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Posts posted by crazygreg44

  1. Thanks for the like Greg

    luv ya fella

    But when you wake up my post was how to register motor vehicles. I can't age 5 years overnight and get a retirement visa. I'm not getting married. So what is your suggestion . Walk????


    like I said it before, register it on a thai person you trust , or calculate the 2500 THB monthly motosai rent into your budget.

  2. i am fine doin kickin the keyboard. In line with a few folks around the globe with whom I communicate eveery other day.

    Lookit, I was here when I was 42, working and doing visa runs, my Motosai was on the name of a good friend (thai)

    If you have been living here for 3 years, then maybe a few thai friends would do you the favour.

    Better, get the right visa. A Non Imm B , Non Imm O , gives you the right to register a motosai.

    Stop throwing dreams around, we don't need em

    I fully understand that if you have pimped the bike, it has kinda value for you . .I had a few choppers and I would have kicked you into the can if you came over criticizing me for not getting the proper tag.

    But that';s what life is about, gotta endure and sometimes fight

    • Like 1
  3. but you seem to have the wrong visa, that's not getting your motosai registered.

    and yes, 2500 THB for a full month rent of a motosai, Jomtien second road.

    you must be a newbie

    i am not going to bed, i am still there

    you simply cannot do certain things while on Tourist visa, Regardless of your three years living in Thailand.

    Hello, start to listen up

    register the bike on a thai friend for some dough, problem solved

  4. ask the next policeman for a suggestion.

    He will fer sure tax and make da motosai it legal for you.

    In Thailand, all about $$$$

    in Patters, 2500 THB rent a motosai for a full month.

    Why do you want your own, play superman on a pimp bike shining backed by a two month tourist visa ?

    Who are you, fer sure not Tim Sharkey . . . . .

  5. bite the sour apple, sell at wholesale producer price on the local market.

    Making ginger Orange marmelade does not pay off.

    some people chip it into tiny pieces and dry. An addition for ginger teas.

    Well my bet is, slicing and drying is the best thing before you let it rot away.

    not many Thai like Ginger,,,,,, they love Pla Ra much more

  6. took the police ONE HOUR of negotiation ??

    oh yeah, Thais love to play !!!!

    I would say this is a benign and very polite act of the police forces !!! This shows the real Thai concept. Jai yen yen !!!!!!

    In Russia, they woulkd have suffered the fate of the Pussy Galore. In the USA, they would have got shot ( if black, real fast, not a 4th second of doubt, and if white, by a 10 second lapse)

    Kudos for the Thai police to have intervened so lightly onto the perpetrators

  7. Maybe the seats were reserved for monks, like they are on riverboat taxis in Bangkok, amnd in buses. The Video doesn't clearly show any signs but maybe this seat was reserved for monks

    Crazygreg eh...........hmmmm maybe he could just have the whole train to himself eh?

    you didn't get my point, so here it is, again. Have you never noticed the signs that reserve certain seats for monks in public transport ? In the video the corner of the seat is always blocked from viewing . . if there was any sign it would have been posted there. And I made sure I wrote 'maybe' . . . . no offense meant

  8. well, he is on a train, and offers his seat to a lady. Then he moves about, searching for an alternate seat, sees the monk who is ccupying two seats, in a sleeping position.

    Would YOU wake the monk ?

    IMO, I would not. Not in Thailand. Live and let live.

    I wouldn't ever mind this monk occupying any two seats, or maybe three, or maybe more. Leave him alone I would think.

    It 's very impolite to wake up sleeping people and point out that the seat next to them must be cleared.

    I would however, act so in any western country. Because in these places, we have a f...g right to a seat. The train

    personell will agree with you.

    Not so in accordance with the culture here.

    You might consider monks being scum, useless, beggars and lazy guys trying to avoid work, pretending to pray for the goodness of us all, but Thais think very differently of them. You are guests here and are asked to respect the cultural roles

    Maybe the seats were reserved for monks, like they are on riverboat taxis in Bangkok, amnd in buses. The Video doesn't clearly show any signs but maybe this seat was reserved for monks

    • Like 1
  9. hell yeah you should savour the table loaden with fruit Thailand has to offer. Admire and praise.

    Never got beyond apples and cherries at home ?

    Thailands fruits need a though shell , so they can fend of insects and ants. That's why so many fruits have extra thorns, two finger thick shell and all the protective housings. Don't worry, man like you can and will crush through.

    And believe me, it's more healthy than your I Scream or oven baked poo poo whatever

    eating Thailands rich diversity of fruits could make you invulnerable, if there wasn't the daily smokescreen your neighbours so much love to lighten up.

