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Posts posted by OxfordWill

  1. if you use protection she will not get an STD,

    Hi, that's unfortunately not true. NSU, chlamydia, some herpes and even gonno can be passed between two people having fully protected sex. Not to mention scabies, genital warts and some others. All with a condom on from the day you met.

    Why are all you ladies ignoring the fact this fella is trying not to be unfaithful to his lady? You seem to be concentrating on the "male sex fiend" possibility and not the "sincere loving partner" possibility. ?

  2. 4)If you have lived here long enough you know that honesty and morality are not on the "top ten" of values here. So when in Rome.....

    While understand that while in Rome one must adjust, that does not mean one has to abandon their own principles.

    Yea because principles are the best way to approach morality.... (!?)....it's funny how most of us are complete products of our own country, and guess what, so are Thai people products of Thai society. I like how you assume that (a) all foreigners coming to Thailand have principles and (:) that principles are somehow a more satisfactory response to moral problems than anything Thailand has come up with! Most people visiting Thailand are just as blinkered as the romans yet think they are free thinking or at least more free thinking than the locals. Only they arent. Meta-ethics in a visa thread.. only on thaivisa.com

    I suggest as have others that the OP go the ED visa route. This kills two birds with one stone- you get your visa situation under control and you get to become literate in the country you will be living in. It's a win-win situation. It's not too expensive and it is convenient compared to the tourist visas border run situation.

    It also has the added benefit of, once fluent in Thai, being able to write long complaint letters to immigration officials about the whole department :D Of course, they will be ignored, but it is cathartic I am sure.

  3. unfortunately a load of know-nothings saying its impossible that you are on one of the *several* blacklists that thailand operates, yes there is more than one. The truth is there is no way of knowing except to get your visa and then fly over here. If you have a second passport or nationality use that. You should dig more into the ex's family and find out how likely it is she has this power & how likely it is the relative in question would actually do it for her- i.e. did you meet the uncle who is high up in whatever ? Did he like you? etc etc.

    The number of "sort of connected" thai girls who like to big up how connected they are but actually have no power at all is very high compared to how many could actually achieve something like this. So in general terms the liklihood is your ex is not able to do what she threatens and those that can do that sort of thing normally wouldnt talk about it so much. I think you shouldnt worry too much. Fly over and see. Or get a new even more connected lass and rest assured :)

  4. What I find interesting now is how the thai idea of marriage is evolving at what seems to be a very fast pace- I mean, who can really point to what marriage is in the mind of most Thais? Its far easier if we consider what a typical idea of farang+farang marriage would be- but its dangerous to extract an ethical conclusion from such matter of fact things and go on to suggest it ought to be this way rather than just recognising that in our countries, it is.

  5. then they CANNOT deny you an ED visa extension without treading on international human rights that protect you from discrimination, racism, etc.

    Please, don't try this approach! Better just to say youre sorry and youll learn harder. Nothing you said is technically wrong, but it doesnt quite work like this for everyone.

  6. My guess is that we are suffering from a Monday morning after the weekend update. What is true, whatever is being said is that under some conditions requests for external [to Thailand] sites are failing and it would appear that this failure cascades down to mict as the point of last connexion. That does not mean that the sites are being blocked per se, but that standard http requests are failing and the system [abusing that word] ends up at mict which is revealing if you think about it.


    Yeap, this is most likely exactly what is happening. :)

  7. Ok, someone post *proof* this is because of blocking rather than the 6 or 7 other more likely and possible reasons?

    Whats more embarassing than a thai technical issue which redirects popular sites to government sites?

    A bunch of so called more knowledgeable westerners claiming its deliberate.

    Not saying it isnt

    Just am not seeing any reason to think it is.

  8. Soi 22 oh sukkers has a few "deaf" ones. I was a bit drunk and regret to say I tested him by making a loud clap behind his ear, he didnt flinch or see it. But, weirdly, he also did not speak thai sign language (which I know a little of). So, sometimes it might not add up but they can be genuine anyway.

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