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Posts posted by kandahar

  1. It always does my ego good to know that other people notice my stout stick. But you aren't allowed to fool with it so don't go promising anything to others concerning my stout stick. You can make promises to them concerning your own stick.

    Biff, the sooner you get here, the better. If I'm still here, we can probably work out some transportation for you.

  2. Hey, me and Geno get on fine. I'm still working on some others though . They'll come around :D

    Have you met him in person or just via the forum? Unless you treat him differently than you do the others, he needs to be forewarned that you'll pee on his shoes when you meet him, just to leave your mark. You'll notice I still pick up a stout stick when I see you.

  3. When my wife and I come visit in Phayao in Feb/March, I hope this pot luck is still a happening every month and would like to visit. My wife's cousin is the lead chief in one of the great restaurants in Sweden and works there 9 months out of the year and comes back to Phayao from Jan/Apr and always cooks for me his specialties. His Swedish meatballs are to die for and sells them on the side. For sure I would like to bring him also. I also will have about 10,000 songs-oldies but goodies on flash drives and maybe we could hook up a couple of external speakers on laptops to play some good music. I need too talk to you guys living there, retired, and make sure I have my ducks lined up prior to going to the Thai embassy to apply for a retirement visa.

    Of course, we will look forward to meeting you and your gang. We'll even keep jubby on a short leash until you get used to him.

  4. I don't get the "self-proclaimed" thing. I spend a lot of time running from the women in the markets and occasionally, they even "tree" me when I have to climb a utility pole to get away from them. What is "self-proclaimed" about that?

    But, yeah, I would be happy to go by Brian's place first so he can follow us to the site. He is good conversation and his wife can cook too. However, if we can get Sunny-side-up to go out there first, we can all just follow the trail of money that he throws so freely.

  5. After reading some of the other threads here, I realize I am spending too much money on the dishes I bring. So, next time, count on me to bring a shredded cardboard salad with Elmer's glue for the dressing.

  6. Sven, thank you so much for the kind words about me but please don't refer to me as very wealthy. Being so handsome isn't really considered "wealth" these days.

    No, no, no ! I was not refering to you! Everyone knows that you are Cheap Charlie that try´s to get the cheapest room in any hotel refering to friends that you don´t have!

    My friend is a nice guy !


    I am most certain that you were. Who else do you know that is this handsome?

    And remember this-

    "One good reason to only maintain a small circle of friends is that three out of four murders are committed by people who know the victim." - George Carlin

  7. I dunno about that. I think I am a more discerning eater, as I have never tasted cardboard. I guess some of you are real bargain hunters.

    OK - a more comprehensive answer would have been "it tastes like how I imagine cardboard must taste".

    Clearer now ?

    I was content with your first answer. The second one is more disturbing. You have too much spare time for imagining things.

  8. I have a friend that is very wealthy, he prefer to stay in Baan Bua before any of the hotels in town because he always find interesting people there to have a chat with.


    Sven, thank you so much for the kind words about me but please don't refer to me as very wealthy. Being so handsome isn't really considered "wealth" these days.

  9. Bega Cheese , 250gr Pkt is available again at Tops Supermarket in town. Very Nice cheese for 179 bht , Enjoy

    679 baht for 2 kg at Makro, if you have friends that like Cheddar Cheese willing to share or you eat a lot that works out @ 85 baht per 250 gr

    That is the one I buy and have been buying for a long time. Perfect for omelets, grilled ham and cheese sandwiches and pretty darned good on burgers as well. One block lasts us quite a while. Good idea to grate some ahead of time and keep small portions grated, ready to throw into anything that needs it. I even cut up some small chinks to melt into a good bowl of chili now and then. Super.

  10. I believe that today I had the most pleasurable meal I have had in Thailand. Great food. Really, really great food and lots of it. I stuffed myself more than I have since arriving here. Too many choices and too many seconds on most of them.

    I didn't know that a person could make home-made marshmallows for roasting on the grill. Harsu showed us it could be done and done right, along with home-made baked bread.

    Lots of desserts this time and we even had hot coffee to go with it.

    Good thing it is only once a month. I would have to buy bigger pants if the event was held often.

