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Posts posted by crazygreg44

  1. It doesn't need a fri....g banker to do the job.

    Anyone with a good education and the right mindset can project a solution for the OP. Maybe the OP has no friends he can trust, or he would have brainstormed this a long time ago, nor does he seem to have insight into Thai Law, the way things are done here and so forth.

    The Forum is a good way to receive a multitude of No's , Go's and "whaddaf"s . . I am lookin ahead of the next few posters and their opinions. At least there's a few old dogs here good at sniffing the bottom of the pit

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  2. I feel for you -- setting up anything which has to survive long after you've gone is a nightmare for the financially inept, but still avaricious folks. I am NOT a financial advisor -- which is what you need -- but I know from personal experience that some forms of life insurance will pay out profits/bonuses every so-often. Some can be made into paid-up policies after a few years normal contributions. Take the policy out on the life of the beneficiary and everything will stop after the final payout when they die. You can arrange for that to be no more than will pay for funeral expenses.

    Buying any asset (gold, stocks, etc) will not survive you any longer than it takes them to work out how to sell it all, and leave themselves impoverished again. sad.png Buying life insurance for yourself is extremely dangerous. It's a nightmare and a minefield all rolled into one facepalm.gif

    You are so right. Definitely not easy. Got good bankers working on it, but bad timing during holidays. There must be a way via a foundation (Stiftung in German) or such, but now mostly taxed and costly. Let's hope for some great minds on TV. OMG. so much to do, so little time. THX> MS.

    "Stiftungen" im Thai Recht ?? Water is flowing uphill in Thailand, yes, we all know. The best would be a construct that leaves the family without a satang, at the very outcome. Why oh Why would you trust lawyers, "asset managers", Stiftungsmanager" and all this insurance busines scum ahead of and don't trust the family you mentioned you are carrying a high respect for ?

    Not to speak of the many hands that will need to get greased and the Tea that goes over the platters.

    Nobody in his right mind would give away the proceedings into the hands out-of-the-family people . . . . . onlt to loose a fair amount, if not al, to the vultures that will come hacking away your project

  3. i would suggest, one third - 4 million THB - in a Thai Bank, fixed account in your name but with recurring monthly payment ( lets say, 30,000 THB) to another Thai account being held by one of the family members. A valid Thai will must be made, that will make sure in case of your death your account will be transferred into the mother's name.

    The second third, another 4 million - I would invest in Thai Gold bullion - not costume jewelry (!!) as the share of the making costs are way too high per Thai Baht Gold weight ( 800 Baht !!) - and rent a safe in a reputable bank in your AND her name, keeping but all the keys to yourself ! Put all the gold into the safe, give one key to a notary public in your country (take two witnesses and a last will nailing this deal) along with an envelope with enough money that will enable the notary public to fly over for a 3 week prime (prime meaning give him at least 6000 Euros to highball) holiday in Thailand (after your demise) and once he's over there, hand the keys to Mom. Make sure the share their adresses and phone numbers. Instead of a notary, you could also ask a close friend or relative whom you fully trust , to do you this favour.

    The last third - 4 million THB - I would invest in rice fields. The more rai rice fields the family owns, the less they have to worry about inflation. It is said that around 200 rai of rice fields will enable a family to stop working and make a living by the rice fields alone. Given your 4 Million Thai Baht, you can buy around 70 rai of rice fields. The price strongly depending on the location and the yields and if it can be planted once only or two times every other year. 70 rai is a nice startover for every family and will yield a steady yearly income. Of course the rice fields should be somewhere near the home of the family, so they have at least easy access to it.

    If the family many years later decides to sell everything, and blow it in the wind - which I doubt they will - then that is something you will not experience any more, so whadda f..k ! They can and will not sell in your lifetime, you made sure of that. If the family decides to have many many children in the near future, and spread the wealth among each of the kids with each inheritance coming up, some 100 years later all of them will end up being poor again.

    It's easy and it's the chinese families that have been disciplined and smart enough never to part again from wealth once achieved, but this is something the Thai/Lao families are not clever enough at

    NEVER . . and I am begging you . . . never make up a contract with a "life" or however they call the cheaters out there - insurances !!!!!!!

    The only one earning is the insurance, don't believe the crap they sell and tell.

