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Posts posted by fasteddie

  1. Actually it comes out at £167.32 a week which at today's rates pans out at just under the 40,000baht per month. Can additional savings be added to tot it up?

    "YES" and it must be provable savings, not sure if the savings have to be parked in a Thai bank or not.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    That's an interesting question, does anybody know if it's alright to have the money in a UK bank account?

  2. What is the Putin thinking?

    Putin’s reaction to the shooting down of MH17 is vintage KGB.  He has denied responsibility, sought to obfuscate the facts and uses his media to produce misinformation and disinformation.  The crash site was tampered with in order to prevent a serious forensic examination of the evidence.


    Has Mr Lynch published an apology for this pack of lies?

    I read before, somewhere, that you cannot repair a tyre once this product has been used, you have to use a tube. It might be worth double checking first. You can get other products such as Slime that you can put into your tyre at any time which remains there until such time as you get a puncture which it then immediately repairs. I have not seen Slime here but there are similar products available in town.

    You can repair the tyre after using it but it's messy cleaning the tyre.



    Interesting to note that "the world" does not  seem to include that many Arab countries.

    Before the almost unavoidable conspiracy theory responses - maybe just stop and consider that these countries

    have their own agenda and own sets of issues.





    Perhaps I should have said "most of the world".


    Go back and read this thread from the beginning. There are lots of articles, photos and video evidence on what kind scum show up for those anti-Semitic protests. However, there is a major difference between anti-Israel protests in Europe and the U.S.
    “When it comes to Europe, I think the overwhelming factor is raw native deep-seated anti-Semitism,” he told Fox News on Tuesday. For a long time, the anti-Semites of Europe discovered that by using the “veneer of anti-Zionism,” they could get away with it, he said.

    “Now, the veneer and cover are gone,” Krauthammer said. Signs used by European protests saying “Hitler was right” and chants about gassing Jews makes anti-Israel protests into “raw anti-Semitism finding a semi-respectable outlet,” he said.



    Yes, the increase in OPEN and SHAMELESS global antisemitism (against Jews) is dramatic, scary, and wrong. The most disturbing part is that more average people (not just the obvious Nazis and radical Islamists) seem to be saying Jews "deserve" and should "expect" this hatred "because" of what's happening in Israel. I think some "liberal" Jews are playing a sickening and cowardly game. They might march with placards saying "Not in Our Name" about Israeli policies and I think their implicit message is -- yes it is OK to hate on all the Jews in the world that are supportive of the existence of Israel ... but don't hate on us who are not, see we are not, look at our signs. Don't they see what message that gives about how it is justified to hate on the MAJORITY of Jews in the world who feel support to the one nation state in the world of the Jewish people, Israel? Do they really think real haters care about their "progressive" politics when push comes to shove? No, of course Jews have every right to express their politics like anyone else, but these are strange times, these protest rallies are being used to express messages that are not only anti-Israeli policies but also markedly suggestive of riling up Jew hating in various ways ... such as the "child murders" meme. Yes in the face of the reality of the current poisonous hatred of this time in history, yes, I am questioning the wisdom (not the right) of any Jews being involved in these kinds of rallies ... not sure about it, but I am questioning it. 
    The blood libel / "child murderer" emphasis thing Krauthammer mentions is for real, from Islam and European Christians.

    COMMENT: British Jews labelled ‘child murderers' as sick anti-Semitism spreads across UK JULY 2014 now joins January 2009 as a month when war between Israel and Hamas caused anti-Semitism to spew forth across Britain.

    . The overwhelming aggression displayed by Israel against Palestinian people is unacceptable, and it continues, unabated day after day. You tell us how 'small' and isolated Israel is and how it deserves the right to exist. Nobody on here disputes that, BUT it is the 5th most powerful military nation on earth - not bad for such a small place eh! The violence it is delivering upon women and children is 'sickening', and all normal human beings are sickened by it. If for example any other country in the world were delivering that violence on any other people who were unable to defend themselves then that nation would face the wrath of all other good human beings. It just so happens that it is Israel - yet again who is dishing out the  violence, so guess what - hatred for Israel is growing on a daily basis around the world. Does that really surprise you? i do not understand how you cannot see that the growing dislike for all things Israeli will be the result. And lets get one thing straight, stop playing the 'Jew' card! I have many good Jewish friends living in the UK, USA and Canada who deplore these actions by Israel, they are great and good people. The dislike here is for Israel and its current war mongering regime, NOT as you keep saying Jews.
    For all the propaganda and self justification that you and a few million others have swallowed up and convinced yourself of there are BILLIONS of people that believe you are wrong. If we had a GLOBAL referendum tomorrow then Israel would be flushed down the toilet in a heartbeat- as would any other nation guilty of the war crimes that Israel is guilty of. If you cannot work out why then that is your problem. You are making Israel the victim again, it is NOT. Israel is in a very privileged position and it's abuse of that position is plain for all normal folk to see. The fact that some people even justify it because a man who nobody actually knows who he really was and who cannot be identified said it was 'the promised land' 3000 years ago is beyond absurd. The man who went up a mountain on his own, disappeared came back a while later and said, you'll never believe this but I have been talking to God who made me write this on these stone tablets and he said he will only talk to me and has put me in charge of you all! "oh ok then" says everybody - guess you are in charge then! If anybody did that today they would be sectioned under the mental health act, he does it 3000 years ago and he is a bloody prophet!
    Israel has no desire to be part of the international community, it flouts and ignores UN resolutions like it is a national sport, and you expect the rest of the world to have sympathy. If tomorrow we got rid of ISIS, Al Q, the Taliban, the CIA and the current regime in Israel (will you mis translate that now and say i am calling for the total wiping from the map of Israel?) the world would actually wake up a much much safer and happier place, then we could deal with the rest of the thugs and religious extremists (of all flavours)that take advantage of the chaos in the world today.
    The world-wide protests being carried out should tell you that something is wrong with your current mind-set. A re-think might be in order. Good people do not go to the trouble of getting off their ass, taking a day off work, traveling a hundred miles to London and walking for 5 miles on a hot day just to have a 'undeserved' go at Israel. They BELIEVE their protest is just and valid. Protests will always attract idiots and people with extreme views and that is who the camera men are looking for, they dont look for the other 10 000 normal, good people who are saying enough is enough, that wouldn't make them any money, they just seek out the idiots. You then read their reports and claim that idiotic behaviour is representative of the other 10-20-30 thousand people taking part in the protest.
    Until Israel acts with the responsibility that it should as one of the worlds top 5 military powers then do not expect an ounce of respect or sympathy from everyone else. You reap what you sow.

