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Posts posted by Jose

  1. Dogs poop in alignment with earth`s magnetic field, study says.

    A poop compass? When I read this a few days ago, I thought to myself, "That's gotta be some special dog".

    Then I begun to notice one of my dogs (90% Thai Ridgeback) circling and then lining up either North-South (3 times) or South-North (once) when doing her business, but never East-West or West-East. Surely it must have been a coincidence, all four days in a row... Any local observations?

  2. Most people can agree that inflammation is the greatest threat to human health.

    Tracking a biomarker like High Sensitivity C-Reactive Protein is a useful measure of infllammation.


    Anyone can test this in themselves. Establish a baseline of a few tests over some months and then make a significant diet change concerning Soy products.

    At best you might see no significant increase of inflammation with eating a lot of soy.

    For myself and a lot of blogging biohackers it's the opposite. Really reducing or eliminating soy measurably lowers inflammation in most people.

    Why guess?

    just test. experiment, retest and adjust.


    Awesome advice!

  3. Re the "culture" of littering, it wasn't that long ago that street food came wrapped in banana leaves, and houses were made almost entirely from coconut trees. Dumping any of this organic waste was not an issue then.

    Then along came the $, and plastic bags, asbestos tiles, cement with it. But unfortunately the waste dumping attitude "culture" didn't change with the arrival of these harmful materials.

    So here we are now in 2014 - living in a time with modern (and dangerous) products everywhere, alongside with clueless locals who don't give a sht about their environment, and who belong to a bygone era.

    • Like 2
  4. I've recently started drinking goat milk and find it to be more easily digestible than any of the others mentioned here. I buy canned condensed goat milk and drink it in the evening before bed. I have a hyatal hernia and quite bad GERD and the goat milk really puts my stomach at ease!

    Interesting - never gave goat's milk (or cheese) much thought before.

    My body doesn't like neither soy nor cow's milk. Ideally we'd all be drinking human milk, but that seems to be in very short supply.


    The dangers of dairy products

    The dangers of soy

    Harvard researchers launch Healthy Eating Plate:


  5. Q:

    How effective are face masks in polluted areas?

    Seeing the pictures of the pollution in Beijing, I was wondering if anyone knew how effective masks are at filtering out the nasty bits. Do they make a difference?


    The constitution of those "nasty bits" is extremely variable by location and atmospheric condition. There are many constituents to air pollution including very large particles (i.e. dust), particulate matter (ranging form course-ultrafine), and various organic vapors. The problem is that most of the serious health concerns for air pollution (SOx,NOx, UF PM , industrial organic vapors) are not filtered by N95 masks. Those masks only catch the "big" stuff. There are no face masks that will help you that you'd like to be seen wearing around in public (unless you're in post apocalyptic somewhere).

    The best option is to minimize exposure. Don't go out during periods of heavy pollution, turn car air recycling on, and use an indoor HEPA filter is you can. This is a serious concern for everyone, but especially for those with any compromise in their respiratory or cardiovascular function (asthmatics, elderly, COPD...).

    People don't get how serious this issue is. Beyond causing immediate health effects (eyes burning, shortness of breath, asthma initiation), many known air pollutants are now linking to heart disease, cancer, and many other health effects.

  6. In terms of cost and convenience there is no reason not to stick 3M Filtrete material on an air conditioner (even when just letting it circulate air and not actually cool).

    However I have no way of knowing how effective that is versus not using it.

    I do.

  7. They will want to know where you are spending the night. You will surrender your passport at the border and be given a temporary ID card. You pick up your passport when you leave Myanmar.

    Love the people, but surrendering basic human rights at the border is why I'll never bother to put a foot on Burmese soil.

    Don't forget they drive on the right. biggrin.png

    They are also one of only three backward countries that are still living in the 19th century, not on the metric system:


  8. i am new to this as is obvious, but looking at the gold chart in the past month is has dropped drastically from around 800 to around the 730 mark in Uk pounds

    ,It has rallied the past few days

    .Is this because of the festive period where more people are likely to buy gold as a gift to themselves or as a present.?

    Also with the Chinese New year upon us shortly does the price rise in general around that time?

