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Posts posted by kandahar

  1. My sister is breeding Tibetan terriers. Beutiful dogs but I would Never leave my child, how old I don't care with one of those, and she confirms that!

    Yeah. Most terriers of any breed suck. Then again, that statement will probably bring some fire.

    TM's eat TT's just to clean their teeth after a real meal.

  2. Quote: "'The Tibetan Mastiff in Tibet is larger and more ferocious than Western examples. Protective, fearless, and distrustful of strangers, it is a fine guard dog, but too strong willed and massive to make a good family dog".

    This is a true statement, Stu. If anyone wants a dog that is going play and frolic with the kids, the TM isn't the dog. When little Timmy tells the TM to go fetch, the TM is going to tell little Timmy to get bent. However, if little Timmy starts to wander away from the "safe zone", the TM is going to get up and stay close by little Timmy. No harm is going to come to the boy.

    And as far as the relationship with the master goes, it isn't all warm and fuzzy either. The TM will come to the master at least once a day but probably not more than that and the TM and the master will verify the relationship. A little petting, a little instruction and reinforcement and the dog goes back to business. He/she probably won't bother you again all day. If you "call" the dog, the dog isn't going to come unless it really wants to. If you want the dog to come when it feels it shouldn't, you have to "command" the dog to come and it will immediately. But little Timmy calling and calling for the dog to come close by him just isn't going to happen unless the TM wants to be annoyed by Timmy for a little while .

    Ferocious. Yes. But I have never heard of one being ferocious to someone on the "approval" list. There may be some stories out there but I don't know of any. I do know of lots of stories of the dog interceding when it thought it should with strangers or non-family that didn't follow the rules. However, as I said before, the dog only takes it as far as necessary to negate the threat. Most of these dogs are big enough that it doesn't take much. And I have never heard of one leaving its own property to go looking for someone to attack. They are too dedicated, typically, to leave their area of responsibility.

    The last one I had was two generations removed from Tibet. But others are available that are 50 or more generations removed.

  3. And there you have it. I love a good Tibetan Mastiff. Only dog I ever heard of that can and will pick up a baby in its mouth, move it from danger and set it down without upsetting the baby.

    Personally, I would rather see anyone get a rottie than a poodle or dachshund.

    Then again, that statement will probably bring some fire.

  4. On the one hand:

    Where common sense is of no avail,

    famous last words will always prevail.

    On the other hand:

    I'm sure, statistically, we kill each other a lot more often than all of the dog breeds put together.

  5. OK - I am primed and game to take on all comers. You are on my turf - my field of expertise - and I have literally about 15,000 hours of direct supervisory experience in Bangkok, handling both routine permit and company operations issues - and also handling and mitigating problems - for well over 150 clients/companies in Thailand.

    So - let's take just one of the five scenarios - and I did not make these up, out of my imagination - I have previously dealt with assisting customers with every one of these scenarios - most of them several times.

    Scenario #5:

    5. Someone who wants to work for a significantly profitable Thai SME company that wishes to employ that foreigner, but cannot do so without raising registered capital above the 5,000,000 baht level, which results in 250,000 baht additional corporate income tax on the first 3,000,000 baht in annual profits.

    What does that mean? Let me explain:

    If you are the foreign manager of a Thai company that has 4,000,000 baht registered capital, and which sponsors two foreigners (not married to Thai spouse) with work permit - and if that company earns 3,500,000 baht per year in profits - here are the corporate taxes you pay:

    15% on the first 1,000,00 baht in annual profit = 150,000 baht tax

    25% tax on the next 2,000,000 baht in annual profit = 500,000 baht tax

    30% tax on all annual profit above 3,000,000 baht = 150,000 baht tax

    Total tax owed/paid: 800,000 baht

    Now, if that company wishes to employ another foreigner (not married to a Thai), it must increase its registered capital to 6,000,000 baht. But - as soon as registered capital exceeds 5,000,000 baht, the corporate tax rates that apply to company profits go up - to flat rate of 30%:

    30% on the first 1,000,00 baht in annual profit = 300,000 baht tax

    30% tax on the next 2,000,000 baht in annual profit = 600,000 baht tax

    30% tax on all annual profit above 3,000,000 baht = 150,000 baht tax

    Total tax owed/paid: 1,050,000 baht

    So - adding that third foreigner increases net loss to corporate taxes by 250,000 baht per year.

