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Everything posted by NativeBob

  1. most of my life I heard "not ready", "don't want to breed poor people", "you can't provide enough", "I need money for abortion" etc. Most religions claims "each new baby is the blessing". I haven't seen many blessings though. It is great joy to see your kid grow, love and admiration to dad. But weak heart puts everything into another perspective: Will you be there at college graduation 21 years from now? Would you be able to have long walks talking about constellations, Earth plates, biology <<<< to widen his/her horizons? Would you make him/her immune to K-Pop and other rotten pop-culture trash to come? Will you have enough time to read Dylan Thomas and introduce to amazing poetry? It doesn't take a village to raise a child. No. It is our hard, yet pleasant, very hard work. So, if you're unable to fix that heart issue (I hope and wish you will), than say "yes" and take those pills they use for (I can't even say it) for chemical castration. The positive side effect is will never have prostate issues. The gland will shrink.
  2. Yes, most folks practicing Judaism are jews, but no, most jews do not follow Torah scriptures, observe Shabbat and rules of kashrut. Being jew is being born in jewish family even atheistic [most I've met are]
  3. Point well taken. I apologize. My bad. Please remove my posts from this thread. Thank you
  4. Not likely @JackGats. Last 20 years there's no chance for this trick. They report on each other, no friends, no team work. Maybe somewhere is still possible, but Phuket is very lucrative place, nobody wants to be transferred to sh*t hole like Naknon Schmakhon. I knew one officer who was sent away from Bangkok be cause of report of his close friend, another officer.
  5. Amazing stats! Dear @GammaGlobulin I'm not arguing with you, just ... after pogroms and WW2 are there any jews left in Eastern Europe? Praha, Budapest, Sofia, Tirana, Belgrade, Riga, Vilnius, <<<< seriously there are jews living? Wow! They were obviously hiding 😉 Sephardic jews in Europe are quite different from Ashkenazi, but yes, they are very ___________. My most favorite are in France. Smart, intelligent and super supportive, like relatives. The smartest (IMO) are Dutch Jews. No matter where - Bangkok, AMS or Berlin - you can notice them PS: Still I don't distinguish semites from non-semites, Gal Gadot from goyim.
  6. Yes I did and that is exactly why I asked is it relevant to OP's question.
  7. nope. not married to child's mothers. Is it worth reporting as that was almost 8 years ago at Bangkok and OP is somewhere else? Nothing to reckon, seriously. Very nice young lady: always stared at my son. I remember when IO asked his mother's whereabouts I replied "butterfly" and we moved further with passbook and letters from bank and school. Yes, I told her he was with me. I think those are irrelevant details though ...
  8. didn't notice much difference business-wise. Pretty average folks, some are boring like "Bangkok Post", some stingy. Yet nobody here define the term "Jewish people". If I go to order say sapphires at JTC - do I have to yell "Jewish People please stand up"? If I meet dude eating at McDonald I shouldn't deal with him as BigMac is not kosher so he isn't Jewish and has lower IQ hence no good for business? About 15 years ago I met thai lady who passed gyur (she said so) in Ozzy-Land. So during her transition into "jewish-ness" her IQ was rising like a bamboo? #TOTHEMOON What a nonsense, seriously!
  9. Ouch! you support your son, your wife and yet you don't mind risk everything by working w/o WP? Even freelance journalist for BBC (yuck!) required W/P. very strange indeed
  10. You are over-stressing obviously. It took me just few days for Non-O based on child support, letter from school and copy of BC at Thai Embassy in Penang The rest is very standard routine. Believe me - you met some unexperienced IO - there are no requirements for spouse presents, bills paid, blood group and your political alignment. I sense that they're sabotaging you for some $$$ perhaps? Heard alot - never witnessed myself.
  11. kid's BC, Letter from the bank reg. 400K and app. form. no need to bring spouse CW -2017-19
  12. Meanwhile at BRICS Putin stated that there should be peace at Middle East. He had meetings with reps. including Thailand. Something doesn't add up: that Alexander Gabuev (director of the Carnegie Russia Eurasia Center) seems to know more about hidden agenda, right? Or something is not well with his mendula So it is not good that US will make sh*tload of money selling those systems and shells? I thought making money is good for economy, but Bubuev says opposite.
  13. AFAIK Thailand goes #1 on Binary Options and Forex users per capita. Huge revenue in commisions.
  14. "Winter in Bangkok" - very not funny
  15. Yes I saw it on TV. Looked like April 1st prank: "Please, ask TzarVlad to reject Kim's offer and let him keep paratroopers and musketeers at our border. We'll miss them dearly!"
  16. That's quite strange: when your "enemy" sends troops far away to the North - opposite side from you, you should be ecstatically happy, no?
  17. I've been told that Lisa is not actually "Lisa" gender-wise. First her transition began here and than - Korea - the Mecca of plastic surgeries. Told by beuaty surgeon about 60+ old. Maybe he wanted to play some prank on me, jest whatever. I seriously did not than (and do not today) give a flying banana about her/him. Even the hint is in the surname: Man-O-Ban[ana]. Idol for prmary and early secondary school kids. Shania Twain forever!
  18. good question. why? and that freaky Red Bull heir - he is also there, isn't he?
  19. Just fine. pls don't count it by $/hr. 500/time is fair enough even for BKK
  20. I'm pretty sure the use of word "mafia" is wrong and misleading.
  21. I went to four court sessions exactly about it. all were dismissed be the same reason: no valuable evidence presented. Not long ago pre-Covid years. Bangkok court. Jewelry making and IT -related cases. Unless su*ker confesses himself which is pretty dumb thing to do, but ...
  22. Mitch just like Donny is lucky one having pretty exotic wife much younger than himself. So they are not that different after all.
  23. Teach English for free? How noble of him! As long as there're no money involved - otherwise WP and proper visa required. Don't try to outsmart local immigration
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