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Posts posted by OxfordWill

  1. How is JJ a loser?

    The punk just made 35,000 baht to do a 5,000 baht fix.

    If I were him, I'd be changing his beach sign to say "As seen on TV" and T-shirts for sale with a slogan that says "Don't run...trust me".

    He is just one of the "Beach Boy Mafia" that work up and down Phuket's beaches, and they make more money that you renting crappy jet skis and drinking beer on the beach.

    Who was the loser again?

    Do you want a job? We need a new marketing guy!

  2. My father used to work a similar role to that naval police chief- he said the old Thailand was never like this (hes retired now!). It's a real shame.. and I can't believe the young guy agreed to 30k and ended up being encouraged to pay 30k by the RNPC. I wonder if someone in Phuket can visit the jail and get a photo of the guy they claim to have locked up?

  3. My friend arrived on a tourist visa with multiple entries, he is today on one day overstay and wants to know what he should do.. I am not sure if he can extend in immigration or not for 30 days if he has been on overstay? So he has been in country now about 61 days- if he goes to border I know he will have to pay the overstay and he will get a new stamp- but my question is will they let him do it at immigration for 30 day extention thus utilising his visa to the most?

  4. by apartment building got struck by lightning, or the leccy tower outside did, which caused the generator to explode, whcih caused a fire, which caused me to leave my room at 2am, in the rain, for about an hour. Great skies though

  5. always buy them in 7/11 (sim cards).

    Dont pick up calls from a number you dont recognise, but if you have to, if someone starts blabbering in Thai and seemingly not let you interrupt- hang up as soon as you can- if you let them talk for 30 seconds (or is it a minute?), they are allowed to charge you for sms messages.

  6. dunno if anyone else said this yet but can I recommend not telling your gf until you know for sure you gave it to her, and then bringing the subject up at a later date or slowly in small pieces of info. This is the Thai way and is less likely to cause your relationship a big problem. Bringing it up now in "full disclosure" is very western, and might be too direct and risk scaring her away. Suggest a mutual check up, then if it turns out she does have it, you will both have the diagnosis and then up to you if you admit you knew you had it before and apologise.

  7. Just to clarify for you all, I believe that 'street price' figure they come up with represents the total amount of money the drugs are sold for in each transaction down the chain, it does not represent how much the end user will pay for it. So taking these drugs off the street kind of dealt a 2.3 million baht blow to the drug traffickers and dealers.

    For more information, check here - http://www.enotes.com/drugs-alcohol-encycl...ia/street-value

    Interesting! Thanks.

  8. FYI the current average price of a pill purchased 'on the street' is 900 baht. If hypothetically one knew someone who frequently dealt with such substances then one might be able to get such an item for 600 or 400 in bulk. Ive never heard of it going over 1000 and never less than 400 but then I am merely an observer and not involved in such things. By both accounts though the police are definitely overvaluing the things.

  9. Thai girls lose face with their mates when a relationship fails, even if it wasnt her fault, all her friends will have the thought in their mind that she wasnt good enough for you. The "risk" for her is not like it is for you with your mates. Plus her friends might know her family, and her family will give her hel_l if they think she got into a relationship with a foreigner and then it failed after a short time. So, to announce to her "network" that you are an item, she needs to be sure.

    The above assuming she is a decent gal.

  10. Of course the answer would differ depending on the girls age. if she was 18, she would say a few years most. if she was 30, dating a 50 yr old would be ok. but it's up to the individual.

    What are doing writing a book on the subject? if so I suggest you go to Thai female forum and do a survey.

    No, I'm not writing a book. I asked a perfectly serious question because I want to know the answer, for reasons that need not concern you. Why should I do a survey? The responses might be biased. Why is asking here not sufficient? I am likely to get honest responses based on anecdotal evidence (except for people who attempt to be snide, of course......no names mentioned, wink, wink, say no more.)

    Haha.. :)

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