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Posts posted by curtklay

  1. After contacting them several times, they told me it takes 90 days to process a refund (no explanation as to why). After 7 years of taking their crap, I was determined not to let them get away with ignoring me. On day 91, I emailed them again and said if they don't respond, the next call will be from my lawyer. I also said, "I know you think the 'old rich Farang' will get tired and just give up, but I assure you that isn't going to happen". Lo and behold, they replied with a date that they will make the bank transfer to my account. They did make the transfer on that date, and sent me an email confirmation. No interest though.

    Keep on 'em!

  2. It took 3 months of harassing them to get my deposit back. In the last communication, I told them what I thought of their crap service, and threatened them with a lawsuit. I also told them I was not going to give up and go away. They finally refunded the deposit (without interest).


    Honestly, they are the worst company I have ever dealt with in the entire world.

  3. Lazada is great! On the rare occasion when I have received an order that wasn't right, they have offered me the options of returning it for a full refund, or keeping it and receiving a credit voucher for the full value. And yes, they do offer COD for many items shipped from abroad.


    They have expanded their offerings to the point that there is no need to use Ebay. Ebay has become a total disappointment with corrupt sellers and their miserable Global Shipping Program. Amazon is still OK, but very limited on what they will ship to Thailand. Lazada is always my first choice.

  4. I have TOT Fibre 2 U service rated at 80/20, and it has been very satisfactory. However, for the past 3 days, international sites in the US have been very slow to connect with both ethernet and wi-fi. This has been especially noticeable with banking and financial sites. Speed tests on Ookla are normal, but testmynet has been all over the place at various times of the day. The test servers seem to be connecting to unusual locations like Japan instead of the usual Singapore or Vientiane.


    Anybody know if there are problems with the international gateway or under sea lines like we've seen in the past? Anybody else noticing slow speeds to international sites?


    I haven't contacted TOT yet, because I expect the usual "everything looks OK to us".

  5. Thai Post used to be very reliable, but over the past year has become a major problem. Nothing gets delivered except EMS or Priority with tracking number. To test them, I mailed a letter to myself from my local post office. I never received it. I wrote 2 complaints to [email protected] and had a visit from a regional inspector. He assured me that the problem would be dealt with, but so far I am still not receiving any mail.

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  6. 6 hours ago, SamuiRes said:

    Yes I do that with 3BB, AIS and True but TOT will not do that, CAT will but you have to call each time you expect a bill. It is often bills to my clients which get lost.

    TOT does have ebill and pay on line service. It's the only way I can stay current, as I suspect my postman throws my mail in the trash. EMS is the only mail that makes it all the way to me, and even that sometimes gets left in the mailbox with no signature. I have filed complaints and requested investigations, but nothing changes. Used to have very reliable service, but in the past year, it's totally unreliable.

  7. Why the HELL can't Thai Immigration STANDARDIZE their requirements?? There is no reason why one office should require some useless form, while the office in the next province doesn't. Quoting them the "official rules" does no good. My office still requires the antiquated medical certificate when renewing an extension, and God help you if you don't have it.

  8. Regular mail seems to be hit and miss lately. In the past 2 years, I have several cards that have never arrived. I call the bank, they cancel the card and send me a replacement by Fed Ex.


    Ironically, they initially point out that "for security, we send the card in a plain white envelope". But then they put no padding inside, so anyone handling the envelope can immediately know there is a card inside.


    I used to have total trust in the post office, but my experience now is without a tracking number, it's a crap shoot.

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