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Everything posted by NativeBob

  1. KMUTT is pushing it very hard. but you have to go there yourself. emails do not work here. Next - Thammasat - they also on the "bring foreigners" race. Again - you do need personal contact with professors. Otherwise you'll get a "poker face". Both are going through very strong "revaluation" so you might get lucky. I hope you speak thai. PS: Unless you're seeking that ED+ (2 years + looking for love) visa. There are many offers indeed
  2. Sure-sure. Yes, he hid a huge pile of weaponry somewhere in africa and eastern Europe. The only evidence presented at the court (in Bangkok by DEA officers) is Nick Cage flick and "they were Columbians". Truck driver became the Merchant of Death. Sure, and kerosene vapors iron rods and reinforced concrete.
  3. copy it to Google Drive and share a link to it "read-only". can do? I hate to search Google just to find outdated copies and you sir seems have the real and current one. Thanks!
  4. Yes, the biggest victims are GE next SP and IT/FR Thanks ding-dong Farage with his NHS BS and Boris "Fluffy" Johnson pulled UK out from that mess.
  5. considering both country's level of microbiological science is not much different (except US secret labs and genome's fiddling) why would Putin would need that dumb tests? sure, Melania (or better Barron) met the Ambassador and passed sealed box of so-called tests that can be made within a week at any microbiological lab. ROFL
  6. exactly same - showing same-same guiding. Tourists are not your enemies same-same friends. One old thai a**hole snitches on guides at Wat Pho in BKK. He used to work abroad, later at some 'Merican company, fired-retired, tried to work as tour guide but has a sickening attitude and didn't do well. So now he's "under-cover" taking pictures of groups and post to Tourist Police. I was arrested while walking there with 4 of my friends - 2 couples. So, to cut it short - the whole "tour guide" thing is ONLY about money: bribes. I didn't pay a single satang, But FYI they know how to intimidate dumb farangs, esp. females.
  7. he's crazy clown and provocateur. French ppl didn't deserve .such a schmuck.
  8. those days - I think everybody were busy filling those bags. I saw kids, volontiers and soldiers. After 10th bag the fun was over though. water-water >>> wasted furniture and Dengue.
  9. those brick walls... Yes, during last BKK flood it was uber popular and brought lot of money to brickmen. Seriously - not funny
  10. not quite sure, not quite sure Over time hard working LB turn into so-called "old cow" a**hole size of the donut. <<< Read from Bizarre mag years ago. And "pinky" doesn't look "like a virgin" otherwise he would travel to GE.
  11. Actually the current military operation in UA happened EXACTLY because of this <explicit> SOB
  12. Agree totally. And today's Europe is strongly overrated - I was amused how did it change since 1990-s and even 2000-s. Just what had happened with UK since joining Brussel's club. However the topic is not about EU and Ursula, its about Russians buying votes. Yes they always do who would doubt it. And many scary and sinister deeds published in free and independent press,
  13. In how many days after "joining EU" most of moldovian boys and girls of active age will cross the border and "Go West" for better job/life/health care/education/security/law? I bet in about a week. PS: Why wouldn't they just re-join with Romania, after all its the same ethnic group.
  14. investment in Thailand. #ROFL AFAIK there's no transparent and independent auditing, even banks do some "creative accounting" The only investment is motorcycle/car rent shops in tourist areas. the rest is donkey dung.
  15. tipping for what? for crappy subservice? No way Somnuak.
  16. Just neuter him and send back to whatever he crawled from. If natural selection didn't work with him, we should. species like this shall not procreate IDK brit or any other anglo-saxonial kind.
  17. will it last until the end of 2025?
  18. czech is smaller than Chon-buri. piss-like beer and sausages, money laundering and massive exodus to ol'Europe.
  19. seems freaky? Nope. he is czech married to chinese. like gekkon to <deleted>-tzu
  20. F**k SG. Prathet Thai rules!!!
  21. My guess is they use crazy randomizer. We went to Vegas for ComExpo (not sure that was correct name, last century). Two owners of Thai IT companies applied - one was approved another - Not. Almost identical resumes - money, house, cars, family, bank statement, no tattoos etc.
  22. New kosher diner opens at Pinklao near that apartment building.
  23. Last time Blue Book was enough for my partner's GF.
  24. "National Day of Mourning". Too shy to announce?
  25. Yeah, sure-sure. Thai data centers with sudden collapse of climate control systems that once "fried" few dozen racks of servers and Pantip Plaza wannabee sysadmins. Still laughing
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