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Posts posted by OxfordWill

  1. From what I can gather searching the forum one needs to apply for a re-entry permit at the same office that gave the extention,

    In my case I am on an ED visa on its second extention which was issued about 2 weeks ago from chaneg wattana.

    So I would need to go to chaneg wattana and ask for a reentry permit, and I would be given a ticket number and told to wait somewhere, etc etc?

    Does anyone know how much they cost, how long you can leave for, and if any other details are important to know?


  2. I have been running my ps3 almost 24 hours a day for several months now, aircon only on half the time. Bit silly but so far no problems.. watch how I post tomorrow about it not turning on.. :/

  3. Im not an expert but I am happy I went for the ps3 because its more of a pc-console than a console. You can store data on it, read data from memory cards, cds, network. You can play dvd, any type of vid format your pc can, and even blu ray. You can play any kind of game from any kind of country as there is no regioning. I can stream movies and photos from my pc over the network to the ps3. I can do all this out of the box- no need for additional purchases. You can purchase your games via the psn store and from any territory (although I get most of mine delivered within 3 hours notice from nadzproject.com for a 200 baht delivery fee).

    I purchased one thinking I just wanted some of the awesome looking games coming out at that time. I didnt really research it. I was very surprised after a while to realise all the extra stuff it could do which the xbox either flat out could not, or required silly microsoft only purchases.

    If you get the psp you can stream some games, and any of your data, from your ps3 to your psp on the beach in ko samui, etc etc.. pretty neat. If your ps3 is networked with your computer, you can stream anything from your pc, via your ps3, to your psp.. on the beach or anywhere else. :)

    My girlfriend loves the smaller mini games which use the sixaxis and also she spends alot of time using the built in photo software which lets you grab your photos from any external deivce and display them in pretty ways like slideshows with music (which you can also grab from ipods, etc).

    Its also a pretty awesome music player, with some nice built in visuals- everyone seems to love the GAIA one which shows satellite images of the earth revolving while pumping out your fav music, looks great on a big tv.

  4. Yes you are right- incredibly difficult. Without writing your own ethnography- perhaps there is little utility to be found in the process. However, I appreciate what you were trying to do. I think the concept of this chart doesn't go far beyond pop appeal- and perhaps that's not something we can or should hope to improve (for fear of abject failure and a 400 page long rant thread on thaivisa.com). However if I can think of anything else I'll be sure to comment on your blog. All that springs to mind is using specific examples, but then we come back to lacking the completeness of an ethnography, if we wish to draw anything but curiosity from it.

    I am also mystified by thai-farang relationships (including my own)!

  5. I think I'm in love with the author's brain.

    My only criticism would be the chart she came up with- I thought that could be improved in certain areas, but I appreciate what she is trying to do. One possible better approach would be to use a real life example for each category, rather than attempting to generalise the same.

    As for the article itself, a good read, although I was left with the impression that the author was holding back some of her own analysis. Almost trying to be too impartial- works well in certain areas of publishing but on a blog I hope for either solid reducible objectivity; providing the best most charitable argument for all sides considered- or a staunch and brave defence of the author's own take on the issue- I found no clear sign of either and alot of questions- which would be acceptable if I didn't have the feeling that this particular author could do so much more than that if she let herself. Hopefully, there is a part 2.

    A refreshing & enjoyable blog, at any rate.

  6. What am I supposed to do with my money now that I can't even get a savings account with interest to beat inflation?

    Buy Thai gold?? That seems to be at a high value already, not that I know what I'm talking about.

    What do you do to make your USD or THB work for you in Thailand (open a bar, ho ho, ha ha!).


    p.s. no idea why I chose that subheading, it seems irrelevant.

  7. The job is a lead HTML designer for the design and front ends of various web applications. Preference will be given to applicants who can travel to the office in Bangkok (Phattanakan) although telecommuters may apply.

    - HTML expert (please state your experience and provide portfolio of your recent work)

    - Please state other design languages/software products you are skilled at using

    - Experience hooking design to Java/JSP a plus

    - Good command of English Language

    - Ability to follow instructions carefully and keep to deadlines.

    To apply please PM me with your personal information, expected hours and expected salary. Desirable candidates will be provided with further information.

    - Applications longer than 500 words will be ignored.

    - Applications without the words "HTML LEAD DESIGNER" in the subject will be ignored.

    ** No agencies please. **

  8. It's a very weak analogy to compare a street drug in Thailand to the "pure form" of its generally agreed chemical makeup. If that's what you believe his point was then you've only made it easier to dismiss as irrelevant.

    You're clearly just looking for a fight about prohibition- but unfortunately for you I am not the least bit interested in that subject.

    p.s. You do know Oxford is a City with houses, families, parks, roads, businesses and so on? People live there and love the place who have nothing to do with the university... surprised this is new info for you.

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