    So - let's imagine that you could magically sit down with representatives of Work Permit offivce, and Revenue Office - and you posed to them this line of inquiry:

    "I know that if I raise company capital to hire a third foreigner, I must pay the extra tax. Could I instead employ a foreign worker - but as a contractor, working for another Thai company - and thereby get the work accomplished, but without increasing my corporate taxes?"

    What do you think those Thai officials would say?

    I think they would say: "Yes, you could. A Thai company can employ contractors, without affecting the company's tax status. Your company just must withhold normal corporate tax withholding of 3%, from all invoice payments to the contractor company that actually employs the contractor."

    So - the company manager then arranges to receive the services of the chosen foreigner - but as an outside contractor, employed by my company. I employ that person - and designate in his work permit that his full time role at my company is to provide on-site support to the "client" company - keeping the client happy. Each month, we invoice the client company for an amount equal to the sum of: employee's salary, plus 750 baht company social fund matching payment, plus a profit increment - let's say 17,500 baht. There is nothing sinister here - my company is simply a contractor that has proposed a total fee that gives the client company a positive outcome, but also gives my company an acceptable profit.

    17,500 baht x 12 = 210,000 baht - compared to additional annual corporate taxes of 250,000 baht, if they directly employ the worker.

    Now - you tell me what problem the Thai government would have with this arrangement? Every single aspect is completely proper and legal. The Thai government is receiving personal income tax from the employee for his full salary - and is receiving 3% of gross amount of monthly invoices as corporate services withholding against my company, and is also receiving 7% VAT paid by the client company (collected and paid in by my company). The Thai government would consider this situation to be absolutely routine.

    That is one example - for one of the five scenarios. I can give a similar back-story for each situation.

    If your thinking is so two-dimensional that you cannot grasp the lack of issue here, then that is not my problem. My job is to find ways to solve client challenges, in ways that fully comply with the letter of Thai law, but end up with a win-win-win-win outcome:

    Employee is happy - he's got employment at his agreed-upon salary

    Client company is happy - and achieved a net cost savings

    Thai Government is happy - it is collecting at least as much tax as it could under any alternative scenario

    My company is happy - we made a bit of profit

    I don't pursue any directions that fail to make all parties happy - because there is no need to do so.

    The only real issue is the size of my company's profit increment as the contractor. Well, that is for me to negotiate. And - I negotiate against whatever the next best available option is for the client. Most businessmen - if given the choice between a 210,000 baht expense, and a 250,000 baht expense - will agree to the lower expense.

    Most nameless, unimaginative, two-dimensional malcontents who like to snipe at others, but who have never had to meet meet a payroll, and have never been tasked to find cost-saving solutions for customers, while sill making a profit themselves - well, they will just throw a tantrum, and snivel that this cannot possibly be correct (because they didn't think of it). Hey - man up! I paid my dues to gain the experience that I have - and to fill my "toolbox" with tools that others have not been forced to develop.

    To prospective clients: I'm pretty hard on anonymous detractors - whom I consider one step removed from being trolls - who are just out to wind-up anyone who dares to think "outside the box." I and my Thai staff go to great lengths to take care of those clients who put their faith in us - and we defend clients against injustices just as fiercely.

    There is never a traffic jam on "the extra mile".




    Okay Brainiac. It's your idea, you have a box of tools. You're a genius.

    We'll see you on TV next year in the line-up. And don't be one of those that hang their heads down so we can't get a good look at the face. Man up and take credit for your idea. Remember me and wave at me through the camera. I want to be able to tell my friends, "Hey! That's the guy! He looks good in bracelets!"

