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Posts posted by curtklay

  1. If they want a copy of the departure card, why is it not listed in the required documents as the op pointed out?

    Why does every immigration office make up their own requirements?

    How can you know what they want, when they don't say so in their "official" rules?

    You can be totally diligent, and try to comply with every rule that they post, but they continuously come up with some nonsense like the wrong color ink, or the position of your passport on a photocopy.

    It's childish, and just a product of their own insecurity. "Play pen" is a perfect description.

    Or your insecurity. Trouble dealing with uncertainty? Want everything to be black or white?

    FYI the official rules allow each immigration officer a lot of discretion and flexibility.

    Uh...yeah. When it comes to government regulations, I do want it all black and white. It's called "standards".

    And I'd like to know where in the "official rules", it says "By the way, this is all just a suggestion. What is actually required of you depends on the immigration officer's mood".

  2. There is a flea and tick powder for dogs, that's active ingredient is PERMETHRIN. It does a great job of killing and controlling all types of ants. Sprinkle it on their trails, and cracks/crevices. They will be gone.

    The stuff is sold everywhere including Big C and Tesco. The bottle I'm looking at is brand named "Sleeky".

    I hate ants, and those big red ones are mean as hell. The Thais collect their eggs and eat them. sick.gif

  3. If they want a copy of the departure card, why is it not listed in the required documents as the op pointed out?

    Why does every immigration office make up their own requirements?

    How can you know what they want, when they don't say so in their "official" rules?

    You can be totally diligent, and try to comply with every rule that they post, but they continuously come up with some nonsense like the wrong color ink, or the position of your passport on a photocopy.

    It's childish, and just a product of their own insecurity. "Play pen" is a perfect description.

  4. It's all about job security. They sit there every day and perhaps have one or 2 bright events that someone ask for that re-entry thing. Go along, have some fun, making a copy does not hurt, bring her a coffee back. Easy.


    They just make us jump through hoops for entertainment.

    Let her get her own damn coffee.

  5. Whether it be burning, noise, littering, or sanitation, you will never be able to stop Thais from polluting. They have no consideration for you, and no concept of the future results of their actions.

    It's all about themselves and the present moment. Anything you try to do, will only make them hate you more. You will lose and be an exile.

    Building or buying a home here is a huge mistake, unless you are prepared and willing to live among the animals. I learned the hard way, much like you.

  6. Do we really need to see those photos of her lifeless body?

    The usual disgraceful reporting from Pattaya One.

    I think people complaining about such pictures in press reporting are over-sensitive.

    I also can't think of any benefits of hiding reality from the public.

    It's called "respect for the dead".

    I can't think of any benefit in showing those photos to the public.

  7. OK back on topic; Yes, it concerns me a great deal. The smoke here in Phrae province is horrible. Burns your eyes, congests your lungs, smells awful, and reduces visibility. It's worse than the years I spent in Los Angeles. In Chiang Mai last year, it reminded me of Northern California when forest fires were raging all around. Of course, it's a serious health hazard. Might as well take up smoking cigarettes. But I'm convinced nothing will ever be done here to combat it. The farmers will continue happily burning the fields, the unregulated vehicles will continue spewing smog, and the entire country will continue it's journey down the toilet. The good news? Thailand will probably run out of water first, so why worry about the air?

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