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Posts posted by sahibji

  1. 8 hours ago, Matt96 said:

    if I were this taxi driver and a cocky farang would say "<deleted> you" to me - i would beat the shit out of him regardless on any repercussion.


    but he thought "thais are polite, they tend to forgive. so I can get away with this"


    the moral obligation of any decent man is to prove him how wrong he is.


    in my whole life i never ever let anyone who said "<deleted> you" to me run away without repercussions. and I never regretted for punishing them

    if two wrongs do not make a RIGHT three wrongs will only lead to thuggery and criminalityy - worse situation than two wrongs.

  2. 7 hours ago, Get Real said:

    Naturally, he is a good person doing good for other people. I am all for that, and also do what I can in different cases.
    I do not envy him in any kind of way, but doesn´t it seem like this man gets a little bit to much 5 minutes of fame?


    Of course, I can be deadly wrong. Regarding too much of 5 minutes, I have to refer to a certain high ranking gentlemen that really knows time and have been seen of lot in media out of that reason.

    are you jealous of the attention he has received. why judge him?

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  3. 3 minutes ago, flottassen said:

    Norwegian 100% sure,

    as confucius said better to be a fool for five minutes rather than the rest of your life. For heaven's sake check out the prices before order and eat at that place if you feel it is reasonable.there is no shame in that. it is totally shameful to make a ruckus after eating. cut your coat according to your cloth for God's sake rather than getting into difficult situations after eating at any eatery.

  4. 7 minutes ago, Daveyh said:

    This is typical of what happens when there is a disagreement with locals .......... & it's a dangerous place if you are not aware of the "mindset" of locals. I've seen much violence in Pattaya ranging from tourists in their teens to retirees in their 70's resulting from misunderstandings, whereupon "loss of face" creeps in & then it will all "kick off". The police actually do "too little too late" & the victim invariably gets a good beating before they arrive, fines are minimal for the the attackers & released to do it all over again. Don't ever upset anyone on the streets here, even if you are angry inside, do not show it ......... the opposition at the time may well be within your capabilities, but you'll be on the receiving end of a "shitty stick" as the "jungle telegraph" will find you eventually, even after the event is long passed. It's not a case of being brave or standing up for your rights ....... just walk away, don't look for trouble, smile & enjoy your day. Life really is too short & your's can end very quickly here ....... fact. 

    i think one option is to avoid such countries,

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