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Posts posted by kandahar

  1. I saw my first Atlas moth for this season two nights ago. He was flitting around under a streetlight. More to come, I'm sure.

    Hey KD+we just have one, for two days+buityfull animal.!

    Yes they are. Maybe I'll get one here at the house.

  2. Christmas day is a saturday this year, so we are spared the task of jailbreaking our kids I am happy to say.

    Has anybody found a place selling Turkeys yet? Cooked or uncooked. I can't say I have seen any myself, and that is the only Christmas Tradition that I am unprepared to let go off. I do love me the Turkey.

    I'll be needing your address and the lunch schedule for that day. I'll probably have the pot luck gang in tow as well.

  3. Ban Klang Wieng Restaurant is otherwise known to Farang as The Tree House.

    Treehouse has long been on my list of to go places, as I liked also your Vivien House recommendation, so thanks for clearing that up and saving me some embarassment with the family as we spend hours looking for something that doesn't exist..

    Seems I actually killed two birds with one stone, this week. Makes a very pleasant change from the normal 20 stones to barely wound one bird I normally experience when trying to accomplish things locally.

    Yes, both places are stand-outs in a landscape of mediocre restaurants. In a sense, I wish more people would discover them and bring success to those places. The success is deserved. At the same time, I am happy that I never have to wait for a table or for my food when I go to either place.

  4. I hope to just die in place, wherever that happens. Not a lot of point in struggling to stay on board a few more months or years. It has been a very full life and most days, I feel as if I am hundreds of years old in experience anyway. I'm kind of anxious to take the next step and NOT exhaust my bank account in favor of a hospital or doctor on the way out. For years now, I have had no worry whatsoever about the quandaries listed above in the OP. It is kind of nice to go through these years without fear of an early OR timely exit.

  5. Some days are better than others. Yesterday was especially good for me.

    The father-in-law never leaves the house. He has had a hard life, much of it brought on by his own doing. These days, he mostly sits in his bedroom looking at the walls. As long as I have known him, he hasn't left this property. It is a rare thing if he even steps off of the porch.

    I know he used to farm rice and raise cattle. He used to walk several kilometers from town and back, every day, to tend 50 rai of farm ground. At some point, the land was sold and he went into the building trade, focusing on new buildings for the government. Later, he hurt himself pretty bad and had to give that up. Drinking took up more and more of his time until his thinking was permanently damaged.

    I have felt bad for him since I have lived here. He is pretty much in his own little world and is only occasionally drawn out of that when the wife decides he needs a bath, a haircut or that his room needs to be cleaned. She has to give him special treatment and sooth him constantly in order to get him to comply with whatever it is she is trying to accomplish. I have often wondered why other family members don't take him out and about. The reasons have been explained to me but they don't make sense to me.

    Yesterday, I decided that enough was enough. I told the wife that father and I were going to go for a drive, have a look at the river and stop here and there, get out of the truck and have a smoke and just goof off for a while. She was pretty much horrified that I would attempt that but she volunteered to go talk to him and see if she could persuade him to go. I told her I didn't need her help. He doesn't speak any English at all and I don't speak any Thai that could help but I thought I could make it work. The closest we have come to communicating is when he went after me with a hammer and I made it clear that it wasn't a good idea to do that. So, we had a starting point for talking, even if it was only with raised hammers or fists.

    I found him on the porch, gave him the "let's go" sign and indicated that he should get in the truck. He did. The wife was so surprised to see me drive by her minutes later with father in the truck. We went to Chiang Rai beach and had a smoke, watching the river for a while, Then off to some farm grounds, looking at rice fields and observing the cattle. I stopped and let him talk to a fisherman. We observed the big temple by the river and meandered through several small trails along the river. Finally, I turned the truck towards home and signaled the end of the trip. When we arrived at the house, he got out and went in, as if it was an everyday thing.

    That evening, the neighborhood of family was abuzz with talk that father had gone out. Unbelievable! And father was telling his daughters and his wife about his trip. My wife told him that he could go anywhere he wanted in the future if he just gave me the "let's go" sign. He got very excited and asked her where we would go. She told him I would take him in whichever direction he pointed.

    It really was a satisfying experience for me. I'm looking forward to the next trip out with him. I wish we could have done this sooner but he has been confrontational with me all along and has only recently started to decide that this Farang son-in-law may be okay after all.

    I don't write this to draw attention to myself. I write it because I think maybe it will cause one or two others to get involved with family in a way that they haven't before. I know lots of us interact with family here and I know a few who just kind of live and let live. Maybe there are one or two out there who will take that extra step to bring some happiness into an older family member's life.

    I didn't say a word to father during our trip yesterday. He didn't say a word to me. But we each enjoyed the company of the other.

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  6. Indeed! Happy birthday, founding father.

    Looks like there will be enough apple pie to go around. In addition to apple, I may bring a couple of other varieties. I suspect dindong could do with sampling a variety of pies.

  7. Ban Klang Wieng Restaurant is otherwise known to Farang as The Tree House. I asked the owner why there were two names for her place. She said that a Farang started calling it the Tree House because it was easy to say and remember. I was introduced to it as The Tree House several years ago but it was a young Thai woman who called it by that name in that case. It seems that most of the people I know who go there know it as the Tree House, also.

    Anyway, it is my favorite place in town. If you're up for a calzone, order the Miss Pauline Special. In my opinion, that is by far the best one on offer. The seafood salad is the wife's favorite. They do a good job with that as well.