    An aside here. Lots of Farang conversation with accents from all over. Good humor and stories shared. But I notice that the Thai spouses and girlfriends have just as much fun as everyone else. I worried they would feel "out of place" with so many Farang gathered in one spot. They don't. If that is something that some of you have been considering when deciding to come or not, don't let it be a worry. The girls have fun and lots of it.

    Thanks to all for making it a great afternoon and a special thanks to Scorpio, the founding father. Thanks for your persistence in getting us together. I thought it was a futile endeavor. Instead, it looks like it will become a tradition.

    I suspect Woraphat or someone else will post some pics here in the next day or so. There were plenty of cameras working.

  11. So many of these postings sound familiar. If I haven't heard them in person, word for word, I have heard something very close from my better half. They all bring smiles to my face.

    A couple of days ago, the wife got up very early. She fumbled around in the dark and turned on her laptop and plugged in a nice set of headphones that I recently bought. She wanted to hear her music and her youtube files.

    Eventually, the sun came up and I got out of bed. She was about to register a compliant with me concerning the headphones. She had been suffering a pain from the headphones on one side of her head and she wanted to ask me why I had bought such a crappy set. As she removed them from her head and started to pose her question, she realized that the left side earphone was turned the opposite way and the hard backside was against her ear while the soft speaker side was facing outwards. She really didn't want to tell me about that but she got so tickled at herself that she felt compelled to tell me what was so funny. She had been listening to her files for quite a while at that point. We go through things like this often.

  12. I found two small pies to bring. They are apple AND raisin combined. Haven't tried them. We'll let the group decide if they are worth the trouble. Couldn't find just plain apple.

    I am bringing a large charcoal grill that will be fired up and ready if anyone needs to reheat anything. I'll get that set up early.

    Have invited several other folks, most of whom I don't know. I meet people and invite them. So, perhaps we'll have a fair sized group of non-forum folks as well.

    I understand that scorpio has finally landed that new car that he has been waiting for and it will probably be at the potluck. I have searched in vain for a few monks that can come christen it. In the absence of the monks, I have made a plan for all of us to christen it at the potluck. At 1:45, we will form a queue and proceed to pee on his tires. Everyone drink plenty of water beforehand.

  13. I could be wrong but I always thought the Veg was always served cold with 'steak & fries' here in Thailand.

    Please correct me if I'm wrong . :(

    maybe worth asking them to nuke the veg in the Microwave !?

    You aren't wrong. The cold veggies are a staple here and hot ones are the exceptions. That is just the way it is done here.

  14. I hate to admit this. I am looking for a place that makes good, reasonably priced, apple pies. If any of you know of such a place, please let me know.

    Found one bakery, mixed in with the day market, that quoted me 550 baht each. Fat chance!

  15. Quote: "Speaks very highly of you, though, Kandy... says you're cute."

    I think you misunderstood her. She has NEVER said I was cute but always insisted that I was handsome.

    Glad you enjoyed the trip. Just don't tell anyone else that it is good up here. It is a secret.

  16. I understand that CR has one remaining hooker from the exciting days of yore. She is 86 years old and is proud of her title of 'Only Hooker in CR". I believe her regular clientele consists of two older gentlemen, one 87 years old and the other 92. The 87 year old generally falls asleep before the business is finished and the 92 year old generally forgets where he was going and never shows up when he heads her way. Recently, she announced to the 87 year old that, today, he was going to have super sex. He thought long and hard before finally answering, "I guess I'll have the soup".

    Younger out-of-town guys are steered in her direction when they arrive and ask "those" kinds of questions. Not much gets done in those deals either, because she always insists on knitting a scarf for them when they show up in tank tops and shorts.

    Recently, one young man demanded that she perform a sex act. She said "okay" and poked him in the eye with a knitting needle and then asked him "What am I?". When he answered that he didn't know, she told him, "I'm acting like a dick".

    She is currently training a few younger women to take over after she has left this world. The training is slow. So far, they are still in the stage of spinning the yarn. They are required to know the basics before they can move up to the next level, which is selecting the right guy to extend his hands so they can wrap the yarn around his hands in preparation for the next step. Tough learning. Especially for him.

  17. That reminds me, while I'm just sitting here goofing off in CHIANG RAI. Maybe I should bring some Lonnie Mack to the CHIANG RAI potluck on th 28th. You bringing some Bruce to the CHIANG RAI potluck, pio?

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