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Everything posted by klauskunkel

  1. All these junta-appointed Senators know quite well what to take into account: their own senate seat being most precious, gollum.
  2. he probably found a prostitute
  3. To False? (sorry, couldn't help it)
  4. "Don't wear these stupid gold chains you numpties, and don't trust hugs from non-existent prostitutes"
  5. Dinosaurs - once they are installed, they never leave.
  6. Prayut whom, he said, he has unfalteringly supported aided and abetted as head of a Palang Pracharath-led coalition government following the 2014 coup which the latter had orchestrated as army chief.
  7. TAT, the team with a plan: We plan to invent numbers that will stun the nation. Unlike previous numbers which were old numbers, these will be totally new numbers and never seen before, like: 27798 Trillion and 42. Enjoy.
  8. No wonder his girlfriend had a nose job...
  9. The Thai Justice Minister tax payers compensated 954,104 Baht to 12 victims
  10. From the article: That implies that government big shots have the capacity to actually care or think about the possible consequences of their actions.
  11. "I'm gonna Lese Majeste, anyone who doesn't agree with me..., except the ones I'm afraid of."
  12. They are not Smart Cities yet, but let's give them the logo anyway.
  13. NIDA poll asks how many idiots will be in the next government? 1) same 2) more 3) less
  14. First the start-up then the backflip and now the score: and Thailand wins again!
  15. My suggestion to the Media: when covering stories like this replace the word "man" with "idiot", maybe this will help to reduce the amount of incidents like this... (At the very least it would make for a laugh at their expense)
  16. Advice to Anutin and Co: Don't wipe the egg off your face just yet...
  17. You would not expect her to be so fat with all that dancing about! My guess is, the guys work for food but have to give her 50%
  18. Did the owner of that car demonstrate to his three sons how to do that? After a swig of ear medicine anything goes apparently
  19. I googled that, and I can see how that can make one horny: Mujra
  20. I wonder if the extramarital contortions may have taken place in the spacious backseats of a pink Bentley...
  21. Party leaders do the planning, not common members.
  22. Health Minister Anutin will check their covid vax, Transport Minister Chidchob will advise them about Thailands Zebra crossings and Sports Minister Phiphat will entertain them with cartwheels while they wait in line.
  23. To be very clear: it's not Covid chaos, it's Government chaos descending again
  24. A flock of Chinese? Like pigeons? Welcome, as long as you don't poop on my car...
  25. That's probably a typo: should read "Redneck Elementary School".
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