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Posts posted by crazygreg44

  1. the Taksin logo should be a photo of an abandoned telephone booth. There's tens of thousands of villages in Thailand where abandoned not in use anymore phone booths TELL THE STORY WHAT REALLY HAPPENED UNDER TAKSIN.

    many villages have already cleared the abandoned phone booths so nobody will be able to track down the biggest scam that ever happened in Thailand.

    Just a hint : When Taksin ordered all copper telephone lines to villages to be withdrawn and sold, because he swept the country with his "1000 THB free for the take" mobile phone campaign, he must have made a fortune by selling all that copper.

    My mind boggles when I am trying to imagine how much copper he collected from the let down of landlines under his governship. The company that did the job was his own company. All the profits went into his coffers. He bought the landlines for 1 THB from Telecom Thailand jointly to the mobile phone new deal.

  2. maybe all Thais still admire the unseen, not understandable thing that surrounds Adolf ?

    Mayhaps they wear this uniform in order to claim " we are thai, we do it as we like"

    Thailand was a Nazi and japanese ally in WW2 . . we've got to beware,

    Although i don't sense anything Nazi-like when i visit Central , Big C or Robinsons, I shiver from the thought that if the Junta will arrange an extra law along the martial law, that says all foreigners must be arrested, methink when you salute "Heil Hitler" to the arresting offices it might have an impact. At Least he would come down to discuss what a fantastic person Adolf was.

    Never forget . . we live amongst narrow minded, so please don't give a royal fart to their opinion. Live your life and don't be offended at seeing Nazi parade uniforms . . .

  3. point is, looka, I am self employed, have to get a license from the board of commerce in just any frriggin country, and obliged to pay taxes.

    Uber just cuts in , download their app and makes privateers who own cars start to transport people for payment.

    Who, by any means, should support this invasion calling out for the illegal use of cars ?

    UBER should be banned until their drivers apply to local laws, register themselves and pay taxes and license fees.. and that's only rightful means,

    above all paying taxes on your profits.

    I really want to see the driver who after all the loopholes closed, wants to work under UBER

    The prices are to rise, that's for sure, for registered taxis and for Uber wheel pushers

    20% and in some countries it is 30% , UBER is an attack to our right to make commerce worth while for the people who comply to laws, pay their

    taxes and succumb to checks on the technical oompoo of their transporatations.

    UBER contributes NOTHING and wants to earn EVERYTHING. Uber does not control the safety of your taxi, not does it guarantee to pay for your

    hospital bill, in case the taxi gets involved into a cruel accident.

    Such practises should be banned for the sake of protecting people. Ban UBER for the sake of all the values that made our society's strong and made people to stand up for each other if shit happens. Don't let impersonators take over your business.

    • Like 1
  4. Sorry, but I didn't understand what you mean by "mountain spring water" and "A..a". Prices, names, phones, please. And I will decide if it is good for me and if it is equivalent to beer which I'm not drinking.

    Sorry i didn't make it clear . .i though it was against forum rules to propose a certain commercial product.

    AURA bottled in 1 liter bottles.

    Mountain Spring water from up north. Source of all the minerals you need. Even laboratory listed on the bottle. All these "reverse osmosis" or "ioniozed" water maybe good for filling an odd car battery, but not for daily consumption (although there are no rules against it).

    AURA from Rimping mountain spring. Taste it and compare it to all the other crap out there. It's my number one choice of drinking water, beats Nestle by far.

    Include it in your budget, don't mind the costs. It's also a great water to run an espresso machine with, or just filter/stir coffee or tea.

  5. Our pickup uses Bridgestones, they are expensive but thay have lasted over 70,000 clicks and still good. I got new ones and gave the Bridgeys to the brother in law, because the ones he used on his pickup were down bald !

    That was one year ago and he still uses them.

    It's a nick above 24,000 THB for a set of 4 new Bridgeys, but I would always do it again, Very good grip on wet roads, very good traction.

    Me think you can have tires for half this price, but then you must sum up all the advantages of the more expensive ones. If you are just doing small trips on village roads, down to the market and back, that's fine. If you are planning holiday trips, crosscountry up north and south of Thailand, better get quality pneus.