  8. I'm not sure where the comments about bars and old gits could be coming from. For the population of Farang in CR, it is a very, very small minority of us who spend their time in bars. And most of the people I know I are about my age, which isn't old at all.

    I do think Don and genghis61 should buy as many tickets for that course as they can get and take everyone they can to it. Seems the right thing to do, considering they deem it worthwhile. Personally, I have better things to do with my time. But who knows, maybe they will have some success shaming a few Farang into going.

    I'm not a Thai wannabe or a culture crackpot but if either of you go, let us know how it was.

  9. Ouch!

    Although the woodworking reference escapes me, :ermm: Sunny?:ph34r: said that your culinary skills are "less limited" which is sort of a double negative which means it is more than your woodworking skills. Since your forte is metal working, maybe it was a compliment. Or maybe he just likes negative words.:jap:

    Truly, the way he wrote it says that exactly, but he doesn't know that. I noticed it when I read it last night but decided to let it go. I kind of enjoyed him bragging about my culinary skills.

    The woodworking thing refers to the fact that I noticed the shoddy tables.

    I am sure they have some five star foods there. He just didn't order any of it, apparently.

    The good news is, the thread is sure to be short-lived. He is quickly running through all of the local Farang places to eat and if he is true to his word ( I won't eat there again), he will soon be out of places to write about.

    In the meantime, I am seeking treatment for this mortal wound. Dunno how long I have. But I'm sure to get in one more pizza meal before I go and probably several cheeseburgers as well.

    McG, I won't be needing the silicone tubing or compresses. No IV's can save me and I'm leaking too much for the compresses to have success. However, a large tube of silicone caulking may indeed repair this stab wound. Thanks for thinking of my survival.

  10. I recently ordered the fish and chips at both of those places. Waited for hours and gave up. Same with the roast chicken. They just don't seem to care and I always leave before it arrives. I don't know how they can expect me to wait for food for so long. If you order water, it seems to arrive immediately. I guess they don't have to cook that. My advice- don't order food at either of those places. It also isn't a good idea to bring in your own food and sit down in one of the nice chairs to enjoy your lunch. I don't speak Thai, but they make it very clear that you are expected to NOT bring in your own food, regardless of how long it takes them to serve something that you order there. I won't be showing up there with big, greasy, fried chicken and kicking back in a nice chair to eat and enjoy it again. They get IRATE!!! jubby says he eats there often and hasn't had any troube at all. Maybe it is just me.

    Anyway, TLT, I know of a place that sells the foam. He has the dense stuff, two inches thick, high quality. I would guess he also has the more spongy type and thicker types but I have never asked for it. I can't properly explain how to get there but you could follow me there. I know it when I see it. If you come to town, let me know. I'll meet up with you somewhere and show you the place. The place is on the other side of the river from CR after you cross the older bridge that is past Overbrook. It is maybe one kilo or so from the bridge (not sure), right side and doesn't look like much. But it seems anyone who recommends a good upholsterer to me, recommends that guy. Nice people there, family operated. Let me know if you need my help.

    There is also a place near the "day market", close to the clock tower. It is next to the blue bank on the right side of that street. They re-upholster and they stock lots of stuff. I bought a large roll of 1 and 1/2 meter wide rubber mat from them once and was really pleased with the price.

    Edit: Sorry for any typos. The wife thinks I'm painting in the bedroom, so I'm in a hurry.

  11. I have eaten there twice. Found the music way too loud both times. We always sit towards the front. Maybe it isn't so bad in back. MY hearing already isn't good. Maybe one day when it is gone altogether, the place won't get on my nerves so much.

    I have had the fish and chips both times. Great stuff. The other three in our party have had good luck with their orders as well. But last time, we all agreed that we wouldn't go again because we have to shout to be heard.

    The tables- Funny place. The tables are rough cut from trees and have lots of little places for your drink glasses to fall through. We shattered one that hit the floor the last time we were there. The lady didn't charge us for it.

    Anyway, I dunno anything about roast lamb. But I hope the place continues to be successful. It isn't my kind of place but it is a regular spot for many of CR's finest. For those who haven't tried it because you think it is just another bar on Jetyod, keep in mind that they make some good food there and, other than the music, they have some good things going for them.

  12. I finished off the baked beans from mellofollo two days ago. Wow! Glad we took some leftovers. Great stuff, especially when dipping the bakery buns into it. Now, why didn't I look into taking some of the au gratin potatoes and other dishes also?

    The aforementioned date, 28, seems fine. I'm sure it won't be perfect for all but it will work for enough to make a get-together.

    Personally, I would leave Thanksgiving out of the equation. Scorpio's theme started out with an "international" leaning and that is a good idea. The Thanksgiving thing is pretty much one nationality, I think. So, if Turkey showed up for those who don't know how it is done in another country, that is good but it is great to just leave the menu blank for others who are coming.

    Haven't decided what I'll bring next time. Lots of choices. Thinking about Mexican food or grilled burgers.

    At this point, it is looking like I have roped a few newbies into coming, also. Aussies for the most part. Let's all gang up on Sven and get him to commit also. At least one good Swedish dish would be a nice addition. How about it Sven? And any others?

  13. Not sure what you're talking about, being a non-attendee but I have Lonesome Dove on DVD, as well as the three main sequels, excluding "return" which wasn't based on a Larry McMurtry novel like the others, on my external drive.

    Let me know if you want them, if that's what you're talking about.

    Thanks guy. I'm good.

    The above list was just my suggestions for "have to see" westerns.

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