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Posts posted by crazygreg44

  1. i get my regular Hepatitis A and B vaccination and the follow up refreshments, matter of routine.

    The REAL danger is, there is no vaccination to be had against Hepatitis C, which is the most prevalent and one should avoid it like the devil. It does not kill you but it will make your life complicated.

    Tetanus vaccination also belongs amongst my 5-yearly tidy ups.

    I would rather be worried about bacteria not common to the ones you are used in your homeland. Regarding infested food, you will get the usual shitters more or less. Nothing to worry about because what's bad for you makes you stronger.

    What goes for mosquito bites. Know when they tend to swarm ( in the evenings and mornings) and cover your body parts. Use citric , lemon acids or Eukalyptus balms on exposed parts like feet or hands.

    If you keep mozzie bites below 30 at a time on your body, you do not have to worry abut Malaria or Dengue fever.

  2. i live 150 clicks, got a Wahl Clipper and i can rest assure you, i wear my cut throat attitude in front of me all the time.

    Unfortunately all I can offer you is a Navy Cut, along with a shit sure shave around chin and cheeks

    c'mon let's enter the local barber and trust him fully. He might have never encontered a beard ( Thai/Lao people do not grow any)

    so maybe you get a triple blade Gillette from a supermarket and shave that chin n cheeks at home.

    PS when doing a haircut at the local Figaro, ask him to pamper the hair inside your ears. Ladies will love hairless ears.

  3. as one poster already mentioned, with the 5 days-holidays not even over yet, it was ay to early to claim how much these 20 millions of travellers spent. So the figure is just an assumption and has been dreamed up by somebody velly velly important to make a headline in the news.

    If they could only could proofread their dreamed up numbers. 1500 THB per person in five days ( while we have not yet decided over the fact that the mentioned "week-long" is a week is SEVEN days !!!) is what they spend at home, at least most of them. So does this mean the thai people are the cheapest of the cheapest tourists of their own country ?

    Like so many others I'm sure the fuel bill for my round trip holiday drive was Bt 100 short of being double what Thais were supposed to have spent over 5 days.

    Something wrong somewhere so just where did the spokesman pluck his figures from ?

    . coz it is a lie, a dreamed up figure. They are government employed and they do need to utter some shit from time to time. If they don't utter any shit at all, someone like Prayut might think they are useless

  4. as one poster already mentioned, with the 5 days-holidays not even over yet, it was ay to early to claim how much these 20 millions of travellers spent. So the figure is just an assumption and has been dreamed up by somebody velly velly important to make a headline in the news.

    If they could only could proofread their dreamed up numbers. 1500 THB per person in five days ( while we have not yet decided over the fact that the mentioned "week-long" is a week is SEVEN days !!!) is what they spend at home, at least most of them. So does this mean the thai people are the cheapest of the cheapest tourists of their own country ?

    • Like 1
  5. Ask the police to collect a few, let's say, twelve good photos of the heads of motorcycle accident victims that weren't wearing helmets and got crushed in the accidents. The blood, the bones and the slime all over in all clarity must be obvious in these pics.

    Then round up the classes, one after the next,in school for an overhead projection media show, and force them to take a look at what can happen if they wear no helmets in an accident. Make them take a selfie with a crushed head as a background, take it home and show their parents.

    I bet it wouldn't need any more laws any longer, that do not get obeyed, nor would it take much more of "education on nothing" . All it needs is to confront them with the outcome.

    Well I know, this is against the "face saving" etiquette thing, I knooow . . .

  6. Aside from the funny fact, that the ONE and HALF Baht each person spent in the headline, that was later corrected in the tex when millions became billions, it is still only 1500 THB per person.

    One spends 6000 THB for fuel alone if a family of four, let's say, travels from Bangkok to the Doi Inthanon and retour. So I wonder if they lived by Papaya and sticky rice for the rest of the trip and slept in the pickup or a tent.

    50 US Dollars or 37,5 Euros for extra spending because it's 5 days of holidays does not sound very much to me. They must be indeed very poor people, because that's 10 Dollars extra per day on top of the average spending, per person.

    I wonder if something got missing from the text because, as mentioned before, it just covers the extra fuel costs for a trip.

    • Like 1
  7. why should your wife use a product that was developed to prevent prostate cancer ? Isn't it that only men can be befallen from this malady ?

    Tell her you searched further and found the product is for men who start to develope bald scalps, and that it will boost the growth of a mustache instead, maybe that will make her stop the use

  8. I used to do that.

    Now I stay with the LSD pattern.

    It suits me.

    as a close match to become the Thai Visa Poster of the year, can you show kinda loyalty to the Thai Visa readers ? Please show us some of the avatars you have used during recent years, before you decided to hop onto LSD.

    call that interesting. It might even boost your chances at becoming TV Top of the Pops

  9. I bought some Hennessey for New Year, 2 days ago in the BIG C at Warin Chamrap. Can't remember what I paid but it was something above 2400 THB.

    I would never dare use a platinum card in Thailand, be it hotels, Central shops, Robinsonses and all the other glittery glitter.

    Always draw CASH at the ATM, under my own scrutiny. Walk up the shop, pay cash.

    Your post might be a satire, but one that's exactly the one that spoils the backward alleys of my brain, that might result into games you con't really wanna play with. Know whadya mean ?

    I never give my card out of hand. It has way too many hard earned millions on it.

    Spit in your fists and enjoy paying Cash while you still can. The end of that is near.

    Doubt that the ATM would spit out 227.000 Baht if I inserted my Visa card, and that hasn't anything to do with credit balance.

    it never was the real price for the bottle. Did you ask the shop owner, and make sure the price was marked ok ? why would you be shocked by such a high price. Me think a sport I am i would fer sure shift my nose into the business and ask for a clarification of that abnormous price, sure it was a misprint.

