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Posts posted by FarangBuddha

  1. 16000 is equivalent to 390 Euros and that is not a great deal of money to a farang but it is a great deal to a Thai, especially of they are destitute.

    I am sure that the floods are causing all sorts of consequences in Thai society. I have taken greater care over my own personal security even here in Bangkok and I am extremely careful where I use an ATM these days which I never used to be.

    Crime happens everywhere in the world and these are troubled times even back in the UK. When in Cambridge recently I was 'approached' when at an ATM in the middle of the city and if it had not been for the appearance of a group of people, I just wonder what would have happened to me.

    I feel sorry for the German but at least he is safe and most probably covered in any case by his insurance policy.

    I don't know of any insurance against personal crimes like armed robbery...I mean, what's to stop anyone from saying they were just robbed of B 60k or 600k rather than a measly 16k?

  2. i will venture to guess that Soi 16/1 off the Naklua Road is not a temple or meditation center. I will guess, it is a red light area.

    no, it is not a RLD.

    Most of the sub-sois leading off Naklua Road down to the hotels and condos of Wong Amat have beer bars and such so yes, it probably would be considered an "entertainment" zone...but nothing like sois 6, 7, 8, Pattaya Land, or Bua Khow.

  3. Welcome to Pattaya.

    And NOTHING will be done.

    Farang fault for walking the streets.

    And for stupidly carrying B 16k on him <_<

    Everyone has to be a little on guard as my Thai friends in Pattaya have told me that, due to the floods and consequent loss of jobs/incomes, there are currently lots of transient/jobless Thais that have come to Pattaya to seek employment. Not all of them will find work and may have to resort to other means to obtain an income :(

  4. Just received my settlement check here in Thailand. It's dated Nov. 10, 2011 and it was forwarded to me here in Thailand by my USA mailbox service, therefore the delay. Got a check for $ 757.96 (valid for 120 days). This will pay for a few drinks and some "extras" here in LOS. :lol:

  5. This is what I got;

    - Hkool film (I was offered any of the 3 V,H or 3M)

    - Rust protection/ Wax ever 6 months for 2 years.

    - Free white plate plus registration costs and tax.

    - Full tank of gas

    - Free service from 15,000km to 100,000km.

    - wind guard/ protector for windows and bonnet.

    - Park pilot sensors 4 zone

    - Insurance for 1 year

    I originally posted my situation on Ford's Facebook page, then they asked me to email them over my receipt to; [email protected]

    Good luck!cool.gif

    Thanks, already printed, scissor next to remove TV info, Ford Phuket today

    No Ranger from Ford Phuket this year, asked about Focus diesel, hatch available in 2-3 weeks in white or black no free insurance blablabla, gave up yesterday and got a Mazda 2 in shining red to be picked up on tuesday

    Ranger to Focus to Mazda 2, that's quite a climb down! Sure you didn't want the 2 all along?

  6. Gil is a great guy! He visits each table and cares. The Tacos on Friday were amazing. I ate 7 for 220++.

    Amateur...I'll down at least 10-12...maybe more. At Loaf's pizza buffet, I've downed 12-15 slices and those tacos don't look that big to me :lol:

  7. .

    For a little change of pace between the biased attempts to squelch both ++ and adulation comments-- attached is pic of three tacos on the Tuesday & Friday all-you-can-eat feed.


    They look a little sickly to me...they need to beef (or pork) up a bit.

  8. Ok, Ok, Ok....no more ++ discussions. It's been beaten to death. Please :jap:

    But its fine to keep praising them like the second coming. This is a Discussion Forum and as much as you may find the ++ issue boring some of us find the unending adulation just as boring.

    It sounds like you haven't really read the thread. There has been a good balance of comments on the food, service, opening problems, etc. Hardly only adulation, in fact, not very much pure adulation.

    I have to agree on this one, there has been quite a bit of opinion, both pro and con, on the food and service at Sunrise in this thread. In fact, I'm a little surprised this thread wasn't closed on a couple of occasions when the discussion got a little heated. In any case, people, if they are of a mind, will at some point have to try the place themselves and make up their own minds. If the place is still here in 3 years, we will all know what the collective judgment is :)

  9. I was down in Pattaya/Jomtien this past weekend and ate at Sunrise Tacos twice - for dinner on Saturday and lunch on Sunday. Both times the place was crowded and it was clear that they were in the process of ironing out little kinks, but the food was excellent and the service had the best intentions. I'm a regular at Sunrise's Emporium location so I'm very familiar with their menu.

    As for labeling what type of Mexican food Sunrise Tacos is, I think it's virtually impossible to define. The beauty of eating at a restaurant like this is their huge salsa bar, so you can customize your dish to your liking. Rarely is any dish at a Mexican restaurant served exactly as you like it, so being able to add salsas to spice and juice up the dish is a great asset!

    Oh, and the beer is cold and very reasonably priced!

