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Posts posted by OxfordWill

  1. How to apply? PM me on this forum.

    Required for immediate start:

    - Located in Thailand (preferably available in Bangkok).

    - Have a reliable daily broadband internet connection.

    - Experienced writing JAVA/j2ee (Java 2 enterprise) for web applications (experience with tomcat a plus).

    - Technical background.

    The work can be part time or full time depending on you and whether or not we enjoy working with you.

    You will work from home.

    The job is a senior JAVA programmer for developing a web application. You should be able to provide some example of your work. There will be an initial paid test period of 7 days. You should be comfortable with often working outside of normal business hours, including some hours on weekends and evenings when deadlines dictate.

    We do NOT accept CVs or Resumes! Your application will be IGNORED unless:

    1) It is less than 500 words long.

    2) The subject contains the words "JAVA CODER JOB".

    3) You include your personal details.

    4) You include how many hours per month you can commit to (up to and including full time)

    5) What your expected compensation/salary is.

    6) Why you are the right candidate for the job (be specific!)

    7) How many years experience you have with JAVA and specific example(s) of your work.




    More details on the company and job will be provided to desirable candidates.

  2. I hope you visa boffins can help me once again please.

    Is it possible to get a Re Entry Permit for a holiday to Laos when holding an ED Visa + being at Tha Na leng immigration at the train station in Laos?

    How about at the Friendship bridge?

    Or is it all at Chaeng Wattana in Bangkok?

    And does it need to be applied for in advance?

    Many conflicting reports on immigrations own website and others.

    Thanks in advance.

  3. If you do report them, its unlikely it will even be looked at. If by some freak chance someone in authority acted on it and caused them trouble, it would likely be a small fine and they can keep going. If by some freak chance the trouble was big and it caused them alot of strife and bigger problems, I would personally hope you get an equal disaster come into your life very quickly.

  4. People live in different worlds, there's little point arguing one vs the other. There's always someone doing it bigger or more than you too, which we should all remember. So you earn 30k? Great, its twice what most Thais earn. But I know someone earning 60k. I know someone earning 100k. He does stuff the 30k guy doesnt. But then there's a guy earning 300k. He spends what the first guys earns in a month, on one single afternoon entertaining his clients at an executive lounge. And so on, and on.. We could all be happy on 30k, because happiness doesnt come from wealth alone and we are evolved to adapt and survive. So its silly saying "I couldnt do 30k". You could. It's equally silly to imply "I wouldn't be more happy to earn 300k" because more money is something with the potential to contribute to happiness, just not the only thing.

  5. It depends, A group of thai people I know did this the other day, took loads of photos of them sitting in front of the temple (not inside mind you) and seemed to make a fun trip of it- nothing too serious like a 9 church catholic trip might be assumed to be. :) As with most things- follow their lead.

  6. Brit I don't think it does but I have heard many complaints from guys who spend all evening buying a nice friendly attractive girl some drinks and eventually get asked "how much will you pay me?". I think this annoys some people as the outward appearance of both places is not similar to a massage, brothel, or more obvious freelance pickup joint like thermae etc.

  7. q bar and bed are made up of the 'slightly older men and slightly suspicious women' crowd about 80%. I'm not making any judgment as to if this is a good or bad thing, just reporting the fact.

  8. Really you should not get involved. I have a lot of personal experience in this and this is my honest advice. If you really care, and there is some way to achieve the following, you could try telling a caring older Thai figure about her situation. It should be a family member. And they should genuinely care about her. Beyond that, please, don't make it your problem, which in all liklihood is what will happen if you try to help.

    p.s. it sounds like ice, but ice users usuall use yabaa in between ice to "top up" or if they run out of money for the main event.

  9. That said, the times I do have women hitting on my husband has not been in bars but rather out in public. Not sure if I am invisible, or they think I am his disposable girlfriend?

    Im relieved to hear it happens the other way around too. Thought it was just a thai male thing. What was it that guy wrote.. "licentiousness the main pleasure of them all"

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