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Posts posted by crazygreg44

  1. Leo in a 'hip' bar?

    LEO is probably the best distributed beer everywhere in Thailand. Maybe not on Khaosan Road, but in the rest of the country outside tourist hotspots, I would rather be able get a LEO than a Heineken or Archa. Chang also well distributed but not as competitive as LEO. Even Singha is not well stocked with most places because of it's price. And don't forget . . . LEO IS Singha same same brewery, good logistics, most of the times the freshest beer in your bar because it's popularity among Thais, resulting from the large turnaround . . . check your Tesco , you will find the freshest beer will be LEO ( filling date maybe 2 weeks ago) only to be followed by 3 months old Changs or Singhas

    awwwgh yes in Ubon and Khon Kaen, all HIP bars have LEO for you, and always fresh. Other brands sit in these HIP bars until some Soi Biker helps them drink 3 years old Chang Extra at a promotion price drink 3 pay for 2

  2. Tastes are different with all the people, I would not want to discuss your personal taste.

    However, all these advices on what's tastier and delicious, and what is not, doesn't really help IF YOU DID NOT CHECK THE FILLING DATE of the beer in that bottle you are supposed to drink in the next 10 minutes, with or without ice

    Anything older than 3-4 months in this climates, will be stale , regardless it's brand name, even more so if having been unpacked and opposed to UV light all the time on some shelf

    In some restaurants, even in higher end places, I sometimes get served 6 months old Singha or 8 months old Heineken. There are Mom and Pop shops out there that still have bottles of beer having been filled 2 years ago.

    So please don't blame it on LEO tasting awful if you just guzzled down a 14 month old liquid they served you in this "hip" bar

    • Like 1
  3. the 21 year old girl who drove the car that according to witnesses run a red light, claims she passed the light when it was still flashing orange.

    Anyone ever seen an orange light at this junction ? There's green and red , orange she must have seen flashing in her dreams. Maybe she was watching the orange background screen of her notebook-smartphone ? If she repeats her 'orange' sightings in front of court, I would give her jail time for sure

  4. ah, in Tha Praya . . on the way downward ! How many times have we read stories about crashes at this location. The famous "brake light permanently-on" part of the trip. Just because thai truck drivers have not learned how to use the engine and low gear on a downward road, it does not mean the truck's brakes will always work properly for their sake.

    Ooopps, sorry I forgot, 'preventive maintenance' is unknown in thai language . . .

  5. raising the hair of my neck. 6 weeks ago a couple was killed on a campsite when a tree fell onto their tent. 4 weeks ago a tree fell onto our car, missing my wife by 1 meter, smashing through the windshield. . 2 weeks later, a big tree outside a village nearby fell onto a pickup with passengers, killing two (!!) and injuring 5.

    and now this !

    What's the matter with Thailand's trees ?? Is there a conspiracy in the making ?

  6. The general consensus on here is that retirement is definitely better than marriage as the route to go down at annual extension of stay time if you can meet the higher financial requirements, for precisely the reasons you mention. Some offices (notably Bangkok-Chaengwattana), however, do insist on a transaction being recorded against the account on the day of the bank letter. But maybe you could satisfy this requirement by making a token 100 THB deposit at the bank before asking them to update your passbook and issue the letter (and then pay their fee in cash to minimise the risk of the figures being skewed, which might attract unwelcome Immigration attention).

    And you would definitely be advised to have your wife still accompany you to the immigration office for your first retirement extension at least.

    with your wife have her ID, her Tabian Baan and a photo each of HER and of YOU ( for your residency TM form) . The bank letter has to have the original letterhead, be not a copy, showing balances for the recent THREE months. Dress ship shape, smile, and no worries.

    a simple drawing of the location of her house in relation to the surrounding landscape will earn you appreciation from the immigration team.

    since last year I was asked for a letter from a doctor, confirming I am at good health and free of viral diseases. Get yours at the local Doc for 200 THB.

  7. I edited my post . . so as to say that it only counts if you are retired and receiving pension or not. That said in Germany, but also the Australian Thai embassy website says that you can get a Non Imm O if you are officially retired and receiving state pension. Nothing is said about any age limit.

    There's a german in another forum who claims he has been in Thailand on a Non Imm O since he came here at the age of 42. Prematurely retired ( the germans do release stressed teachers for example from their duties and grant them pension at the ripe age of 40 up)

    needs clarification. I am waiting on Ubon Joe for the final hammer down

  8. The biggest difference now as far as I am concerned is that the non-O is not available as multi-entry for those under the age of 65.

    That is only true if you are in the UK. There are places where you can get them at the age of 50 or over.

    a german ( and probably everybody else) who is prematuredly retired (for health reasons or other) under the age of 50, can get a Non O visa if he prooves that he/she is receiving a pension which but must be over 65,000 per month. That means, anyone prematuredly retired at the age of, for example, 42, can get a Non Imm O based on retirement.

    True or not ?

    The Non Imm O requirements say only that you have to be retired, and need to proove it, they say nothing about how old you have to be.

  9. i had a root canal treatment in Pattaya Bangkok hospital. The dentist had studied at a Thai uni, never had been abroad. I told her that a colleague of hers in Ubon Ratchathani had previously ( 3 months before) inspected my existing root canal and had refused to close it, as the tip of the root was infected. He filled the root canal with some medicine and stuffed it close with some textile. This was actually the CORRECT treatment, as my home dentist confirmed.

    I asked the Pattaya dentist to consider just cleaning the canal and fill it with an anti-inflammatory compound, same thing I received at home and in Ubon. By the way, the Ubon dentist had studied in California ( he was competent, at least).

