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Everything posted by lesmac

  1. To stop it smelling
  2. The Saloon bar/restaurant. really good food and nice bar, there is also a hotel nearby
  3. Would be safer riding the Isle of Man during TT week
  4. A severely worn out tire caught fire after it exploded
  5. Fumigate I use a Canadian friend but you can get Rentokil in BKK
  6. I done mine with Krungsi yesterday. 5 min and finished
  7. It's being built now, up past the golf course next to the PT gas station
  8. You can own property in Thailand but not the land it is built on
  9. This has become very prevalent on farsebook, been caught a few times now so no more and unfortunately genuine sellers are the ones that will suffer most.
  10. They are never total loss, time means nothing just have to pay for the parts or use salvage parts to rebuild
  11. Yes but the teachers are taught by people who can't drive
  12. Yea ban the weed and allow the Yabba losers to rape/kill their mothers family members
  13. It will not cost you a fortune go to Chonburi hospital there is a dermatologist there she is one of best in Thailand and because it's a government hospital the prices are good. I saw 4 other doctors who could not tell me what my problem was but she recognised it by looking and confirmed it with a lab test. She speaks good English but it's better to have a Thai with you to get to see her as there is not a lot of English speakers in the hospital. If you go to the multi story car park you will see a 7-11 going into the hospital turn left at the 7 go up the stairs and you are in the right department.
  14. I get thhat a lot from flash they call and hang up then say I requested the change
  15. Do you really believe it's safer on a push bike
  16. Anything processed can be lab tested and a certificate of strength issued
  17. Farangs can own their home but not the land
  18. No driving at night or going out of the province on a red plate btu I drove mine to Had Yai on a red plate and never got any problems
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