    Good night. I've got real work to do tomorrow. And it is legal.

  6. I can see how people love their dogs. I am pretty fond of a good dog. I have friends who have had several rotties over the years and their kids grew up with them, no troubles.

    At the same time, I have read enough news accounts and seen enough interviews on TV about how the sweetest, most loving, gentle rottie in the world killed the owner's kid or kids or wife or husband or grandmother or whatever. On and on and on those stories go. I just read one today about a rottie that killed a neighbor's kid and the owner and the grandmother of the victim BOTH said that the rottie loved the little boy, the little boy had played with the dog for a long time and they all thought that the biggest danger the dog posed was licking someone to death. Then, the boy was standing on the street, not even knowing the dog was in the area when the dog attacked and killed him. Man, I have seen so many cases where the owners and the neighbors are just in total disbelief about what the dogs have done. That dog was their baby, their friend, their family member. NO WAY that dog did that! But it happened and they saw it happen. And it isn't always kids that get killed. Healthy adults have fallen victim to the same gentle dogs.

    So, while it may be great for some to have one, I would never have one. Not when my kids were little, not now that I don't have any of my own kids nearby. I think more of my neighbors than that. It is just not worth the risk and there are too many other breeds out there that don't have that record. Being hard-headed about having a notorious breed isn't worth it. You can always have the dog put down when he screws up but you can't bring back that kid that was killed.

    Now, if you know that you're always going to have the dog on a leash in public and that no children can come into contact with the dog on your property and there is no way the dog can EVER leave the property without you going with it, then maybe it is safe.

    I killed a neighbor's rottie about eight years ago. I lived more than a mile from the neighbor but I had a bitch in heat and here he came. Huge dog. I called the neighbor, she said he will come home when he gets hungry and not to worry. I told her that he was being aggressive towards me and that my daughter couldn't come out of the house for fear and because I would not let her come out when the aggressive dog was in the yard. She said he won't hurt anyone. I closed the phone, walked outside with a gun in one hand and a pool cue in the other and headed for the dog. He headed for me. I raised the cue in plenty of time to warn him and still he came. One shot, one kill. Loaded him in the truck and took him home and dumped him in her driveway. She asked me what happened. I told her he was hungry now. I normally HATE to shoot a dog but I felt pretty good about that one. I'm a family man. My yard is my yard and my kids aren't going to be kept in the house because of an idiot dog owner.

    Tibetan Mastiff. HUGE dog. But one of the very best for identifying what is his/hers to protect and knowing just how much aggression to display or force to use to end a threat. That dog is Man's Best Friend, regardless of the movie by the same name that shows one to be out-of-his mind ferocious. But if you get one, get a female. Males go where the scent is, when it comes. They can't help themselves. A female will stay home and take care of what is hers to take care of. You teach her where the property line is and she owns it after that. Introduce her ONE time to a friend or worker and she will always allow that friend or worker to pass if you're home. She will instantly recognize people she has already met. If a stranger comes, she will position herself between the stranger and you or your loved ones until you introduce her to the stranger. If you do not make an introduction, then she will repeat that performance if the stranger returns later. And if the stranger moves left or right, she moves too, to stay in the center. She isn't paying him any attention that you can discern but she is aware of what every square inch of his body is doing

    The truth is, any dog can turn on its owner or neighbors. And just about any human can turn on its family, neighbors or co-workers. But all things considered, we just have to use our experience and knowledge to make the best decisions for our own and our family's safety.