    By the way you can pm me in german if you like some brainstorming around this matter

    Nicely put, but you miss the most fundamental problem. As soon as the investor dies, the family will be able to undo all that good work. The intention here - if I understand the OP correctly - is to set something up which is cast in stone and they can not undo to get their hands on capitol when the investor dies. Rice fields can be sold - for example - and the money would not last more than a couple of months wink.png

    yes that is a point. But as I said, why would the family risk selling all, and mainly, for WHAT to buy with THAT money ? Cars? Tractors for what land? Simply consumer goods ? Sell rice fields to buy gold, when they know gold is awaiting them ?? I'd rather say that they would see the bullions in the safe and the rice fields a fantastic investment, for their own benefit and securing their future. Nor would they sell rice fields within the life of the OP if they are what he states - a respectable family.

    All these farang constructs that involve lawyers who have a hand on any assets, will only bring the vultures about. Not the family vultures, no, I am referring to the ones in law.assets and insurance businesses

  4. they run a test on Frankfurt airport last week, and smuggled guns across the security checks.

    They blame it on insufficient training of the security staff, improper identification of critical items on the x-ray.

    When will they realize that my kneecap, my fists and my drawing pencil are all but deadly weapons, if you master Jiu Jitsu

    Total safety = total dream

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  5. I am in Thailand on a Non Imm OA visa for 6 years and have done my extensions - for retirement purpose - here at Chong Sa Ngam , using the 800,000 THB in the bank method since. I visited Chong Sa Ngam Immigration today and was told they cannot issue any more extensions through their immigration office. All requests will have to be made at the Sisaket immigration from now on. Reason, Sisaket is directly responsbile to Bangkok where in the future all computer data will be kept. Chong Sa Ngam as a subdivision is now considered a no go.

    Maybe this is of interest for somebody here on Thai Visa, so I'd make sure to have posted this

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  6. I am saying Hi to Supan Buri, I used to live and work there, swell pretty relaxed place, met a few farang then and by and we always hung out after work, in one of the many eatery places . . . .

    Sweet memories . . .

    I bet you won't find it too hard to meet a few expats, and I wish you all a nice time out together . . . !!

  7. I can side that, I have never been sick from my own cooking, and a lot of my food came from the open tubs at the Tesco or local markets. You should however buy there with open eye and open senses. Use your nose to determine if to buy the shrimps or the fish, or not. I have never seen green meats being offered in these tubs. I however believe some of the posters here that wolfed meats turn green after one day in the fridge at home.

    Eating out carries by far more risks of food poisoning . . . simply by wrong HANDLING of foods, wrong storage, bad hygiene of the cooks and the staff. Bad hygiene of cutting boards, cups and plates and kitchen equipment. I have personally experienced unaccounted for sh...tery days from restaurant food, too many to describe in one book let alone here on TV.

    The OP is right, the shelf life of bacteria is the question, and the amount of bacteria can double very quickly during a day in the open tubs, opposed to all the airborne bacteria, but I can rest assure, I have yet to see anyone sneeze right in front of the tubs, or touch the meat with their hands (even Thai people would give the person doing so an angry glance!) so I think the fear is neglectible. Of course only assured the staff manning the meat and fish tubs are conform with hygiene handling . . . their handling alone counts, not the people walking past the displays . .

    the risks of a stapphylococcus infection by abrasions or cuts in the skin, or the infection of small wounds, is much higher than the risk of food poisoning. I tend to be very wary of not to scratch at mosquito bites, as the amount of bacteria on your skin after an afternoon out can be amazingly high !

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  8. I paid a taxi driver 250 Baht, just the 50 Baht note was a 500 Baht note.

    And out of the taxi I was and I walk fast.

    He needed 5 min and across the airport to catch me and give me back the money.

    I gave him 250 Baht (half of it).

    Good Thais, bad Thais

    Good Farangs, bad Farangs

    Before in a small shop where I bought beer, they always calculated the prices wrong, up or down equal, often a few days later they told me that they overcharged me and gave back the money (they weren't the brightest, but honest).

    I'd say you are bad at maths. 250 Baht is not half of the 450 Baht change he returned to you.

  9. i think this post would be better placed in the Thai speaking forum

    Me think the warning is corrrect. It is aimed at 'winter tourists', so they actually mean THAI tourists who are coming in doves to the north to experience the cold snap. They are warning their own people.

    Farang are not 'winter tourists' in Thailand . . . never seen any of them, carrying skiing equipment or spiked shoes to Chiang Mai and ask the guesthouse owners where one can do the alpine trekking tours . .