    A true fan of Mexican food, or part of the ST team ... lurked for almost 5 years before making a post about ST.

    The Yanks and Ivans never had as good of a mole back in the Cold War days. Bring on Salt II the movie.

    I can see your suspicions, but I do not work for ST! I joined this site years back to get on the TV mailing lists and never really cared to participate in the forums, but this thread caught my eye. Having lived in California for 7 years, I am a huge fan of Mexican food, in fact years back I toyed with the idea of starting my own Mexican restaurant - well before ST even came on the scene!

    Do you like Mexican food?

    Seems like Mexican is the new Italian in Thailand these days...seems to be a new Mexican resto opening every other week these days. That other Bangkok paper recently ran a favorable review of a new one, Diablo, deep down on Sukhumvit soi 22.

  10. I totally agree that many or most customers would very much appreciate a free SMALL portion of tortilla chips included with all meals. It's really over the top to ask 60 baht for a large portion if you only want a small portion as a teaser. Who knows, the samples may inspire many people to buy the bigger portion.

    I also totally agree customers would appreciate a CHOICE of tortillas for the enchiladas. I don't have a strong opinion about the rarity of flour as a standard because I've never been big on enchiladas. Even the big enchiladas ...

    Oh, I forget one for my "dream" Mexican menu.

    Chicken in dark mole sauce

    The complex kind of sauce that is cooked with some chocolate. For some reason, I have a hunch that Thai palates would love that dish, could be wrong!


    Oh, some classic breakfasty ones ...

    Huevos Rancheros

    And also ...

    Machaca platter (shredded beef cooked with eggs w/ rice and beans)

    As I said in and earlier post I am a complete novice when it come's to Mexican food. It might taste great (It will need too) your chicken in dark mole sauce that is, to me look's like one of the most unappetising plate's of food I have ever seen.

    Agree, mole sauces are disgusting...picture ra roast chicken in melted chocolate sauce and you begin to get the idea. Almost worst than haggis even :)

  11. "Indirectly try to damage" Okay, I am sorry you feel that way and can assure it was not my goal, either indirectly or directly. I will consider myself persona non grata on this thread and will refrain from any more comments.

    I think it's code for a summons/writ is coming your way :lol:

  12. And still no comment on ++ for a fast food joint, where at present the boss even agrees service isn't up to scratch but you still get to pay extra for it.

    Your "issues" regarding restaurants that have ++ policies are up for debate...some people consider them reasonable and others don't. I suggested in a post that the service charge just be incorporated in the menu price structure but for whatever reason, Sunrise, and others, chose to break it out separately. I am sure there is some logical reason for this.

    However, what is not debatable is your contention that Sunrise is a "fast food" restaurant. The owner has stated that all items are cooked to order and there is a sit-down table service. There may be kinks to work out regarding service quality but it is definitely not a "fast food joint."

    In addition, it's really only a "+" policy as the other plus is the VAT tax that is mandated by the government.

  13. it's high time the TOT put a stop to the outrageous behaviour of these jet -ski operators. :angry:

    Why what are they going to do ?.....cut off their telephones ?....:whistling:

    For a Thai, that would be worse than death, so it's probably the only thing that would work ;) A really sad story, if true. I can think of a few charges against the operators, starting with assault (hands on neck) and kidnapping (the two men held on the beach). Isn't there supposed to be some new system in place for resolving these disputes...seemed like the police may have been trying to go by the book but was prevented by the operator.

  14. was there 3 days ago. wanted to try burrito. the prices in the pdf menu(couple pages ago in this thread) and real prices are differ. the real ones - higher.

    I odered 220B burrito and guacomole(+85B)....waited 30 minutes. OK. Burrito was big and good.i could use salsa bar too. The shock was the bill: 370B :o

    10% fee and 7% VAT - just :annoyed:

    I m not gonna return. I just hate to pay for smth just because i had to, not because i want to.

    Is this our first Russian Thai Visa member, post Pattaya invasion?

    It looks like it. If so, will be interesting to get one of their viewpoints on our fair city.

    That's ridiculous. It's absurd to think one person is representative of a huge country.

    In your eagerness to spar, you didn't even comprehend my post. I specifically said his posts would provide "one of their viewpoints" of Pattaya (so it follows that it would not be representative of the whole).

  15. was there 3 days ago. wanted to try burrito. the prices in the pdf menu(couple pages ago in this thread) and real prices are differ. the real ones - higher.

    I odered 220B burrito and guacomole(+85B)....waited 30 minutes. OK. Burrito was big and good.i could use salsa bar too. The shock was the bill: 370B :o

    10% fee and 7% VAT - just :annoyed:

    I m not gonna return. I just hate to pay for smth just because i had to, not because i want to.

    Is this our first Russian Thai Visa member, post Pattaya invasion?

    It looks like it. If so, will be interesting to get one of their viewpoints on our fair city.

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