    A gay guy with aids is someone that I could take care of, day in, day out. I couldn't turn my back on someone like that. Aids doesn't scare me, nor do gay people. But that gay guy with aids is not going to take care of my kids. I don't know all that could go wrong and I think too much of my family to give it a test run. Same with Muslims in Afghanistan. I have worked with Muslims there and in Iraq. Great guys, great people, will give you the shirt off their backs. Been invited to homes, weddings and all sorts of social events where I really thought that the likely outcome was me getting ambushed and killed; not by my Muslim friends and co-workers but by the "Bad Guys". The Bad Guys spent enough time trying to kill my Muslim friends so I know they would not blink about killing me. I'm all too happy to spend time with the good ones. But NONE of the MEN are going to be watching my kids. I am all too aware of how different their societies are from ours and the things that they see as "okay" to do to children; boys or girls. Muslim women- Yeah, they can watch my kids if I know them. No problem. They are as upset about what the men do to children as I am. Is it a Muslim thing in itself when one speaks of Afghanistan people? I don't know. I just know the culture there and their men babysitting my kids isn't a good thing. Are Christian men in those countries the same as the Muslim men in that debate? I don't know. Never met one.

    So, there is no convincing a rottie owner. And there is no convincing someone who is wary of rotties. In that case, perhaps it is best to follow the advice of the rottie experts. Look VERY far into the heritage of your almost new dog before you make the purchase. If you cannot trace the history of the dog back through many generations of gentle ancestors, then the risk of getting a bad one outweighs buying one. Wait until you can find one that is proven to be from gentle breeding, many generations.

    But to answer the original question, I have no idea where to buy a rottie. Try a PM to Scea. I think he is a dog guy and even if he isn't, he knows lots of folks around here and where to find lots of stuff.

    • Like 1
  7. Steve, I see now that you have started a different thread on this forum with this same subject three different times today. Looks like they deleted one of them. I wonder why not all three? This isn't Steve's free advertising board now, is it?

    C'mon, man. Give up a little baht for George's ThaiVisa advertising branch and quit Bogarting the freebies for your personal gain. If you can do it, we all can.

    Let's just say I'm taking a bit of license in return for this: http://www.thaivisa....orporation.html

    What is that? That is the content that has been on the the parent website for this forum since that webpage was first published - probably in early 2003. It was copied from a now defunct discussion board thread at an unrelated website, and used without my knowledge or permission. The information at that link was valid in 2003 - but has not been valid since. Over the years I have received quite a few jeering messages criticizing me for the outdated information - but that has always given me chance to at least communicate with a new prospect. I am presently in communications with ThaVisa about resuming my status as a board sponsor (I used to be a paying sponsor) - if they agree to offset my fee for updating the content at that link to be current and correct. Any questions? Or do you think that unauthorized use of someone else's work is OK?

    Okay. They owe you, you're collecting. No problem. But your idea sucks.

    Edit. And truly, I see it as dangerous. There must be something different you can do. Again, if a guy is doing legitimate work, he doesn't need your scheme. If he isn't doing legitimate work, he doesn't need to be working at all.

  8. Steve, I see now that you have started a different thread on this forum with this same subject three different times today. Looks like they deleted one of them. I wonder why not all three? This isn't Steve's free advertising board now, is it?

    C'mon, man. Give up a little baht for George's ThaiVisa advertising branch and quit Bogarting the freebies for your personal gain. If you can do it, we all can.

  9. Steve, I think you looking to get a lot of people in trouble.

    If this country was open to contractors just showing up willy nilly and "Buying" (wink, wink) a work permit, a lot of us would be doing so. They aren't.

    I do not doubt that it is done a VERY small scale. I also don't doubt that once a company has your money, some of them will also quickly turn you in and probably collect a little reward for that. TIT. We, as foreigners, don't have the legal recourse in this country that most of us would have at home when someone tries to screw us.

    What is the work that these "contractors" are doing? Is it on the list of "allowed" work or is it on the list of "dis-allowed" work?

    This thing, if it takes off, looks to me like the type of thing that will hit the news in a year or so and make ALL of us look bad when they parade the offenders in front of the TV cameras after the big bust.

