I only thought about old school "switcharoo" trick when he leaves TH with TH passport and enters Ozzy-Land with AU passport. These days its very common Immigration Officer asking boarding pass on arrival.
Being asked in KL and NL (who would thought, right?)
I would advice you to correct this - either Thai or Ozz passports. Friend had a very sick issue in Bangkok - he's FR holder Gudine not Goudin. Big mess
Very tricky indeed!
Reminds me those days of BOI fair (some Industrial zone near Rayong or Sathahip?) and excitement of "fastest growing economy in SE Asia".
That bubble lasted only few years. Do they truly believe that it can be re-done again?
Nope. Thai sense of humor is quite different from Albanian, and better don't try your luck being witty with them. Look at any thai comedy - that's perfect example what do they consider "funny" and "hilarious"
Just don't try. western humor in Thailand is retarded Mr.Bean character.
Why PH? Thailand has pretty good medical ed. facilities
Or she dreamed to get international license and work as a doctor somewhere else?
Thai student will travel to Pinoy-land to enjoy tagalog/phinglish-spoken lectures?
There's something is missing - I guess it is very old "buy uni. diploma online" scam.
When was it? About 20 years ago?
1994 I met German beggar at Kao Sarn Rd. Few weeks before that he was decent tourist, had an argument with policemen, they beat the sh*t out of him near the river but he survived. Yet his mind didn't recover and he became a "village idiot".
Mafia? does she knows the meaning of such term?
bunch of low-lives tried to extort money from the owner of the school. Even Uzbeki
If he is so vicious why they still alive? To send mumbling farang to the the rainbow is less than 10K/pop [discounts apply]
Can even hire marksman of the same ethnicity - cute?
All that "Russian Mafia Hoopla" is being steered in media for last 30 years. Boys and girls - there is no such a thing in this country. Bulgarians who own skyscrapers on Sathorn are more powerful that a flock of rent-a-motocy and pirogy-pirogy shops.
Depends on nationality. Soon many old european countries will dissolve into some hopeless goo - thanks to new generation of dumbest politicians ever. Pity
Thailand urgently needs "tourist scavengers" to locate and isolate scum like this. At Ratchada 4 almost every second day some "agitated foreigner"
Catch, neuter and send them to temp. asylum
Doesn't sound Russian. Maybe serbian or whoever from Yugoslavia.
110 rounds? Laughable
Merc.? We all mercs for sure. Sure-sure
Yes, Thailand is a hub of recruitment "soldiers of fortune": very convenient and inexpensive.
Oh, than it is easy-peasy: use PH reg'd FB account (Not TH!!!) and relax. What pinoy does at PH is only PH concern. You should mentioned it at the beginning.
If you're still feeling "paranoid" than use VPN in PH. 100% both of you'll be safe. 100%
How cute: many online casinos registered in PH while serving gamblers in TH. Here comes the opposite: thai person with thai FB account wants to run a lottery in PH!
Well, that's a dare walk on very thin ice: depending on police officer and Cyber Division report she might end up in quite awkward situation.