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Everything posted by NativeBob

  1. yes he is not. he is "farang ding-dong" ask around the differences Hint: Shepperd and german shepperd.
  2. Middle East (incl. Israel) was and is flooded with all sorts of counterfeits: ID, passports and banknotes. 90s and few years of this century they operated quite successfully in Bangkok.
  3. Little Marco (as Trump called him) is going full monty within his mental capacity. Amazing show and good comic relief after guitarrasta Tony B. Or not?
  4. Why such a scum attracted such a high brass officers? It is just a pity farang ding-dong, a roach from the Middle East. 56 years old and doing switcharoo with 24 notes in Pattaya? I think those officers gathered to have a looksie at such a moron.
  5. Sure you would, sir! However that was very unexpected twist. Sure there are many desperate boys (and girls) in TH who would do really nasty things but ... Back to the subject - good friend of us installed 25 jacuzzi tubs for Samui super resort, got only 50% advance and that was all. I think also 10+ something years ago. I told him that he should hire some "funky people" to collect his money, but he said he doesn't want to deal with such people. I know how does it feel.
  6. More than 10 years ago? I don't doubt it: Just nobody wanted to deal with that scum, so we hired "suggested by friend" farang to find that a**hole from kenguru-land.
  7. Those measures took place [say] 20-something years ago. Traffic police officers stoped anything on the road and checked CO2 with some weird stick up those exhausts, It didn't last long enough though. Tuk-tuks. trucks, crazy green buses etc. No outcome at all, they are still here, There's something beyond the power of government of Bangkok obviously.
  8. Clean AC working in closed room/flat will reduce amount of any particles. Basic physics. But air purifier is the better choice as it is intended to "purify" air. And less electricity
  9. Was it a sarcasm? you can make it more clear by using this: [sarcasm] Otherwise it is not a clear remark.
  10. We had very bad experience with private investigator back in 2014: an old Aussie fart was copying and selling designs that didn't belong to him. After phone conversation he disappeared from BKK, police was useless so we private eye might help. At 5K/day ++ we only got province, city and local market he visited few times. No address, no photos, no contacts. Turn out he (investigator) didn't even speak thai. just tinglish.
  11. Yesterday in Bangkok about 300 schools were closed. So kids got a chance enjoy Bangkok's smog at home playing their phones and tablets. Think again - almost all schools. That's hulluva crowd of pupils, isn't?
  12. It is very simple: if the kid drowned than it is father's fault and sin to bear else the kid was [god forbid!] minced - than [guess] who's to blame? Lets think technically: 33 tourists + crew yield about 400+ kg the boat itself at least 200kg Engine and canisters of diesel fuel [my guess] are another 100kg So that comes to 700kg min. So you can imagine the power of the engine itself to push this "speed boat?" IT IS A PERFECT MINCER" (CAPS & bold) PS: but if it was real "speed boat" than things look even more gore(-ish).
  13. Captain Somboon didn't know the rule of "man over board"? Didn't that maza**ker know that first and foremost thing to do is to kill an engine? It is almost guaranteed you'll make a minced meal for fishes if you don't kill m***f*** engine! Obviously it came to his mind (with average latency of XX minutes) so he took blaming stance against that pity tourist. I've seen this "blaming game" many times, not only in TH but many other places. My point is the only person responsible for the bloody slaughter is the "captain Somboon".
  14. Wow! What a news! Forget about tens of thousands (probably 100s) making their "easy living" on webcam platforms, OF and similar online services. btw, there's big data-center at Pak Ret. What a coincidence!
  15. Captain and his crew did not minced kid with running propeller, right? It was his dad who threw him under, wasn't it? Btw, Lucas - is not very Russian name, as well "Bugorskiy" is not. Rather Polish or wester UA, than it makes perfect sense. And correct would be Lukash, not Lucas >>> Lukash Bugorskiy However I'd say again: neuter him and send to fight for freedom and democracy.
  16. Israel does.
  17. Neuter him and send to fight. 45 y.o.? he should be dancing in trenches, not on Beach Rd. Livestreaming my ***!
  18. neuter her and send to fight to the Eastern Front. And ban for life to enter LOS.
  19. if there is preemptive pardon than there must be a preemptive sentencing, isn't? Biden's advisers are went complete banana developing/inventing such nonsensical quazi juristic terms. Now Trump has a very right to issue those on Biden's minions - "guilty whatsoever however"
  20. Village People were great than. I had no idea they were "gay" FFS I didn't even know WTF is/are gays. We had morning exercises with "In the Navy" and "YMCA". Those were just great disco songs. And still are. And much-much better performers than that pseudo poor girl at Biden inauguration with "The walls we crawl, the boinks we doink" in Prada outfit and a donut on the head.
  21. In the Middle Ages Holly Inquisition "sold" indulgencies for sins committed. However they also sold such papers for future sins. It was long before Senior Torquemada and his "innovations". Now, more that a half millennium later this mockery of justice repeats itself. What a disgrace!
  22. yes, there're specially assigned "nurses" at BH and BRG for paperworks. However some other, cheaper hospitals are not that much cooperative. Ad yes, can do.
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