    This just isn't the country for that nonsense. If someone needs to work and can't do it here, they need to go where they can. If you think you will pull the wool over the government's eyes and get away with it, you are probably right for about a year. Then, someone unhappy is going to spill the beans and a lot of people are going to be saying many bad words and wishing they would have had better sense. This government just isn't the government for foreigners to be screwing with.

    And no, I am not trying to keep illegals, illegal. Nor are you trying to make illegals legal. You're trying to make a buck, help some of your cohorts make a buck and that is that. So, tell us- What is YOUR work permit based on? I suspect it is pretty shady and tied into a "real" Thai company. I'm hoping the gov. folks take a hard look at the thread and then a hard look at your IP address and then a hard look at you. Because, I think you're really trying to tempt people into parting with their money for your gain only; not to help anyone. And those people are going to lose, maybe a few years in jail and maybe, just lose their right to be in this country ever again. All for a buck for you.

    • Like 1
  10. OP, if my account over here ever got down to 100,000 baht, I would have already found a job, left this country and gone back to work. 100,00 isn't anywhere near enough. 100,000 in your account over here is the last state of emergency before you're so busted you can't afford to leave. Small scrapes over here can cost you 50,000 baht in a hurry. Living decently costs. You will spend money on extended family as well, whether her family is wealthy or not. There are certain things you will be expected to take care of. I know you're in a hurry but you are trying to get here way too soon.

    There is a long list of jobs that you cannot hold here. Research that and know the facts before you come here. Teaching is probably about the only thing you may have a chance at. And lots of teachers get over here and start work and are miserable and begin to seek a new employer. Read up on the teaching threads. LOTS of stories of discontent and conflict with employers or former employers.

    IF you were to get a job here, don't even think about when the first or only promotion will be. It probably won't happen at all, no matter how good you are. That is just the way it is here.

    Age discrimination in the workplace here- Yes. They usually want very young employees and often they insist on a young female. Just do a simple online check of the jobs posted here and it will be staring you in the face. 23 isn't too old for most jobs. But most jobs are jobs you cannot hold because of the laws.

    My advice- Do one of two things. Stay where you are, save your money for years and then come here years down the road when you have enough money to stay. OR, quit your job, come here on a round trip ticket and live for a couple of months on your 100,000, learn all you can, find out a lot of stuff the hard way and then go back to the home country and try to get another job that will allow you to save for the future and to pay off those student loans.

    Good luck.


  11. I'll go for the free "One word a day" deal. I understand him completely in person. I don't understand half of what he writes here. But I wouldn't want him to dumb it down for a non UK dude like myself. I'm sure the UK thing hits the spot for lots of you folks out there. So, one word a day, I'll learn it.

  12. Whereabouts in the UK is he kd? Grimsby probably, as that's where he's from (I think). Is his wife with him do you know?

    I will seek details about his location and let you know what I find.

    His wife can't be with him always. At the moment, she isn't there. She has to come home and take care of business, career, etc. Tough on her, tough on him. They aren't at the place where they can just walk away from everything and he would not want her to.

  13. jubby, I think you're being attacked in another thread right now. I think it is the ATV for rent thread. Just got informed by an anonymous poster that I should let you know. Get over there quick and sort it out!

  14. Just got a reply from Imagedude. He said he has been in the hospital since arriving in the UK. Had a LOT of trouble and has a ways to go. It has been worse than I thought. He has a long way to come back from now but he is remaining positive.

    I'm not headed to the UK. But if I was, I would make a point of visiting him.

    Please send him my best wishes. Tell him that the nurses get quicker as he gets getter so that he can allways nearly catch them.

    I'll send your words, Harry.

  15. VF did say, several times, that he is on the bus, didn't he? But you know, those little green buses are a hoot. I ride them sometimes and always have an interesting, fun time. The wife always goes with me and SHE always has an interesting fun time. But we haven't seen VF yet. We'll keep an eye out.

  16. A bear stopped by a tree, backed up and leaned against it and commenced to take a dump.

    A little rabbit came hopping by and thought that was a good idea, so he backed up to the tree right next to the bear and started his business. The rabbit looked up at the bear and said, "Hey, this is a good idea, isn't it?

