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Everything posted by NativeBob

  1. So what? report you? unless there's solid evidence of engaging into "paid work" they can go whistle. Stupid and paranoid farangs are just amazing! They think that Thailand is some "banana republic" with banana's laws.
  2. Old time switcharoo. I was scammed exactly same way in Turkey, and my friends called me "a careless idiot". Yet the IO was fat and very intimidating. He said "You stay here and wait". That was years ago, but still feel aftertaste. Yes @david555 ^^^ that form.
  3. did they get "the fund transaction"? than why that sucker "admitted hiring"? if I ask my beer-friend to set up the VCR, my lady friend to peel potatoes, or even better - to draw some pictures with my kid >>> is it "working ilegally"? However those "electricians" suxx~! A couple of "freelancers" were installing "bad ass" sound system in broad daylight in the disco bar at Koh Panghan while local [thai competitors] were watching. Only one (1) call would bring wrath of tourist police on their heads, yet they didn't mind half a mil amps and drivers (speakers). Like a little children indeed! Natural selection at work.
  4. Yes that was fun some years ago! Customs took $XK from me, make a gazzilion copies, asked me to signed them, after IO run away with my cash, returned like 15-20 minutes later. Issue some form that I never used applying for RT visa. They were nice and kind people, they just didn't know what exactly to do. Thanks, I'll keep it still in the bank until ...
  5. Oh please! Bangkok Essay, they will buy at current value after testing. No brainer
  6. That's scares me. Proof no proof but proof if monthly. Me head is spinning. Well, @david555 you say I do need to show the "proof of origin" with 400K THB deposit to show?
  7. That is what scares me most. I don't like to collect and show "proof of origin" and had pretty nasty experience with Standard Chartered Bank donkey-manager back then. Yes I can send crypto to some "money helper" and he will use WU, but still not comfortable with such an idea.
  8. Thanks for clarification. I've been told scary stories about those "90+60 days in a sandbox" - seems that 365-(90+60)=215 is quite healthy relieve to me.
  9. that is exactly what I meant. However we here are about MRI in Bangkok. btw, old friend of mine is super loyal to Samitivej Hospital, like there are no others.
  10. just like a jewelry - you can buy at posh areas of Central Dept. stores, or you can buy almost exactly same-same at Yowarat, or you can manage it yourself - not casting and setting, just "manage" Same for scanners - they all very similar Phillips, Toshiba now some Chinese one. But quotes can range up to 300%.
  11. yes, those minerals are main collateral of Ze 30 years bonds. without those neither BlackRock nor any other will give a single rusted satang. it is all about money, huge piles of money. I could only afford some #RTX shares and consider selling it early-mid Nov'24.
  12. it is more than easy. But it will terminate massive cash flow to some and they won't like it. Lindsey, Nancy and many others - there will be "the battles of titans" that we haven't witness before.
  13. My former partner lives there (moved from SG to AU than to TZ). She said many foreigners bought property over there. Including Thor himself. And yes, you can see more arabians in Madrid than spaniards.
  14. Good question. yet Bangkok is better than Madrid and Hobart is better than Bangkok. To supply long-range missiles is not an issue. The only problem is who is going to give money against UA bonds as they almost defaulted on interest payments. BlackRock seems loosing excitement over those papers.
  15. Obviously. Very old friend sold his patio in Spain and bought quite ugly house in Tasmania, following others. Prices are going crazy there.
  16. What red lines? There are dead people in suburb of Moscow, last week drones flew from Norway and/or Finnish land toward Murmansk. Zelenski openly laughing on those "red-line threats"
  17. it was quite convenient back than.
  18. ironic, isn't? IDF blowing whatever they call it but feedback kills civilians. elite forces? Oh please, stop these camp-fire tales. Been there, saw those. There's more "Elite" in Thai Elite club than ....
  19. the only side effect is when you come home and your "tilak" asks for some intimacy. [turn on your imagination now!]. This why you have to turn off lights (or shut your eyes) and feed yourself with death-threatening blue pill. Got a picture?
  20. Oopsie! They are doing fancy NAVI joint exercises with 1000++ vessels, subs and planes from Far East - Arctic - Black Sea and all around. Yet, Raytheon is doing remarkably fine. I'd say "super fine". Why? from $80 to almost $120!
  21. had 200 ltrs salt water fish tank and water treatment is the cornerstone indeed.
  22. Easy! They all are wearing khaki T-shirts with dual-headed chicken on back and Tzar Vlad on front They always drunk They suddenly start to dance Kalinka They speak like backward tape player Their women are often stunning Their faces often purple due to weather difference, not be cause of Viagra Sometimes they drag parachute behind. Was it difficult?
  23. it is "Iglesia Ni Cristo" something like Asian Opus Dei. Hard core Catholicism, my son's nanny was one of those. CIA is about money, huge sums from the US gov. to establish "democracy and freedom" >>> in fact ugly puppets to loot their own countries. Sometimes they show miracles like Twin Towers & kerosene kaboom and similar. Who are they? I guess heartless and greedy bureaucrats.
  24. What is the best police job in TH? (avoid any corruption assumptions, please) .....drum roll..... It is cyber police - you have to stay in cozy AC office drink tea/coffee and watch pron free over very good Internet connection. Even the banned and blocked one - with donkeys and crocodiles.
  25. So true, Interpol was established for chasing African warlords and Sandinistas. same-same ICC.
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