  10. we assume you buy at the market and cook for yourself, leaving no doubt that no one with mai pen rai attitude can spoil your meal.

    proper cooking destroys bacteria on meats . . it not rocket science. It needs to be really infested and days old and smelly , to cause you harm

    if in doubt after frying or boiling meats, torch the bacteria directly with a flame thrower.

    Yes I know I always watch and wonder how thai customers pick up and throw the meats around in the bucket with their bare hands . . and nobody complains.

    That's why I don't eat fresh salads or sushi (!!!) in a thai restaurant ,only processed food, only deep fried or boiled stuff

    Staying around the same place will but soon get your intestinal system used to the local bacteria, and the problem is solved by adaption . . .

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  11. I must have gotten a bad LEO because it was rank. I thought it was from Lawson or 7-11 but I may have picked it up from a mom and pop shop.

    In the US we have 40oz beer bottles, imagine how many Farang heads would be mashed by Thais with those? Probably better only having 16oz bottles for Thailand.

    BTW I found Carlsberg in a Phuket "bar", do the Danish dump a bunch of no name beers in Thailand too?

    you may have noticed that in some supermarkets, you can buy CARLSBERG. And EACH bottle carries the tax strip across the top.

    They used to brew locally and gave up on it. The bottles you can buy in Thailand have been brewed in Singapore and get imported, taxed bottle by bottle !

    my advice, always check the filling date of the beer before you buy ( which is not easy in a bar where you always need to drink and pay for at least one before knowing the date. I wouldn't dare ask the staff "how old is that beer you serve in here place?" )

  12. could you explain this, what a craft beer is ?

    It seems to have become the term for small production 'artisan' beers from independent breweries. These guys are the main players in Bangkok - http://www.seekbeervana.com/

    IPAs seem pretty popular, hoppy stuff in general.

    thanks, ,kudos for the info and the link !! Very interesting !

    I wasn't aware these 'craft' beers ever existed. Only that in every backwater bavarian village, there are at least 2 or more 'craft beer' brewers and they have always been there.

    These beer bars seem to be rich heirs latest cry , considering the investment needed for brewery vessels, bottling and cool storage.

    In Germany nobody is allowed to use other ingredients than what's listed by the german beer regulation ( only hop, water and malt ) and only these three ingredients !

    that means, no honey, no sweeteners, no artifical additives . . . . in case you use any additional ingredients, in Germany they cannot use the term 'beer' , only 'fashion drink XYZ' or 'mike's sleazy lemonade' . .

    google "Reinheitsgebot"

    I am considering opening a HIP bar in Bangkok. I could brew a good ole fashioned anglosaxon "MET" , using honey, krathom leaves and each bottle containing a small amount of crushed & powdered 'blue pill' product. The BEER of all BEERS helping people of different genders meet each other . . .

    Wouldn't my customers be stoned and happy together for the rest of the night ??

  13. could you explain this, what a craft beer is ? I am from Germany, does this mean the local brewery's specialty ? Like Belgium, where there are literally thousands of different beer brands ?

    "Homemade" grandma & grand dad's secret receipe beers ?

    I am aware large breweries are importing 50 liter kegs to Thailand, which would hit the term "draft" beer

    Is Tawandaeng Beer a 'craft" beer ?

    methink I see your point ,. . .more and more beer specialties being imported to mix up the same same array of local beers . . .

  14. I would always prefer a two weeks old LEO to any other drink. It is fresh and tastes fresh. Don't know how long a San Miguel would sit in a container shipped in from the Phillies and waiting in the hot sun at Laem Chabang harbor for the trucks to haul them away, not to speak of the Corona's and all those "hip" beers. It's the same with most wines . . . they have already been hopelessly overheated before they end up in the restaurnat's fridges.

    Some breweries now import in large containers and bottle the beer in Thailand, I believe.

    Ok your HIP Bangkok bar would serve imported specialties, but don't expect them to taste as fresh as they should, due to the import delay and the overheating during transports. An imported Paulaner in Bangkok will never taste as it would in Germany. Same with imported english dark ales.

    There will be exceptions, if an uninterupted cooling chain had been maintained during shipment, but this is rare

    You mean imported DRAFT beers ( not craft) . . indeed, they are offered in hip bars in Bangkok, but I hard to be found elswhere in Thailand.

    Have you ever been at the Tawandang Beer House in Bangkok ? They sell draft beer that has been brewed in Bangkok, by themselves. Never had a more tasty brew than in their beergarden !

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