    The bear looked down at the rabbit and grunted, "uh, huh". Then the bear asked, 'Little rabbit, does shit make your fur smell bad?"

    The little rabbit replied. "Oh, no, never. I have never, ever had a problem with that".

    The bear said "Good", and then picked up the rabbit and wiped his ass with it.

  17. I bet she'll have an Idea for next week also Kd. :lol:

    Garry, I'll hang around Kd.s until you arrive, I'm sure I won't be in the way , Kd's a very accomadating Guy. B)

    Anyway , ... where was I .......

    Oh yes .......... Sing a long if you can ......... Blah .. de . Blah ...

    Now I think I know what you tried to say to me,

    How you suffered for your sanity,

    How you tried to set them free.

    They would not listen, they're not listening still.

    Perhaps they never will... B) .... Deep, ...... Very Deep

    Man, you need to get away from Don and get back to Led Zeppelin, Uriah Heep and some of the other "real" groups. Don's gonna screw up your brain.

  18. Just got a reply from Imagedude. He said he has been in the hospital since arriving in the UK. Had a LOT of trouble and has a ways to go. It has been worse than I thought. He has a long way to come back from now but he is remaining positive.

    I'm not headed to the UK. But if I was, I would make a point of visiting him.

  19. Brian and Su stopped by today. Had a nice visit. Brian delivered a LOT of pics on CD for me to have a look at when I get time.

    Tonight, I made pancakes (flapjacks, hotcakes, whatever) for the wife and I. She loves pancakes with the maple (imitation) syrup. I'm pretty fond of them also. Nice dinner. She thinks she married a cook. HA!!

    She wants to know if we can have them for breakfast tomorrow, with fried eggs. Of course we can.

    Enjoy your Breakfast Kd. Are you any good with homemade Hashbrowns ? . Maybe you could change your signature on here to Chef extrordinare or something ......... and give me a break without the fast , Already !? B)

    I'm great with hash browns. And french fries with the skins on. But so is she. And we just happen to have about four kilos of potatoes here. When can we expect you?

    I'll just lock up . be there in an hour. I like my eggs over easy :)

    Should I bring my Pipe & slippers or can I use yours ?

    I got the wall done and the window in. I was thinking about a break tomorrow. But she says she has an idea for tomorrow. So, I'll take a break next week.

  20. Brian and Su stopped by today. Had a nice visit. Brian delivered a LOT of pics on CD for me to have a look at when I get time.

    Tonight, I made pancakes (flapjacks, hotcakes, whatever) for the wife and I. She loves pancakes with the maple (imitation) syrup. I'm pretty fond of them also. Nice dinner. She thinks she married a cook. HA!!

    She wants to know if we can have them for breakfast tomorrow, with fried eggs. Of course we can.

    Enjoy your Breakfast Kd. Are you any good with homemade Hashbrowns ? . Maybe you could change your signature on here to Chef extrordinare or something ......... and give me a break without the fast , Already !? B)

    I'm great with hash browns. And french fries with the skins on. But so is she. And we just happen to have about four kilos of potatoes here. When can we expect you?

    Hey can I come over as well...raincheck until after the 12th... :lol:

    You have never seen jubby eat, have you? He can kill four kilos in one sitting. They will be gone before the 12th.

    But you're always welcome to stop by.

  21. Here is a little fella that stopped in at my shop tonight. The wing span is around 8 inches. I have never seen a moth this big. It looks like it has eagles heads or snake head on its wingtips.

    Edit: Just got the ladder and got close enough to measure it properly. 9.5 inches on the wingtip to wingtip.

    Good photos Mr Kd!

    It is an Atlas-moth, not only the biggest moth in Thailand but also the biggest moth in the world!

    (I found the info in Images of Chiang Rai, I think it was Lannaman that posted there a year ago.) ;)

    The atlas moth



    So, they come for dinner too?

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