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Posts posted by curtklay

  1. True Visions doesn't give a damn what you think. When the girl said she would pass your complaint to the appropriate department, she meant the garbage can.

    They should REALLY upgrade their programming, instead of running 40 year old movies repeatedly day after day.

  2. Next time you're in Kasikorn Bank, take a look at their monitors and see what they're running...XP.

    If they're not afraid of it, why should you be?

    Microsoft is full of sh*t and always has been.

  3. I realize this is not Chiang Mai related, but this forum is as close as I can get.

    I am seeking an English speaking personal lawyer located in Phrae province, for general services such as drafting a Thai will, usufruct, and maybe a house sale.

    Nan or Lampang would be OK too.

    I see law offices around the Phrae courthouse, but was hoping somebody with some experience could give me a referral.

    Thanks in advance.

  4. I just did same, but at different office. Arrived at 10:30 am with all paperwork complete; told to go have lunch blink.png , and return at 1:00 pm and I would be served first. Returned at 1:00 pm. Sat there for an hour and a half while the officer took 2 people ahead of me. Finally called me up at 2:30 pm, took an hour to transfer the stamps. Left at 3:30 pm with my passports. Total time: 5.5 hours. The usual first class efficiency. saai.gif

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