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  1. Shouldn't the praise go to the producers, directors, and cinematographers?
  2. It looks terrible! Thanks for the heads up.
  3. Looks like feeding time at the pig farm.
  4. There is no legitimate reason why she or her brother should ever be allowed back in Thailand.
  5. If The Meteorological Department is predicting heavy rain, it's an ideal time to wash the car.
  6. The PM needs to take a step back... off a pier.
  7. Thai hot dogs topped with marmite. Now we're talking! 🤮
  8. Thai hot dogs are putrid. Nathan's and Hebrew National are the only ones I will eat, but have never found here.
  9. I hate everybody.
  10. Make Yingluck eat it.
  11. Every local pharmacy, including Fascino should have Nasonex 140 for about the same price as online.
  12. Disgusting.
  13. I like those snazzy green and black scarves. Very fashionable.
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