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Posts posted by OxfordWill

  1. My girlfriend who is less than 45 kg and most of her incredibly hot friends all drink leo if we go somewhere like a beer garden as a group. And they seldom get pissed on it either (unfortunately..since her friends really are very attractive. :) )

  2. You mention wanting the child to see her mum as independent but this and many of your other comments show that you have a weak understanding of Thai culture. I would tread very carefully here as your good intentions good easily end up causing harm, and you could end up utterly confused as to why.

  3. Ask yourself if you absolutely need to own the hardware- and if not, do not. And if you absolutely do, do not buy it here, buy it from a datacentre in America or europe. Have that company set it up and configure it. I strongly suggest CentOS unless you have the budget for the Red Hat enterprise and will require corporate level support.

  4. I do not wish to deminish what is being said in what you cited, but there is a very simple mechanism for covering the problem of testimony/arguments which are not deductively valid but one cannot see a reason to reject them along the lines of "sane, no evidence of false or misleading behaviour, no benefit from telling an untruth, admirable life and example to others, etc" and this is called inductively forceful arguments. I wont go into detail here but you can google it. Unfortunately I think its quite amateur to require anything more than a paragrpah or two on the subject, but I will apply the principle of charity and assume the author only wishes to use the point as a path to a discussion of more religious topics.

  5. Not that I wish to start the age old income debate again, but the OP states he wants to mix with similar social class to him. He does not state what he considers his social class to be. But he does mention being lazy and university educated. In my experience, lazy and university educated means in the top half not the bottom half- lower classes who go to university tend not to be lazy, quite the opposite. The lazy ones are from well to do families who have a cushioned upbringing and take most things for granted (I know, because I was one). Given this, I do not think he will want to eat the majority of his meals at thai prices, firstly because the idea of eating from the gutter or a down trodden restaurant will not impress him and secondly he states he wishes to meet new friends from his social class- and such people are less likely to be frequenting such establishments.

    Perhaps the op will point out his social class so we can better assist him, and also provide telltale hints and tips so that he may avoid the riff raff of the working class while sojourning in the dark lands for queen and country.

  6. I dropped by one of my regular local Thai food places yesterday. I always tip (not the kind of place where people do) as I am a regular and I want to be welcome. So this lady who I only know by face not name says to me who she only knows by face not name says HELLO FARANG! It made me cringe. Now I realize she was not intending to be rude, but what is going on in her head that she just can't leave it at HELLO?

    I actually hope for this kind of comment- because unlike many times it is so easy to deal with. You just reply "watdee cup, con Thai!" with a big smile. Its actually a little rude, but given how quickly it comes after "hello farang" nobody can get annoyed with you for it! They might even reflect on why you did that.

  7. It does strike me as strange that Howard apparantly only knows a few choice words of Thai. I would say it takes 2-3 months of personal study at home in the evenings, an hour here and there, to parrott enough sentences to deal with 90% of the situations he finds himself in. I did notice that his Thai was really rather bad, unless bravo edited out all the bits where he spoke it well and left in the couple of times he tried to use a single word to ask or answer a question to a Thai person. I think he would be infinitely more useful if he improved his Thai. But he is useful now, as I previously commented- but he could be moreso. Hes already got the understanding of basic cultural norms, he appears to control himself well (at least in front of a camera, one must remain sceptical until proven otherwise..) and his explanations of thai culture are not incorrect. I just wonder why he hasnt improved his lingo skills.

  8. Its far from selfless, unless we're talking open source, and even then not always. Its one of the cheapest ways to create brand awareness and upsell your other products. Its basically the most affordable and quick way to get known and gain leads- make something useful and give it away for free.

  9. If we are allowed to help we will if not then we will keep our noses out of it. but if the funeral expenses are paid for by the "village" and here I pressume you mean the surroundig neighbothood then why dont the villagers bother to see him while he is still alive?... if he is still alive

    Unfortunately giving money to the temple for such things is not a sign that the giver "gives a rats".

    Its simply the "done thing".

    One must appear to be a good buddhist if one is unable to actually be one.

  10. chowna is being logical. Theres also two ways to take your question "crisis of faith".

    You might mean:

    1) Youre starting to doubt buddhist principles/beliefs

    2) Youre starting to think you cant associate with people claiming to share your beliefs but who act so badly.

    I think chowna took you on your first meaning, and most of the others understood it as (2).

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