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Everything posted by NativeBob

  1. lots of paper works and they check very vigorously. Been there done that for a friend
  2. they look ridiculous and ugly. style is not their feature.
  3. yep. Cyber Crime Division. Elite Police force. (mostly kids, cousins and close relatives of senior officers)
  4. Thailand is leading OF maybe just tailing after US and Poland. If Prague is world capitol of p0rn, than TH is the leader of webcam performers. Good they make hefty sums of money
  5. Please, its not a biggie! There are freaks who beat their wives/gfs, she did the right thing, and I hope the SoB will get his "reward".
  6. Exactly! Severely poisoned mongrel is very sick & very pathetic creature to look at.
  7. They won't eat rat poison due to weird smell/taste. Unless it is very sick or hungry dog. There are better and more efficient ways. Also I wonder why every body talk about "the poison"? Taser works just fine.
  8. Exactly. Never pickup if I don't know #
  9. Turn-key setup of online casino is about $20K. Reg'd at Macao. Some RTP officers own those. Nothing morally wrong about it they think. And now Mr. square face pitched in? OK.
  10. Not a single word. Just a made up story for the reason IDK. I wish they close this "report" for the lack of any (!!!) evidence.
  11. tough situation: you can't just go and beat the sh*t out of him.
  12. Taxi drivers at Phuket are hellishly greedy bastards. The worst in TH
  13. I lived more than 10 years in such condominium. The best! no smoking, very strict to kitchens etc.
  14. I often see "Save UA POWs Now!" kids with donation boxes near MRT station. My guess it's some sort of local "mafia" - last year they were after Amnesty Int., previously - UNCEF, Green Peace, and something and something and something. For many years. Maybe local school generates extra income, maybe something criminal - just pathetic attempt to look legit.
  15. "Smuggling" the worst weed into India where some provinces are full of local and cheap weed? Yeah, sure-sure )
  16. with current massive unemployment in EU UA enjoys unlimited supply of cannon meat. There are thousands of foreigners fighting Russian troops. And more and more are on the way. Funny paradox: UA conscripts are running away yet in the same time westerners are coming.
  17. Interesting choice of hospitals. Only 2 are at Hua Chiew Hospital. The rest scattered all over Bangkok private hospitals.
  18. Nicely put. Basically you've summarized the whole issue of "why this beer tastes like a piss?". #ROFL
  19. Good news! On the second thought - Thai Gov will see zinch of tax revenues from that "Boost"
  20. Nope. No have. Alt music doesn't exist in BKK. Been a huge fan of that style and sorry, wrong location. Thai's motto is "if you can't play well >>> play loud" or "play expensive" The "Alt culture" just doesn't exist here. Not a biggie though, accept it
  21. There were no wars declared last decades. Invasions only. Afghanistan invasion of US troops based on false pretext of 9/11, Iraq "war" based on that WMD BS etc. So legally if your country is not at the "war" you are as the citizen not obliged to "serve your country" [legally]. They'll have to use mercs and military groups, but cannot force you to "serve". Also, foot soldiers? They don't last long. Why bother?
  22. Buddha has nothing to do with it. Police does though. Explained: The abortions performed here [in Bangkok] are done in most inhumane way. They "scoop" everything from the womb, damaging placenta and causing [often] massive bleeding. And here comes the police. I was at the seminar at Bangkok Hospital (BKK) and reports were horrifying. So to get to the point: its about 5-6K THB and done at any women's health clinic, but .... [^^^] Also, many high school girls know the contact of "Dr.Somchai" who does it. Those savage technics are very dangerous and life threatening.
  23. Thanks a lot for bringing this up. Rewriting articles using AI is one thing when you do it for tour pleasure/use and [I guess] different when you post it as your own at public. Yes, I understand that my very own opinion and others might consider it as non-essential.
  24. Thanks for bringing an attention about AI posts here at AN. I will keep it in mind nest time I open it.
  25. Nope, JC's father was a pigeon with nick "Holy Spirit". The one you mentioned was watching and later JC comment his spirit
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