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Posts posted by sahibji

  1. 20 hours ago, ratcatcher said:

    This massive scam could shake the tourist industry and cause major repercussions in the police department.

    I hope the Thai man recovers from the loss of all that money.

    come or ratcatcher this is not a organised racket. one odd case will not tarnish the image of tourism and impact the police department in any tangible way.

  2. Just now, sahibji said:

    where was the hotel  security and the other staff who are usually hanging around the lobby.

    hello this is a plush hotel. are the lifts not fitted with security device to indicate overloading. these are basic precautionary tools. I am not saying that the tourists were right. they ought to have exercised some restraint but in the absence of the overloading indicator they probably felt the situation was alright. clearly the hotel is a fault.

  3. 18 hours ago, Nigeone said:

    Will we get some honest arrival figures now I wonder ?

    no way until own house is put in order. you hear bashing of tourist for one reason or another. that is barbaric. if a tourist has offended against any laws/s process him or her through the judicial system. no one should be big enough to take the law in own hand and be the judge, jury and the executioner all in one.

  4. 23 minutes ago, slippery snake said:

    Exactly right.. I seen a couple of fights and Thai guys come quickly running from 50 meters away to get a  elbow punch in,  or a kick in the head to the victim, even when he is lying on the ground..   then they disappear just as quickly...   

    Guess you could say they look after their mates, uh !!    or just like a pack of hounds after a helpless fox ??? 

    why go to such a place where they are full of vengeance  and venom ready to spit it on the weak and unprotected?


  5. 4 minutes ago, yougivemebaby said:

    I saw a young guy get into a fist fight fight with two Iranians in pattaya. The Iranians were starting problems with everyone and happened to pick the wrong guy. The western put them both down as others in the bar bought him shots after the Iranians left bruised and bleeding. All the western guy got was a ripped shirt. 

    what are you talking about? how is your story related to this incidence?


    • Confused 1
    • Thanks 1
  6. 23 hours ago, Lokie said:

    Looks to me like a young women drunk, looking for trouble and unfortunately dishing it out to an innocent Thai girl minding her own business...


    Hope Karma pays this excuse for a young lady back one day - Disgusting behaviour, maybe she can be ID through social media and the SHAMMED!!! The Police should be charging with GBH

    if Karma could sort things out we do not need laws, the forces etc.  This is a matter for immediate attention by the authorities lest it become a precedent for such criminal behaviour.


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