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Posts posted by Jose

  1. luckily there is some that are commited to organic and there is some in chiangmai....i can give directions from where we buy...organic veg,home made cheese and fish from a Aquaponic farm that uses conventional fishfood but at least the water is clean and no use of formaldyhide or other chemicals ..PM for mor

    Why don't you just post the directions here, so all interested can see?

    Seconded - please post directions.

  2. Most overseas-based banks offer pathetic BHT-xxx foreign exchange spreads (the difference between a currency's buy/sell price). No "special offers" can ever compensate for this scam.

    Considering that currency spreads in the interbank fx markets are often between 0.01~0.05%, anything above 1.00% (20x market) should be considered outright theft.

    In your case, the Oz bank was offering you a spread of about 8.00% (160x). I've seen desperate Spanish banks offering to make the transferer 14.00% (280x) poorer.

  3. I thought the little yarn was bloody bonzer mate. Those who dont get it can go take a running leap up a gum tree backwards.

    But seriously, its probably a bit difficult for some to understand....a bit like picking up on Cockney rhyming slang.

    Blimey! I kna wot ya mean, China Plate. blink.png

    Sum people just daan't get it 'cause they speak in funny accents. Kna wot I mean?

    Lor' luv a duck... nuff said, yeah?

  4. Suddenly, the strange creature darted out in front of me.

    Now sure what it is. Could someone kindly identify it for me?

    Samui expat incola, genus ebrius stultus.

    Nocturnal creature. Evolved with opposable thumbs in order to grasp cylindrical objects filled with amber liquid. Mating season all year around.

  5. I don't think there would be that many dogs unless there were people to feed them. I doubt particularly many of them would be able to feed off whatever they can catch in the jungle. The big problem with the Thai approach to dogs is that they give them just enough food (including scraps & waste) to keep them alive & breeding but don't take good enough care of them to give them a life worth having. Like rats, dogs multiply when humans do because we feed them, whether directly or indirectly. (Unless, of course, there is an effective dog control policy as in many Western countries.)

    In fact, I doubt there would be any dogs (of the common canis lupus familiaris type - dholes are a different story) in tropics if people didn't bring them there & feed them. Cats are better adapted to this climate.


    Yes, it's all about the balance of nature, which has evolved in all natural ecosystems over eons to a fine equilibrium - and which the current (temporary) top predators with opposable thumbs tend to screw up within two or three generations.

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