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Posts posted by FarangBuddha

  1. Because tourists will generally stay for two to three weeks. So don't even need a visa.

    If their holiday is going to be longer than 30 days (quite unlikely) they can get a Tourist Visa which is good for 60 days! Two whole months of holidays! Even if that is not enough they can get a double or triple entry and by doing a border run after 60 days they can get another 60 days!

    A 120 day holiday!

    Blimey. Not many tourists need longer than 120 days now, do they?

    Going on 12 years now so that's 4380 days give or take...what's the right visa for that :)

    • Like 1
  2. Every country administers its visa waiver program with the goal of reciprocating other countries' terms when possible but the priority is always on limiting the negative effects of easy entry.

    Statistics show that Thailand attracts far too many travelers who choose to stay here despite insufficient means. So, even USA and EU tourists only get 30 days on a waiver.

    But, it's pretty easy to get a multiple-entry visa from your home country. For a while now it's even been free, and each 60 day entry can be extended for 30 days more.

    Plus, of the countries you mentioned, only Malaysia and The Philippines have any provision for retirement visas, so on balance, Thailand seems to rate fairly well.

    Plus, unless its changed recently, at least for Americans (and I assume most countries), tourists without a visa only get a 21-day entry stamp (so even less than Thailand).

  3. Thanks for the replies. Will get hubby to go up to Chaiyapruek to pay it this time. Its was certainly a lot handier paying at 7-11.Hopefully be just a temp thing. They said you can still pay the water there. Didnt give a reason why they cant take electricity now... Someone at my hubbys work said you can pay them in Tesco Lotus as well.

    Unfortunately cant do it dirrect debit as we need validated receipt for hubbys work.

    Yes, all the major shopping super-stores, I.e., Big C, Lotus, etc., have bill payment counters. Look/ask for the Counter Service outlet.

  4. 7-11 still takes them...you must be past the due date so you will have to go to the elec. co. office to pay, which is on Central Road in the middle of the block between 3rd and 2nd Roads (just down from the TOT office).

  5. My guess is it will go into decline. Pattaya always scrapes the bottom of the barrel. Westerners have declined in number but were replaced by cheap package tourists from Russia, India and China.

    Pattaya could feed off the Chinese and Indian package tourist markets for the next 40 years so not much to worry about for the Thai/foreign investers who target products and services for those markets. Now, whether Western visitors/expats will be interested in visiting/living in such a place is another question to be answered.

  6. Just back this week as well and also with single-entry tourist visa (3rd in the past 9 mos. [but the others were 2x entries]). Cost is US$ 55 and all that's required is return ticket to Thailand and one photo; turnaround is one day.

    PS: Can anyone tell me why the Thai embassy wants to see a one-way ticket return to Thailand for issuance of a visa for travel to Thailand? I could understand a ticket out of Thailand to some third country but why do they care if actually go to Thailand or not before issuing the visa?

    Would you mind posting the contact details of the agent that you used?

    Why proof of a return ticket to Thailand? Thai logic I suppose, no point in trying to figure it out.

    The contact info is all in this thread...or use search function for "mr. Keo."

    Thanks FB, I've used Keo before and will use him again next month if the turnaround is as quick as you stated. There's a Khmer public holiday in the week that I'm in PP, but it shouldn't affect me too much..

    You are correct in reminding everyone that when planning their visa run to any country, check that there are no official government holidays for either Thailand and the country one is planning to visit; as generally, the Thai consulate will be closed for BOTH the local and Thai govenrment holidays.

    Mr. Keo is great and is very thankful for everyone here who is using his service.

  7. Just back this week as well and also with single-entry tourist visa (3rd in the past 9 mos. [but the others were 2x entries]). Cost is US$ 55 and all that's required is return ticket to Thailand and one photo; turnaround is one day.

    PS: Can anyone tell me why the Thai embassy wants to see a one-way ticket return to Thailand for issuance of a visa for travel to Thailand? I could understand a ticket out of Thailand to some third country but why do they care if actually go to Thailand or not before issuing the visa?

    Would you mind posting the contact details of the agent that you used?

    Why proof of a return ticket to Thailand? Thai logic I suppose, no point in trying to figure it out.

    The contact info is all in this thread...or use search function for "mr. Keo."

  8. Just back this week as well and also with single-entry tourist visa (3rd in the past 9 mos. [but the others were 2x entries]). Cost is US$ 55 and all that's required is return ticket to Thailand and one photo; turnaround is one day.

    PS: Can anyone tell me why the Thai embassy wants to see a one-way ticket return to Thailand for issuance of a visa for travel to Thailand? I could understand a ticket out of Thailand to some third country but why do they care if actually go to Thailand or not before issuing the visa?

  9. Good on him, but also lucky as most of these scumbags carry weapons.

    Kudos for catching the perp, however, they have friends and relatives too, so the both of them better be careful and watch their backs in the future.

    PS: Don't understand how a presumedly locked door can be so easily just pushed open...you would think a room with that much money would at least be secured by a decent padlock.

  10. This is the place with no bathroom for customers, right? The customers must walk into the mall or over to Soi 8 to relieve themselves. Never quite sure which is closer, but the mall is cleaner.

    The ocean is right across the street...the palm trees are even closer.

  11. My house needs a good weekly cleaning...PM me if interested.

    But seriously, the blind school or the vocational training school for the disabled or any of the other programs run by the Father Ray Foundation would be good places to start.

  12. I think you'll find your dealer is trying it on. As far as I know all models till Feb get free insurance, ALL the other freebies can be had but will be hardwork. The grey wildtrak is pictured above at the media day.

    The picture of the metro grey isn't very clear, or maybe I'm looking at the wrong pics. Anyway, I found an Aussie site with some better pic, including Gunmetal blue, which is my favourite at the moment if I buy the XLT. If I buy the Wildtrak, it'll be the Chilli Orange....

    Just curious, why so expensive in Aus? I thought prices were high in Thailand but 2x Thai prices...is it an import/excise tax thing or does Ford just raise the price because of the higher standard of living/income in Aus?

  13. I'd say is around 2:1 Russian speakers now, with the same ratio in the local cable TV channels too; and many appear to be taking up residence as well, which is the really scary thing.

    I think I like it better when they were all locked-up behind the Iron Curtain.

    "...which is the really scary thing."

    Why is this frightening?

    "I think I like it better when they were all locked-up behind the Iron Curtain."

    And again, why?

    Google "sarcasm" for your answer.

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