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Everything posted by klauskunkel

  1. Look here child, let me point out to you as swiftly, that if you had investigated the ramifications of legalizing cannabis properly instead of rushing the process you would have less of a need to fix this and address that - and as an added bonus all you politicians and lawmakers would look less like numpties... But since you all are numpties this concept is just way over your head.
  2. He then said that he had left all his ideas in China and would need to get more ideas from there. Officers replied that would be a good idea and suggested to put the new ideas in a brown envelope for easy access.
  3. Yes, the food was really good... and the free stuff!
  4. Tomorrow Chuvit will reveal the first letter of the powerful guy's name...
  5. He finally got his handshake picture.
  6. danger to youth: inadequate parenting religious reasons: Rastafarianism
  7. What's not to like: Unchecked corruption... No accountability... No oversight on anything... Uniformed Nincompoops in charge of a country with nuclear power...
  8. Yup, give 'em a good hug, that will make it better.
  9. None of them is "a great leader". Entitled, self-absorbed and easily offended.
  10. shouldn't there be a mechanism in place where the bank contacts the account holder regarding unusual activity?
  11. from the article: they should have taken the early bird special
  12. however, his contact with Hun Sen was up close and personal: With a hug and praise, Prayut and Hun Sen meet for first time in three years THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 2022
  13. This story is gonna get the Misunderstanding of the Year Award.
  14. Wow Prayut, all of that in one go? Would have liked to see your rehearsals in front of the mirror.
  15. hmm, see any similarities in pattern and color choices? or is this also showcasing another "Thai uniqueness"?
  16. as long as they don't challenge the rule of the dinosaurs
  17. such as forming the new Thai Whimsical Party.
  18. Phew, I'm safe for now...
  19. I explain it to you; A visa is like a new shirt. When you arrive at border control the IO looks at your shirt, the pattern, the weave and the fabric and decides whether this shirt is good enough to enter Thailand. If he lets you enter, your shirt changes its status from new to used. You are still wearing the same shirt, it's just used now, and you will wear this same shirt for your whole stay in Thailand. Some people have reason to change their shirt, maybe it became smelly after 45 days, or they are bored with it and want to try a different style, well lucky for those people there are forms that let them change their stiff-collared arrival shirts into for example more comfortable t-shirts. I hope this clears it up for you
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