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Posts posted by sahibji

  1. 2 minutes ago, TexasRanger said:

    Don't rely on compression socks, I was wearing a pair and still had multiple clots in my lungs. Forget that in seat exercising and get up whenever possible and keep hydrated. 

    well summed up. keeps limbs moving and keep your toes and fingers moving regularly.


    Just now, off road pat said:

    My question was not meant to be funny, I wanted to know what was the point of his post !

    sorry so was my response directed at the original  post.

  2. 2 hours ago, KhunBENQ said:

    That makes sense.

    The second airport should be ready now!

    And of course it also makes sense to build it outside the island not spoiling more of the landscape and creating noise.

    no long term planning - that is the problem. should get international teams to study and advise proposals. better to pay experts than keep on redoing ...

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