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Posts posted by OxfordWill

  1. Anyone who reads the words "miss England" and thinks of something other than a white skinned girl is simply in PC overlode mode! Nothing racist about that concept either, do I need to cite wordsworth, shakespeare etc? "post from a point of information" ??? I can give you centuries of them- books, poems, plays, odes, songs, tales, and more recently films, photos.. Racism doesnt come into it only common sense and factual basis for our concepts. A black english girl is about as common in a historial context as a white african girl, in fact I would argue white african girls are more common than black english girls in a historical context. And no I am not anti black I am simply anti bullshit. Theres nothing wrong with having a black miss england, and theres nothing wrong with having a white miss africa, but to yell at someone who points out the unusualness of such a thing is to be ignorant.

  2. poor ry12.

    As youve seen people get very personal about this subject.

    All you are doing is voicing the already inherent drives in all of us to produce the best possible offspring and by best I mean so that they will have as many natural advantages as possible.. Nowadays in PC terms this is of course known as racism. As is breathing, eating and a few other human things. Bear in mind however, even with the perfect mother, your kid might pop out deformed. Im white and boy am I glad, if I was black Id have to worry so much more about my kid being mistreated than parents normally do. Of course its not proper to talk about these things. We're still all victorians deep down.

  3. I think 99% of the bitterness comes from language issues. Being surrounded day after day by people speaking a language he cannot understand, the average westerner will become introvert, suspicious, lacking in self confidence and ultimately bitter. Sure, other things come into the mix (bad experiences with people etc), but I believe this to be the main reason for the average moaning expat. And the solution is easy- learn the dam_n language! I find that the more Thai someone understands the happier they are here, and it makes perfect sense.

  4. The worst I ever saw was a road flattener (not sure what they are called- the jcb type with a very large front cylinder wheel) go over a mans head and literally pop it. There was a thrad on TV at the time about that accident.

  5. I have a good friend back in the uk who is started as a hynoptherapist and later ended up in the tv entertainment biz, but he treated several alcoholics before that and two of them are sober to this day to my knowledge after only a few sessions with him and no meetings. However, I think AA is a very good thing.

  6. I dont know if its pride or principles but either way its pretty ridiculous to get so het up about such a small situation. Live a month in the policemans shoes and then see if you really want to get so offended by it. Your life is infinitiely better so why not allow him his methods? Just trying for a different angle here... lol

  7. He was a fun cop, and we both laughed. I then told him that I live here and help take care of Pattaya when there are no tourists and that Pattaya should help take care of falang like me. To my surprise he tool the ticket from me and marked off the no hemet charge only leaving me with a no license charge. He was totally cool and every time I see him out I smile and wave to him. He's the guy that usually hangs out there, always in a mask now with glasses. Super nice guy. So they are not all bad. It's just the bad apples that drive us crazy.

    Case in point! You could also turn the bad ones to your side too, its entirely down to your skill. There is no such thing as a thai cop who cannot be turned. Its their nature to bond, form relationships and put you in a certain category as soon as possible after meeting you. Up to you if you can exploit this or not.

  8. Maybe you talk differently if you are just walking down Walking Street and some TG starts shouting at you that you just raped her. You will be detained for a few days and only THB 200,000 - THB 400,000 bail will set you free.

    Loads of witnesses but they're all laughing with the situation.

    Yes, THB 400,000 isn't THB 400, but the fact is similar.

    Erm, no thats a completely different situation, as was Loongs card playing example.

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