Prayut whom, he said, he has unfalteringly supported aided and abetted as head of a Palang Pracharath-led coalition government following the 2014 coup which the latter had orchestrated as army chief.
TAT, the team with a plan:
We plan to invent numbers that will stun the nation. Unlike previous numbers which were old numbers, these will be totally new numbers and never seen before, like: 27798 Trillion and 42. Enjoy.
My suggestion to the Media:
when covering stories like this replace the word "man" with "idiot", maybe this will help to reduce the amount of incidents like this... (At the very least it would make for a laugh at their expense)
Health Minister Anutin will check their covid vax, Transport Minister Chidchob will advise them about Thailands Zebra crossings and Sports Minister Phiphat will entertain them with cartwheels while they wait in line.