the spirit, well done
  21. They are not "Russophobe", they are "Putinophobe", and yes, there is a difference. Here is to hoping that Putin will face that difference during his lifetime.
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