  10. c'mon. .. you like beer . . stick to beer.

    you like wine . . the choice is from Mount Clair upward to essences that have been cooked in a container that arrived by ship from France, Italy and any country of your choice, parked in the sun, for a few days/weeks . .

    you like wine ( see above and don't complain, as taxes are high and vinegar is a good choice for any salad receipes)

    you like Thai Whisky . . this is not whisky but it is "lao Khao" has nothing to do with rice ('spite the 'khao') it is rum destillates made from Sugarcane, which is abundant in Thailand

    you like Jackie's .. c'mon over you my buddy

    you like scotch whisky . . let's meet in a nice upshot place, talk sense and nonsense (after degustationes)

    you like moonshine .. ask your Thai wife's stepbrother or anyone around . . they know

    you like Courvoisier, Hennessey . . go ahead pay the 2400 Thai Baaa puffs ( given, you find the good stuff here!)

    you like REALLY EXPENSIVE bottles of a rare drink . . smuggle them in , like the Thais do. They come flying in from Japan with RARE whisky's in their baggage....remember, ONE LITER is customs free

    P.S. that Hennessey was 2400 THB a bottle . ..dig? no way over 240,000 Thai Baht

  11. dear redandyellow

    i was pressed (actually asked for in the most polite of manners) to change my avatar, by the moderators, because other members had complained about my avatar being obscene, downgrading and disgusting.

    I was not amused. No way.

    My avatar was a photoshopped picture of the 16 th century statue of David by the famous Michelangelo. By photoshopping, David appeared a bit more obese as he is in natura.

    Maybe the fact that David has a little pimple in places where people who complain have a little pimple, made them to complain with the moderators.

    I changed my avatar in order to comply with the moderatorr's wishes.

    To what it is now, it does not disturb anyone, nor his/her morale, not insulting anyone who cannot look at David's little pimple , marble stone statue of fame he is.

    I am surprised my actual avatar has not caused any complaints. I am thinking changing it to show the poor, once powerful little strung up puppy . . .

    i hate to make my avatars a political statement. My former avatar was not a political statement. My actual avatar is, and I am awaiting complaints. anyone up for it ?

    Thank you for giving me a forum with yer thread

  12. Bring clothes and shoes. Buy a new laptop at Walmart. It will include a genuine, installed copy of Windows for about $400 (13K baht.) You will need some power converters which you can get in Thailand.

    You don't need a power converter for a laptop bought in the U.S.

    The AC/DC adapter that is sold with every laptop worldwide, works on voltages from 100 - 240 Volts AC. So it works in the U.S. AND in Thailand as well.

    Maybe your intention was to say you need SOCKET adapters . . they can be bought for close to nothing in Thailand

    All other electric appliances that plug in directly into the wall sockets, however, should not be brought to Thailand from the USA and Mexcio, as for these available power converters cosume A) too much energy and B ) may cause a hazard to the common Thai house electric system. That's why I would refrain from bringing stuff that does not automatically use AC/DC adapters.

    Electric shavers . . .should read the label on the backside, it will tell you which voltage it can handle. If it says 100 (or 110) V - 220 (240 in some) Volts, it will be fine.

  13. I bought some Hennessey for New Year, 2 days ago in the BIG C at Warin Chamrap. Can't remember what I paid but it was something above 2400 THB.

    I would never dare use a platinum card in Thailand, be it hotels, Central shops, Robinsonses and all the other glittery glitter.

    Always draw CASH at the ATM, under my own scrutiny. Walk up the shop, pay cash.

    Your post might be a satire, but one that's exactly the one that spoils the backward alleys of my brain, that might result into games you con't really wanna play with. Know whadya mean ?

    I never give my card out of hand. It has way too many hard earned millions on it.

    Spit in your fists and enjoy paying Cash while you still can. The end of that is near.

    • Like 2
  14. Thank you all. Some good points. Some very dramatic health news, unexpected as you might realize, have led to this post. Yes, I have friends, family in Europe that are trusted, but I am looking for a long-term, recurring payment solution. Fully agreed on insurance remarks and Thai remarks. Not an easy situation. Yes, my brother can manage it, but what if he dies next year? This gets a bit complicated. I don't think the recipient would waste away the money. Trained and educated her well and her family seems reasonable. We will see what comes. I am confident TV will brig up some great ideas. A friend in fact has a very long-term, started 30 yrs. ago with a 1 time payment life/pension type insurance. Gets 3'500 Euros every month, is now in his mid seventies and has received way more than he paid in. But these days are over. Thanks to all. Can't write to everybody right now, my apologies, not my best days.....MS>

    then why would you worry ? Why create such a mess for the beneficiaries of your assets ?

    Transfer it to whoever you had planned initially, and I wish you a safe and quick way out.

    Why would you bother with what happens with money in your afterlife ? Or, better, in no afterlive ? What if you

    will be gone forever.

    At a certain point in my life, I vowed, I do not want to die being rich. I want to have it spent all.

    Just avoid sitting at a german plaza with a bottle of ALDI red wine.

    Maybe THAT would give you the giggles, so near to your own demise.

    I understand, you are in critical circumstances and you want these issues solved.

    But make sure you have spent all the SCHOTTER before you BITE THE GRASS ( german, not english)

    • Like 1
  15. I am in the same situation, I don't have any heirs, just my older sister who in my last will is asked to forfeit all my assets to my Thai family ( i am not married).

    I have to trust in my sister.

    I wouldn't want a lump sum under the custody of any officials at home and most of all, not in Thailand. The ongoing corruption . . it takes a piece of toilet paper with a tea money bought stamp to set the family up . . . .

    keep in mind where you are . . .play safe . . . . wink.png

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