    We ran into a nail last year, I took the brand new spare tire plus added one new onto the axle, and replaced the spare tire with the punctured one after they had it fixed. Keep in mind, sometimes light bends in the steering rods can result in uneven wear of the front tires. Always check and have the steering alightened in case such a situation arises. It's not uncommon here due to all these sudden dashes into large potholes when unattended a glimpse of an eye. Check your steering from time to time . . . on an even, flat road let the wheel go and see if your car keeps driving straight

    Badly alightened steering can ruin even a brand new quality tire real quick - they wear out unevenly

  6. that's why the numbers of inpatients in hosptials of Pattaya and also elsewhere in the country, who are suffering from lung problems and asthma, is on an alarmingly constant rise.

    In BKK and Pattaya, the pollution from the cars and smoking, fuming , badly maintained diesel Songtheows, and in upcountry it's the everyday use of barbecues combined with the constantly ongoing burning of trash, plastic, food leftovers and worn out shoes.

    I thought General P would step up meaures against all this, but I have probably got to bury all my hopes

  7. Drink mountain spring water, from the nothern mountains. all minerals your body needs every other day. Drinking this "osmosis-ionized-three times pissed through water" inside kegs . . . of which no one knows when was the last time they desinfected the containers. . . .

    I guess folk's stomach bacteria will get used to it over some time. but I cringe, knowing the level of sanitation and hygiene which is practised here.

    This stuff is like you would be off with a "reverse osmosis" cartridge under your sink, connnected to the municipal water supply. Don't expect "Perrier" or "Vittel" quality, just redefined, pissed through several times crap water. At least, in Pattaya. In some places upcountry it depends where the tap water source is from, the better, the more upgraded the water of these large bottle deliveries will come out.

    Patters, all tap is said to come from Lake Maprachan . . correct me if I am wrong

    I used to drink this cheap keg water, until I started to suffer from cramps in my legs, indicating that this stuff sucks all minerals and salts from my body. Since I drink "A..a" I never had this problem again.

    Tasty and good water has a price. It's equivalent of the price for 10 bottles of beer per month, so better start to give yourself the best

  8. walking down the aisle of central, i often encounter young thais leaving a shop will just cut into my way.

    I have gotten used to just keep walking and crash into them from behind. When they turn around I put on my biggest grin but don't say anything.

    As this is exactly they way the behave themselves, I never have a problem with this. Their expression sometimes suggests that I might have just hurt them a bit with my hard knuckles, but they would NEVER loose face and admit as they know exactly who was cutting into whom

  9. i live in the sticks nearby, the situation is much better now. I get a 3G signal and my GF even gets an H+ signal on our AIS prepaid Internet SIM cards. Two years ago I used a dongle as well, but have switched to using the AIS netsim with a smartphone, and activate the hotspot WiFi when checking my Email on the laptop and surfing the internet. Works slow sometimes and in the evenings, but it's acceptable

  10. Thai soul ? Working hard, get paid nothing. Send your children to school , don't expect them to wisen up.

    Thai soul ? trying to cope with above, and be happy despite all the hardship.

    And yes, family !! Sit together, chat, eat Somtum

    I don't know many of the middle and upper class Thais, they would probably want to have a say on this, as it is


    I would say the soul of Thais is "not giving up and try a smile" but this might not really be a favourite TAT motto

    • Like 1
  11. i generally wouldn't trust any of these "insurance" companies in Thailandm, that's fer sure. There might be som many hidden backdoors for them so you or your wife use the claims. Terms which are in the smallpint which you cannot understand.

    And by the way, any company that would promise me to pay back all my contributions after 20 years plus a 50,000 THB gratification, that alone is A BIG RED FLAG .

    But what do I know ? Maybe it is a safe thing to do. THailand has a law system, and the Insurance has to comply

  12. WOW this is absolutely amazing. I am still wondering how this accident went from the beginning stage to the end. The pickup on top of the totally wrecked car seems to have been left unspoiled. I am trying all my imagination to glue the action togehter piece by piece.


