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Posts posted by sahibji

  1. 4 hours ago, ikke said:

    Exactly, I was on an Asian tour last month and visited 4 countries, average waiting at immigration 5 minutes....

    Thai immigration is under-educated, or even not educated at all.

    I give my passport open on the right page, the stupid officer(whats in a title) closes it first. reopens on the wrong page and start searching , where i come from, we call that an idiot !

    ikke please do not forget that your passport does not confirm where you are coming from.

  2. 2 hours ago, ezzra said:

    To simplify immigration procedures, Thai bosses and high ranking officials

    has to forgo bureaucracy that is the problem with almost every government

    branch and make things lighter and quicker, but oh no, not a Thai official will allow

    such things to happened,, they're fixed on the need to employ

    millions of government civil workers

    and still lacking the ability to move things quickly....

    increase productivity by training the immigration officers to process X number of normal cases per hour and have a separate section to deal with passengers with particular requirements. monitoring the performance of the immigration officers is very important.

  3. 4 hours ago, colinneil said:

    The simple answer is obvious, get more immigration officers on the desks.

    Surely there must be some available, from the inactive post room  :cheesy:

    do a thorough job analysis to find out the processing time for one visitor and monitor the performance of the officers to ensure productivity. award those who are efficient and censure those who cannot cope up and pull on antics to delay passengers.

  4. 1 hour ago, losername said:

    Apologies if this has been said before but I cannot read  the whole 6 pages of repetition.


    If the goods are here and the tourists buy to take home, the answer is simple.


    Wake up the customs officers who sit all day doing nothing and make them stop the goods coming here and stop the tourist taking the goods home.

    why pass the buck to customs? get at the shops that sell. 

  5. 2 hours ago, nev said:

    Looks like a case of bill padding gone wrong, I don't believe the tourist said anything about cheaper beer in a convenience store just made a made up story to justify the attack.

    Better to check every chit that is put in your bin, if you find the price is excessive for the first round pay and move on.

    believe you me this happens. there are many places where the pad bills.

  6. 1 hour ago, farcanell said:

     One problem that springs to mind with this is that it then gives the wee guy, hiding behind the cubby holes, the chance to rat thru your bag, and steal your camera or iPhone or whatever (like the luggage pilfering  scams on buses).


    But these shops that "cater" to tourists, though cheap, still gouge tourists, as you all know, given they will instantly give a "cheap price for you" discount, almost instantly.... and lets not forget the double pricing standard for farangs


    that said, lol... this is piss poor, and not the idea most have of a cheap holiday in Asia. I would personally love to see them caught, and if they have already departed, I really hope that the video goes viral enough that someone from where ever they come from, sees it and shames them 

    logistics possibly would not allow allow to screen and store all items especially personal bags.

  7. 5 minutes ago, SaintLouisBlues said:

    Anyone who goes into the retail business without budgeting for "shrinkage" does not have a firm grasp of what's involved in running a business. That's not to condone it, merely to state it's a fact of business life

    why should shoplifting be a fact of business life. there is no place for such offences. shopkeepers have enough of other issues like obsolete  inventory and competition  and overheads to worry about.

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