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Posts posted by anon8

  1. jbrain, again, cost of milk and cheese in Big C is not up to me, pls dont be angry with me, thers nothing I can do about it, some eurostuff is expensive here.

    Your homophobia should prolly be best addressed in proper topic, this isnt Pattaya issue, even tho you may feel it is. Rules are rules .

  2. when you say it takes all kinds to make up world , its almost as if you mean even retarded people deserve a place under the sun, but never mind. I do still love it, but i try and make an effort to love it. I I stayed in my room and got bored with it all, I would prolly hate it.

    I been here also some time, 11 years. Place hasn't changed really, other than massive Russian invasion starting 2008, and traffic ofc. But towns grow, Pattaya was considered a no no for Bangkok middle class only few years ago, now they flock here, and it ruins Pattaya for drivers. But why drive when you live here? Its like complaining about traffic if you own a car in Manhattan.

    paddyjenkins, its something else that bothers you. Im also not as excited as i was when i first got here, but it isnt Pattaya thats letting me down.. its the routine maybe? We get used to stuff?

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  3. I miss the friendliness, the fun, the character of the place, the politeness and that it was less crowded and had fewer people from countries I have little liking for. I also felt there was less greed, less dishonesty, less hostility and aggression and a sort of innocence and day to day relaxed and laid back lifestyle. Do I need to go on

    when was it friendly around Pattaya, in 1972 maybe? sure you miss those fun times, but this isnt about Pattaya, you miss the good old times when you felt alive. This isnt Pattayas fault, its nature taking its course, and I dont mean to sound cruel. Dont drag everybody down, just cos you feel those times are gone. Pattaya is still lots and lots of fun.

  4. Pattaya is what it is, no use trying to sugar coat it.

    Why is there a problem with stating the truth these days?

    so what is the truth? I'd say the truth is Pattaya is international town, where it is ridiculously cheap to live. What other place even compares? If you don't like Pattaya, you just maybe tired of living.

    Many of us like it well enough, but don't get carried away. It ain't for everyone.

    when did I say it is for everyone?

    Im happy it isnt for everyone, if it was, it would be a boring shi_thole.

  5. Pattaya is what it is, no use trying to sugar coat it.

    Why is there a problem with stating the truth these days?

    so what is the truth? I'd say the truth is Pattaya is international town, where it is ridiculously cheap to live. What other place even compares? If you don't like Pattaya, you just maybe tired of living.

  6. Im comparing daily expenses here and there. You bring up exclusive, upscale restaurants in Pattaya, and then you tell me apples and oranges.

    again, jbrain, everything is cheaper here, and considerably cheaper.. the rent, transport, food, cigarettes, night out, movies, gasoline. Please tell me Im wrong!

  7. it is so cheap to live comfortably in Pattaya, much much cheaper than even Estonia, Eastern Europe. Everything is cheaper here.. the rent, transport, food, cigarettes, night out, movies, gasoline.

    Just try to eat out 3 times a day in Tallinn, maybe cost 30 euros a day, very reasonable restaurant cost, thats 1200 baht. And tahts East Euro, what about Oslo?

  8. Once you take out the overweight, old, plain ugly, ladyboys, crazy psychos, sponsored girls, girls asking a monthly wage for ST, there's not so much left to choose from sad.png

    What! how dare you put uglys and crazys in same line with ladyboys!? Ladyboys are usually much more attractive than other girls. Have you ever seen a fat ladyboy on beach rd? Didnt think so. But I agree the selection is lacking.

    And why are there no guys hustling on Beach rd? Only place to check out guys is gay gogo bars, and nobody really likes gogo bars.

  9. when you see a vacant chair at Starbucks, rush inside to order a coffee, but while you order your drink, some <deleted> with bottle of water that he has bought from 711 has taken that seat, and you stand there like a fool not knowing where to go w your coffee cos its in a mug, not in paper cup to go, and you realize you not gonna have a pleasant time watching trannys working

    • Like 1
  10. 10 additional Baht are hard evidence that the "baht-bus mafia" has been commanded by "those in power" to torture Farangs because "they don't like us and want us to leave".

    Fare is 10, not 20.

    So yes, if they demand 20 that is extortion. No one has claimed it is a torture, Naam always does that, take something what was sayd, and twist it in order to make a previous posters sound ridiculous. Also, nobody in the thread is saying drivers do that to make us leave Thailand, they scam us to make more profit.

    20 maybe low amount and nobody is gonna be poorer if fare is rised to 20, but as long as set price is 10, then that is the cost of 1 ride, not 20, not 100, or whatever number driver feels like coming up with.

    I also think it should be rised to 20, of course then drivers will try to charge 40, but what you gonna do..

  11. Has anyone ever heard about an accident involving a baht bus ?

    Yes, quite a few...

    really? I cant recall any serious baht bus accidents.

    I think drunk Thai drivers are masters at driving while drunk, only when they're wasted completely do they lose control, when they cant even walk and limbs are not getting the signals from central nervous system no more.. but that hardly ever happens, baht bus drivers seem to know their limits, theyre always drunk, yet operational.

    If you take the baht bus at the school on 2nd road after say, 9pm, there is no sober baht bus driver to be found. Thats the time when drivers, ranting some drunk slurs incoherently kick out cars full of people, they figure more can fit in. Thats when you can observe how drunk they are. It is an excellent show, and good fun, part of South Asia experience.

  12. I prefer riding in the FRONT in the cab with the drivers.crazy.gif I do love me some baht bus drivers.

    Then you are taking all the fun out of riding a baht bus. Sure, picking a fight with the driver can be fun, but standing at the back of the baht bus is whats riding a baht bus is all about. I always stand at the back, except buses with nasty small rails at the back, and no place to satnd properly, you can sort of hang on the upper rail on those buses, but it's no fun.

    Only girls and old ladies use the seat next to drver btw!



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