    It was the country's BEST Tourist motto ever, and still is

    • Like 1
  13. there's more in this story from the OP that he is willing to tell here. He says, he bought the house on mortgage, and he bought the car on mortgage as well. Both in the name of HER.

    Can he please explain here, how came he was granted mortgage from a Thai bank ?

    Can a foreigner use deposits which he owns ( inside or outside of Thailand) as a guarantee for the issueing bank, and then buy the house & car in HER name ? It SMELLS.

    That must have meant she must have had either a lot of money parked on HER account ( in order to be granted able to receive a mortgage from the bank) or other feasible guarantees. Or illegal (proxy!) company ?

    In which way this could change the course of a divorce case in front of the court, I have absolutely no idea but we should expect the OP to clarify or leave the thread abandoned

    because, if he claimed all that money back out of her account , for himself, after the house and the car was bought, and destroyed the old bankbooks, she has a fair stand as all this is recorded by the bank. However, as one poster already stated, giving her money to buy the house is illegal (proxy!) that would leave him the sole proprietor with a court order to sell and compensate court & state. . .BUT ONLY IF HE ALWAYS ACTED ACCORDING TO THE LAW

    all of it being on mortgage, does mean he NEVER gave her any money ?!

    gentlemen, this thing smells

  14. your observations are right . . . the weather patterns have changed slightly. The "dry season" can now involve getting wet, as the "cold season" might turn out to be extremely cold.

    I bet it is just the extremes that are on a rise, not the overall patterns. What I want to say with this, is, the little amount of rainfall in Pattaya during December according to the statistics, has just begun to reach new levels.

    As someone who has not lived in Pattaya one hundred years ago, I cannot with accuracy state that the weather has indeed changed. One needs to see clear over long periods, not over the past 5 to 10 years.

  15. I don't think so. In older threads it was stated, that in Vietnam, your foreign - or Thai - drivers license is not valid. Also they do not allow right hand steered cars. Maybe the rules have changed, but I doubt it.

    You can cross border into Laos with a thai car. No 'international plates' are needed, just the "T" sticker. You need the purple passbook along with the blue passbook of the car, for leaving Thailand and entering Laos. Both country's immigration agents need to clear the papers. Then you buy insurance on the Laos side. The papers they issue at the border are good for 30 days in Laos.

  16. As I wrote in my first post I planed to declare everything, pay tax, customs and do not import illegal things. Some people here think its a funny advice to do illegal things, but I cleary pointed out that I don't want to do that. If they can't answer the question they could just not answer instead of giving stupid answers.

    that's what you do.

    keeping within rules surely helps.

    I found out by a search in zoll.de , that importing parts of plants (lemongrass) is actually not allowed.

    Cheese, meat products, hams, are not allowed to enter Schengenland. I have not checked Thai side, but assume they will play by the same route

    myself and credited scores of TV members have succeeded in importing Camemberts, Chocolates , French hams and tinned fish & foie gras, without any problems. don't try it with Whiskys. Only one liter.

    Gemstones and metals will and must be treated as commercial goods, entering Schengen.

    As matter of fact, I have in the past only brought into Germany Thai crafted goods made of carved wood, spices, satchels of spice products, lemongrass ( which actually is illegal), but I have brought into Thailand ( i confess!!!,yes) Espresso machines, Ice maker machines, Pizza ovens and 47 Size shoes. (awaiting TV members to bitch)

  17. aye, the TV member who promoted to enter Thailand within the next ten years, using a belgian passport, might have got the problem nailed

    Your question is a really difficult one to solve. If you are not proficient in Thai language, you may never find the answer in thai government websites, let alone in forums. Best is to call the relevant agency in Thailand . .. i.e. the recruitment office

    post script :

    if you are not able to retrieve telephone numbers by internet search, let me know. If I fail it is Ubon Joe's time

  18. Better idea! Tell everyone in your country Thailand ain't the place to stagger around in a drunken or drugged out haze!

    Ironically it seems the area - Asok to Thong Lo - is more dangerous in the daytime.

    then what about the nightime ? Isn't that when the BIB's are mostly earning their share ?

    If this is an isolated case happening only in the Tonglor Police Station Area, call Prayut !!

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