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Posts posted by OxfordWill

  1. His argument is even weaker if we take him at his words and say "Many" rather than "most" which was what I took the subtext to be. By all means- we can include an addtionally fallacy if we ignore being charitable to him and say P1) Many of Tv membership are sexpats. He then does not even have the force of induction and is being entirely illogical.

    He didn't say "many" either.

    Yes, he did. =)

  2. His argument is even weaker if we take him at his words and say "Many" rather than "most" which was what I took the subtext to be. By all means- we can include an addtionally fallacy if we ignore being charitable to him and say P1) Many of Tv membership are sexpats. He then does not even have the force of induction and is being entirely illogical.

  3. Esteem is definitely a nicer way of translating it.


    [to] respect ; esteem ; regard

    Is ให้เกียรติ actually what he said? :S

    I can find ยกย่อง in the newspaper but my reading is terrible.

    edit: turns out it's นับถือ (nub tue). So much power in the hands of the translators.

  4. Interesting, this concept of "respect".

    How an individual judges whether to respect someone or not will depend almost entirely on his cultural definition of the term. In the case of a Thai man of his age, respect is not the same animal as it is to an English or American or *whatever* person.

    Given what it is that a Thai person of his age considers the "right qualities" to engender a feeling of respect then I think we can, given our own cultural bias (most of us anyway), all be quite complimented by his comment.

  5. Information is only valuable if you are the only one who has it. You know she is not truthful. That is a valuable piece of information. If she knows you know she is not truthful that is a worthless piece of information. I realize this is a deep thought but think about it for a while.

    The men who think their significant others are truthful have less information than you do. Consider yourself lucky and keep it to yourself.


    p.s. I don't think women are the same the world over, in what they want, how they think or how they behave. I believe there are more similarities between American and English women, for example, and less between Japanese and Dutch..

    I know nothing about women from any country, but I can see they are not all the same in matters like sex, core values, etc. Of this I am confident. Anything else- no bloody clue.

  6. I'm sorry to disagree with some posters here but for me this woman isn't mentally ill just a manipulative, spiteful and nasty piece of work. Mentally ill people don't often threaten to kill themselves they tend to just go off and do it.

    The fact she has " tried " a couple of times already says a lot.

    I would leave her some money for rent or whatever for the next month or so and just walk away. Change your number if you feel the need but don't be held to ransom by anybody and certainly don't feel any guilt.

    Tend to agree, if mentally unstable then they will jump, not threaten. ;)

    That is just totally untrue. Most people who commit suicide,or threaten it, or attempt it, don't want to do it. The evidence to support this statement is overwhelming.

    90% of people who try to comit suicide Do it sooner or later.

    Highly suspect this is nonsense but even if not, I doubt it is a THAI statistic.

  7. I tried to break up with a girl I was seeing only for about 2 months after I found out she had another guy on the go. She ate a bunch of pills and her friend called me to check up on her, which I did. Like the OP I made her vomit and then foolishly did not follow through with the breakup. Some 12 months later I finally managed to break up with her but she continued to cause me hassles.

    My friend had a similar situation with a girl and he is Thai.

    It's typically just a ploy to hang on to the relationship.

    Lesson learned: PITY is perhaps the WORST motivation for continuing a romantic relationship.

  8. By chance the owner of soi 8 was smoking one last night so I asked him about it and apparantly on the corner of soi 11 there are some. He had what looked like a joy 510 but apparantly was not. He said he hasnt had a real cig in several months.

    re the nicotine comment its up to you what you use them to smoke, various options available both with and without nicotine.

  9. Yeah the above results are fake.

    IT's a sad fact that Thai ISPS cheat on the speed tests. They don't even try to hide this fact, they're not even cheating very cleverly... you have a 19 ms ping to LA. Now even if were in LA, you wouldn't get a 19ms ping. From thailand, you should expect around 200ms.

    Note that even if they're cheating on the speed tests, they still might offer good service. You just can't rely on speed test to tell you anything about the quality of your line anymore. I think 3BB started this and now True is on it too... I imagine getting a good speed test result keeps many people from calling customer service so this cheating will directly improve the bottom line.

    Actually they aren't. My immediate thought was cached fakery. So I tested against my own racks in various places and, lo and behold, it's accurate.

    True has a direct fibre line to LA. 19ms is exactly what it should be. Eventually, when enough others have this new DSL package, the international bw will be busier. For now, I enjoy..

    The pind speed is down to many factors, and you are right that within LA I might get a slower ping. There is nothing odd about that possibility. Remember that the taller buildings there are hot fibred. I know because our DC is actually right on one of the rings.

    p.s. another way to look at it is, how long does it take to download a certain file size from a well understood location? My average bittorrent speed is 2.6mbps with USA/EU peers. Given the fact this is p2p not s2c, you can allow for a deduction of 70%.

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