    She said they don';t have this kind of stuff, and commenced in closing the root canal ( with the root tip infection still in place!).

    In the night of the same day, pressure built up inside the tooth, I almost walked on the ceiling of my room.

    I went back by really early in the morning and asked the reception to call upon their dentist, She showed up an hour later and I asked her to please remove everything that she had filled inside the root canal.

    She said she would only do it if I signed that I comply with this at my own risk and removed the problem.

    I washed the canal with a 63% Sctotch whisky for the rest of the day and beyond, after three days finally the inflamation ceased.

    From your description, this dentist could never, never - without a prior x ray - know what the real problem of your molar consists of. Totally absurd.

    I would not let him do anything on me before having a check done by x-ray. Without removing the inlay, the diagnosis can't be a final one. A molar with intact roots can be treated by a crown cap without having to go any further, under the premise that there is enough substance after the chamfer preparation. It strongly depends on how deep those inlays are embedded.

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  10. rusted maybe because they have not received enough grease in the first place ? Wouldn't surprise me given the moist climate . . . everything made of iron and non stainless steel - and that means literally all needles and balls inside bearings - here starts to rust within 5 minutes when opposed to Thailand's air !

    next bet . . you already mentioned it . . to tight a fit . . . Thai Tech No Logy No Plan . . . . .

  11. Chinese tourism statistics are misleading.

    They include Hong Kong and Macau and their numbers, and those two destination make up a majority of their tourists

    Hong Kong got about 41 million Chinese tourists in 2013, Macau 19 million.

    Thailand was by far the largest actual foreign destination, with 4.7 million in 2013

    Ah, thanks for the hints.

    I did some research and found this site, containing more detailed information. My assumptions were misleading.


    • Like 1
  12. Hi, I took the following from another TV thread ( the story on the chinese couple who bahaved rude aboard an Air Asia flight)

    A BIG question arose when I re-read this :

    "As well as the editorial, the China Daily carried a separate bylined commentary saying that it was "not the first time that a handful of 'ugly' tourists have given Chinese travellers a bad name".
    It called on tourism authorities to take "strict measures" aimed at "properly handling" the increasing number of Chinese travellers.
    Chinese tourists made 98 million overseas trips in 2013 and that figure is expected to surpass 116 million this year, it said."
    Does this mean, the 2,5 million chinese tourists that travel to Thailand every year, are just a drop into the hot kettle ?? Why would TAT be proud of 'so many million chinese come visiting Thailand' , when in fact 95.5 million chinese tourists choose NOT to come and go elsewhere. How good, or how better are other destinations compared to what Thailand has to offer ?
    If I was a TAT official, my armhair would start to rise while I'd desparately try to seek out what's so obviously wrong . . . .
  13. i have a friend who rode a Hayabusa in Bangkok for 14 years, the bike was imported and the custms papers were never completed. He always had the customs application papers on him and a 500 THB bill.

    He rode the bike for 14 years plus and never had a green book. Speak some Thai and have money will get you going

    hope the general will agree with me

  14. Shit I'm woken up now .being called a scouser

    a london blue can't ever be a scouser, much too small fingers, and they are way to wet from all the fog that surrounds them. Slippery deals.

    I can't comment on the subtleties of this topic, coz I am from Germany, I got quite a few english buddies from all over the isles. Football is not my interest but when the championships are on, I love to watch. I was into Hockey when I was young and played with the later Olympic Gold Medal winners in my club.

    your motosai seems to be a real special all paint in Arsnl colurs, no doubt you'll find an afficionate thai person who will bail

    it out for three times the price you paid for.

    Ride your bike proudly, always wear a helmet, and keep a 500 THB note out of your wallet for the Boys in Brown.

    BTW to you have a Thai Drivers License for motosai ?

    *** don't ruin the paint, they might wein next years premier league and rise the price for a used motobumpoo

  15. then rent

    and stow away your bike until the day when a chance arises to register it.

    or sell.

    or. . . find a new GF

    etc etc

    one thing for sure, on tourist Visa you cannot register a bike. Some people manage to open a bank account while on tourist visa, but most fail.

    Just take a step back from your expectations, rent a motosai and get along. Sad your GF left you in the rain. It's called life.

    I see no way you can register the bike while on tourist visa.

    Selling is an option, but not easy. Talk someone you trust in registering your bike, for a free dinner out every other month.......

    no can't sell it was a pity buy it was an arsenal m/c and needed changing to a proper club

    that changes the whole situation, why didn't you say this in the start of the topic.

    will a change of colours to FC Liverpool Red rise the chances for getting registerd ?

    I have heard of many OP's who evaded being pulled over and fined, just saying they were 'poolians

    ya gotta keep yer hands in your own pockets and wait for final results

    go hit the paint shop

  16. then rent

    and stow away your bike until the day when a chance arises to register it.

    or sell.

    or. . . find a new GF

    etc etc

    one thing for sure, on tourist Visa you cannot register a bike. Some people manage to open a bank account while on tourist visa, but most fail.

    Just take a step back from your expectations, rent a motosai and get along. Sad your GF left you in the rain. It's called life.

    I see no way you can register the bike while on tourist visa.

    Selling is an option, but not easy. Talk someone you trust in registering your bike, for a free dinner out every other month.......

  17. you have the option to ride it and always have a 500 THB bill at hand to bribe the cop when pulled over. Can go on like that for umpteenth years. Only risk, some cop may who needs dough really bad, will confiscate and ask for a real bail out.

    But we TV members are not allowed to give hints in illegal actions, so I expect this to get delted very soon.

    It still needs a damn tag and you can't make up one on your own, let alone the Tax Sticker

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