    Thanks to a meal of litschis while the scent of burnt polyester waffers around tour breakfast table

  10. If you are traveling on visa-exempt or with a tourist visa, bring these documents for your extension:

    1. Your onward flight ticket or eTicket out of Thailand within the 30 days

    If I flew into Thailand with a tourist visa on a one way ticket, going to Immigration before the 60 days are over and asking for a 30-day extension, would a bus ticket out of Thailand within these 30 days be as good as an airline ticket ?

    For example, I I travelled out of Thailand on the bus tour from Chiang Mai to Luang Prabang , or on a TOUR to Phnom Pen . . . . . would this be sufficient proof of onward travel if I can show them the tour / bus ticket ?

    Does it have to be an AIRLINE ticket out of Thailand ?

  11. Possibly the jelly fish are spawning again

    they only spawn in the rainy season, when sweetwater pouring down on near beach areas allows them to spawn along in footdeep waters.

    In the meantime, things that have a faint resemblance of jellyfish, but actually are the remains of lady's tampoons that managed to flip over the walls of dumps, will greet you a welcome to beaches of the likes of Pattaya, Jomtien, Hua Hin , Cha Am and a few others

    I would not want to swim on any beach of the bay of Bangkok, but enjoy the hotel pool. Staying at the beach, relax in a chair, eat, drink, watch people . . yes, always!

  12. angelina jolie got a sak yant by arjan noo and i know of one girl that did the same.

    you know of one, I'd say we know of tens of thousands that went to see Ajaarn Noo after he tattooed A.J.

    He is the best paid tattooer on earth, maybe only to be topped by Horiyoshi of Nakano.

    250 bucks in 20 minutes, try to top that. One day has 20 x 20 minutes, sums up to 5K bucks a day.

    would you not love to fumble around with a sharp stick for 100K a month, minus the incense ?

    No kidding, that's what is is, That's why Ajaarn Noo puts up with such a mollified, earnest face.

    The CHARM and the STRENGTH of a SAK YANT must come to you, no matter what

    Just stop kidding or bickering about people who choose to be tattooed by him. It is something special.

    To be honest i am sure there are farang tattoers out there that get such clientale. So many people have tattoes nowadays. Almost all sports stars for example from the west and i am sure they get theirs done by some top farang tattoist who charges them premium prices and it's accepted nobody mocks him for it.

    yes, there are in the west . .TOP Tattooers who take 250- 400 USD and more per hour.

    But not compared to the time rate Ajarn Noo takes to complete a 250 Dollar tattoo. He is one of the fastest

    Myself I used to work in a streetshop tattoo. We got paid per 30 minute wise. I made 300 USD every other day and compared to what Ajarn Noo is doing, I feel like a poor old sod

    PS I never intended this to be a mocking post. My intentions are pure and real. If people feel offended, I kindly offer them mailing a 3oo THB mirror with EMS on my own expense.

    Have your day

  13. hotels overflow toilet dumps.

    Everywhere in Thailand, Hua Hin has got them. Parts of beaches black or gray sand, because the feces runoffs mix with the sand.

    Why do you wonder, you are in a country that has very low standards of hygiene, environment and waste awareness.

    go seek for the more 'white' beaches down south Thailand if it offends you

    • Like 1
  14. angelina jolie got a sak yant by arjan noo and i know of one girl that did the same.

    you know of one, I'd say we know of tens of thousands that went to see Ajaarn Noo after he tattooed A.J.

    He is the best paid tattooer on earth, maybe only to be topped by Horiyoshi of Nakano.

    250 bucks in 20 minutes, try to top that. One day has 20 x 20 minutes, sums up to 5K bucks a day.

    would you not love to fumble around with a sharp stick for 100K a month, minus the incense ?

    No kidding, that's what is is, That's why Ajaarn Noo puts up with such a mollified, earnest face.

    The CHARM and the STRENGTH of a SAK YANT must come to you, no matter what

    Just stop kidding or bickering about people who choose to be tattooed by him. It is something special.

  15. Ajarn Noo could claim to best the best paid tattooer of the world. . . . .

    not kidding you , but after the Angelina Jolie deal, tens of thousands of ladies stormed his place,

    He can do a mantra tattoo within 15-20 minutes and it's 250 Dollars.

    Imagine his turn around of a single day, like I said, they SWAMP him waiting out there if necessaray for a few days just to be tattooed by the guy who tattooed A.J.

    I wouldn't joke about him . .he is real

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