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Posts posted by sahibji

  1. 6 hours ago, Basil B said:


    Could have reduced the 1 hour delay by:

    • Stand on the side of the bridge
    • Check the river is clear of boats and swimmers
    • Hold grenade, squeezing the safety leaver with one hand
    • Pull the safety pin out with the other hand
    • Throw in to river (remember to let go when throwing)




    they have their own protocol to follow.

  2. smiling alone will not help. you have to restore confidence by catching and severely punishing the rouges who beat up tourists, commit snatch thefts, mug people and other activities that make life unpleasant for the visitors.


    never forget many countries have beaches as good as thai  and you have to be ahead of the competition to get the tourists dollars and smiling will certainly, on its own, not achieve it.

  3. 17 minutes ago, canuckamuck said:

    It really is a national disgrace that Emergency vehicles don't appear to have right of way in traffic. I am quite happy that this issue is finally being floated by social media. All Ambulances should have dash cams and fines should be sent promptly. It is a simple thing to understand, get out of the way.

    you possibly need clearer laws and prompt enforcement to have the ambulances doing their noble work.

  4. 4 minutes ago, robertthesculptor said:

    As an old EMT, I would like to point out to some of the responders here, you are jerks

    Ambulance should ALWAYS have right of way, in fact you should pull over even if it is coming from the opposite direction....

    Remember, likely one day it Will be your sorry patute on the gurney....

    Anyone who obstructs an ambulance should be jailed and car impounded for a good long stretch


    imagine that t is your dear one inside the ambulance and someone does this to the ambulance.

  5. 2 hours ago, Kerryd said:

    I call BS on the whole story.


    Allegedly drugged, raped and robbed of all their money (and phones) on New Years Eve. 


    Spend 5 days trying to get their insurance provider to tell them which hospital to go to. (<deleted> !??!).


    Finally go to a hospital that (allegedly) wouldn't accept their insurance paperwork, then their insurance company tells them to go to a "private" hospital.

    "On the fifth day my family back in Belfast got in touch with the British Embassy in Bangkok and we finally got sent to a hospital, but the hospital wouldn't accept our insurance documents. We then got sent to a private hospital, which insurance companies don't usually do, but because of our case they got us into this facility. The insurance company also said they would cover all charges, because they knew we had no money after being robbed."


    So their insurance company gets them into this "private" hospital and agrees to cover all their costs, but then tells them to skip out on the bill?

    ("Gerald also claimed OUL Direct told the couple to leave the hospital without paying, as long as they still had possession of their passports.")


    The police in Phuket just laughed at their story and said it happens all the time ?!?!?

    (Uh huh. Conveniently that means no police report and no local news report apparently.)


    They returned to Ireland on the 11th and, 11 days after the alleged incident, their doctor was still able to confirm they'd been raped ?!??!?


    Funny how they only seem to be pissed off about their insurance provider though. Not overly upset about being raped/robbed. Not overly upset about the Thai police allegedly laughing at them. Supposedly someone drugs 2 men in a bar, gets them out of the bar, (presumably) rapes/robs them and dumps them somewhere (details very vague) and their main beef is with their insurance provider.


    I wonder what the CCTV images from their hotel would show. I wonder if they, like previous alleged rape victims, skipped out on their hotel bill. I wonder if maybe they just blew all their money (literally) and then sold some BS story to the newspaper to try and recoup some of it. 

    (There are organizations in the UK that offer to pay people's vacation costs if they have a "good" story to tell that the organization can then spice up and resell to other media outlets).


    Kerry in the absence of knowing all the facts is it fair to be judgemental.

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