    What he said with bells on!

    London leads the way in a worldwide expression of anger.

    UK immigration policy has not just been a failure it's been a disaster. Now craven and misguided UK politicians are coerced into standing on the side of terrorists who will sure as day turn on the appeasers in due course. Where are the marches against Russia, or the genocide of Christians by ISIS I wonder. How many of the marchers even care that Hamas walked away from talks and how many want to see Israel wiped off the map?

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand



    "Where are the marches against Russia"


    For what?


    London leads the way in a worldwide expression of anger.



    London, is that the place where we hear people complain endlessly about the number of immigrants in the country.   It seems that suddenly those maligned people are right, is that what your saying?



    No! Not at all, it's the place where UKIP failed badly, a truly multicultural city.


    Can anyone explain why there are bullet holes in the fuselage? Something neglected by most media outlets.


    The Buk missile that shot it down explodes in proximity to the target with a shower of shrapnel that causes this sort of damage. Rapid decompression in an airliner and lots of other messy stuff. So I think that may be what you are referring to.



    No I think he's referring to entrance and exit bullet holes on the same piece of wreckage.

  9. As the international media published reports indicating the plane was shot down by pro-Russian separatists,

    That's a statement from the time article. There are no published "reports" as claimed, only accusations, even the whitehouse admits it has no evidence but draws it's conclusions from social media. It'd be laughable if it wasn't so serious, America is trying to draw us in to another war only this time it threatens to be nuclear.

    You've got to be kidding me. With all the sophisticated intelligence the US has, social media would be the last place they'd look for evidence. They know there was a radar lock and they spotted the missile launch. Hardly able to do this only with social media!laugh.png

    It's really easy to stop this. Have Russia stop the backing of the rebels. They may be pro-Russian, which is great! But funding fighting in another country is not the right way to go about this. Which is what Putin is doing right now.

    "They know there was a radar lock and they spotted the missile launch. Hardly able to do this only with social media!laugh.png"

    I am only repeating what the whitehouse itself has said. They have not reported having a radar lock or spotting the missile launch.

    The Russians on the other hand have published satellite imagery and radar plots, it's in the public domain.


    "But funding fighting in another country is not the right way to go about this. Which is what Putin is doing right now."

    The fighting would not even be happening if America had not spent 5 billion dollars funding the violent overthrow of the democratically elected government of Ukraine.

    As for funding fighting in another country, Hey! it's the American way!


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  10. Has anyone bothered to read the paper? The article goes to say that event is tragic no matter how it happened, and the article on the first page has their reporter interviewing locals, all of whom are sure it was Ukrainian military.

    Ukrainian military has also admitted an "accidental" Buk launch during training excersise, but of course that isn't worth reporting.

    When did they admit this? In 2001??

    Today, and I'm obviously talking about MH17.

    They still haven't taken responsibility for the '01 shooting, though for all practical purposes Ukrainian guilt is proven.

    This is not true. There was no accidental BUK launch by Ukraine. It's a lie published by the Russian media. Show a link to a credible news source and then we can discuss this. Otherwise, it's right up there with the other lies they've published.


    In the aftermath of the crash last week, the RT machine kicked into overdrive, churning out a steady stream of strange reports. In an effort to implicitly assign blame on the Ukrainians, it noted the proximity of Putin’s own plane. It quoted a Russian defense ministry source asking why a Ukrainian air force jet was detected nearby. And it quoted another anonymous Russian official, who volunteered the juicy claim that a Ukrainian anti-aircraft missile was operational in the vicinity at the time of the incident. This is how RT works, explains Firth: by arranging facts to fit a fantasy.

    “What they do is a very smart, slick way of manipulating reality,” she says. “In Ukraine, you’re taking a very small part of a much wider story, totally omitted the context of the story, and so what you wind up with on air is outright misinformation.”

    As the international media published reports indicating the plane was shot down by pro-Russian separatists,

    That's a statement from the time article. There are no published "reports" as claimed, only accusations, even the whitehouse admits it has no evidence but draws it's conclusions from social media. It'd be laughable if it wasn't so serious, America is trying to draw us in to another war only this time it threatens to be nuclear.

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