    Everyone's new to this new financial paradigm, WJ - ideas and observations made on past market periods don't hold up anymore, as gold's seasonal tendencies (e.g., Indian festive season) seem currently overwhelmed by massive price manipulation in the corresponding futures market. The gold futures contracts are settled mostly in cash, so they are no more than just circular-reference bets on the price of gold contracts - however, they still do control gold spot prices.

    If I had to trade gold based on seasonals tendencies, I would buy Long 1st July and sell 1st March, and trade Short each year just for the month of June.

    And if I really had to time signals in gold, I would use a short-term strategy such as this one (put together for a client).

  9. Jose, if you are convinced central banks are driving down gold prices would it not make more sense to go with the flow, momentum trading,and short gold,rather than sit on physical gold and watch it decline in value? Albeit 'paper value' that you dont have faith in.

    Timing is all huh?

    Beau, the problem with timing gold moves, is that you are at the whim of decisions made by a few key players. Unless you are privy to this kind of inside information, most of the time you will be either chasing rallies (momentum) after the fact, or worse still, trying to predict key swing points in price.

    Timing may be critical in the short term, but the long-term fundamentals (i.e., money printing) will eventually overwhelm any attempt at manipulation of gold prices, paper or physical. My suggestion to those that care about preserving wealth (as opposed to speculating with it), is to buy safe and portable physical assets (such as gold coins) and ignore price fluctuations.

    • Like 2
  10. In regard to this red beetle that attacks the coconut trees... I believe the Agricultural Dept has been getting it under control... In various parts of Samui, you see these pheromone traps hanging around... these would attract and trap the males... Have any of you KP guys seen them over there?


    I've seen one of these hanging from a post near the Bantai high school.

    Many coconut trees in the area are infected, most have that gray leaf sick look about them.

  11. My tips:

    Don't burn your boats, keep a place back home and rent here for a year - the exchange rate is probably going to go in your favour in any event.

    Understand the political situation but do not get involved in it. You cannot vote, so give politics a miss.

    Realise that the law on lese majeste means that a very big event in Thailand (that is probably not too far away) cannot be talked about openly.

    Immigration rules – do your research before you come, obey them and do not whine about them when here.

    Learn a bit of Thai and make Thai friends – they are, in the main, generous and hospitable people.

    After a year, get a 5 year driving licence – handy as an ID card and you can sometimes use it to avoid paying the inflated farang price.

    Understand that corruption and bribery is not always seen as that wrong here, and finding out that you have paid someone's commission on something is not uncommon.

    Be extremely cautious of the lawyers, real estate agents and financial advisors who advise you on investments/returns.

    Be extremely cautious of those who advise you on setting up a Thai company to get around restrictions on working and property ownership – a lot of the advice is often poor or wrong and designed to relieve you of money.

    Properly understand your vulnerability as a foreigner in any property deal. Do not get caught out not owning the land your new house is built on!

    Make sure you have proper insurance for everything you want to do here – especially if you want to ride a motorbike.

    Be prepared to travel for a month or so in the burning season - there are many flights out of CNX to a beach somewhere.

    Learn the difference between expats who live here because they really want to, and those that are running away from something back home.

    Go with the flow, enjoy yourself, but keep common sense as your primary tool in any decision.

    In short, if you are sensible you can enjoy a lovely retirement here with a good standard of living. The fact that you have sought out this board and asking questions suggests you are approaching this in the right way.

    Best of luck and enjoy your retirement.


    Excellent well-balanced advice.

  12. I am not sure how it managed to get caught


    I wish these simple people would stop hunting and killing them... These lizards are important to the ecosystem's balance, as they help by eating pests such as the coconut beetle.

    I said in the post, it was not killed... Jose! ... it was if I remember correctly re-located, as they were protecting their chickens etc. .... about 4 years ago...now.. I know they did not kill it and eat it....

    This family rescues and saves all kinds of animals, even snakes are caught and relocated when found around their house ... the most recent was three kittens left at the side of the road now have a good home! thumbsup.gif

    Faith in human nature restored... Thanks SamuiJimmy! wai.gif.pagespeed.ce.ptXUXgG4cA.gif

    (Let's just hope they've released this poor animal safely away from the local carnivores' prying eyes)

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