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Posts posted by fasteddie

  1. Amazing really. Putin admits sending troops into the Ukraine yet people still say it did not happen. President of Ukraine is elected on a mandate for closer European ties, reneges just before signing up for it and in addition does a total U-turn. People immediately take to the streets to complain and the US is blamed.

    You're knowledge of the subject is somewhat misinformed, Putin has said no such thing

    Yet here he is saying it.

    No he isn't! you need to listen, he admits Russian servicemen legally stationed in Crimea were used to back up the Crimean defence force to basically keep the fascist Kiev troops in their barracks. Quite different to your assertion that "Putin admits sending troops into the Ukraine".

  2. Amazing really. Putin admits sending troops into the Ukraine yet people still say it did not happen. President of Ukraine is elected on a mandate for closer European ties, reneges just before signing up for it and in addition does a total U-turn. People immediately take to the streets to complain and the US is blamed.

    You're knowledge of the subject is somewhat misinformed, Putin has said no such thing and Yanukovitch most certainly was not elected on said mandate. People are blaming the US because quite simply, they are to blame, Nuland and others even attended the protests. You need to do more research and stop relying on the western propaganda.

  3. bad news if your a tourism business that depends on these nationalitys

    the statements by some TV members is mind boggleing about Russia and putin ...i suggest swithing off CNN then reserch what you think you know


    couple of hints

    George Sorros, UN , IMF, US military build up in Europe, US citizen to be Ukraines new PM

    Russia reaps the seeds it sows, stop watching RT

    Why? can't you handle the truth?

  4. Atleast you can get toilet paper if you want/need here. When I was younger I visited eastern Europe and in Poland the toilet paper there where like the semi - high gloss paper we usually see on printed commercials or leaflets... The shit didn't even stick to the paper!

    Reminds me of the stuff they used to have in the school toilets. Luckily you don't come across it any more. It was literally just like greaseproof paper. What was that all about? Guess it cut down on costs since people were loathe to use it lol.

    Izal medicated loo paper.

    I'll never forget that stuff!


    Yeah I remember the resulting dingleberry plague I used to suffer with as a boy. That stuff was useless.

  5. They're not just popular in Thailand. Many Finnish toilets have them too, just to mention one. I remember sharing an office in Boston with a Japanese and a Bangladeshi and we all agreed we missed having it, in one form or another. When I don't have it, I use wet wipes because dry paper just doesn't feel clean.

    Absolutely, the western idea of smearing crap all over your bum with a piece of paper is disgusting. Toilet paper can not get your bum clean.

  6. So how does it work? You spray your anus without using toilet paper? Do thais use their fingers to "clean" the anus by rubbing or scrubbing? If so, how do they clean their fingers when 90% of the time, there is no soap and no toilet paper in the restroom? Do they just rinse their finger really well? They once outside, they get some sticky rice, form it into a ball, then give it to their hubby to eat? Do Thais even think about the spread of bacteria? Or is it, "mai pen rai", don't think about it?

    A serious answer first.

    Yes you spray without using toilet paper, the spray cleans far better than paper and there is no chance of fingers going through the paper.

    Unlike using paper there is no need to get fingers of hands involved at all, other than holding the spray gun.

    Most public toilets have at least hand basins and many liquid soap as well.

    Now we get a little less serious.

    How do you think the rice gets sticky ? Of course they don't wash their hands but it does however need a combination of bum wiping and nose picking to get the correct consistency.

    Bon apatite.

    "Unlike using paper there is no need to get fingers of hands involved at all, other than holding the spray gun."

    How do you dry your bum then?

  7. Indeed, it would be rude not to. Let's make it 5 - It is a nice round number after all.

    Why not make it 20? That's how long TRT claimed they would be in power.

    If it hadn't been for the 2006 coup they might well have been.

    And the 3rd Reich might have lasted for 1000 years, if it hadn't been for WWII. Corrupt megalomaniacs cause their own downfall.

    The 3rd Reich might have vanished but the ideology and methods it used haven’t, or have they?

    No they haven't, fascism is on the rise all over Europe, not just in Thailand. In fact in the Ukraine we already have a fascist government which violently overthrew a democratic government.

  8. Indeed, it would be rude not to. Let's make it 5 - It is a nice round number after all.

    Jag...that's his intention. It is quite clear to me, using other stories such as 'new year gifts' etc (too many to mention) that the population are being 'educated' and softened up for the inevitable announcement of the current regime staying in power until 2020 - at least.

    I've given up, and am off to Spain next spring after 7years here. It's just a principled decision about living under a military government. Maybe many posters will think that's barmy but that's me.

    Happy New Year to everyone.

    "Maybe many posters will think that's barmy"

    Not me, I salute your principles.

  9. Before the top end of town start going gaga and frothing at the mouth with glee , put this proposal to the people in a referendum , don't just decide we know what's good for you , there is enough of that already , go to the people.coffee1.gif

    Until the man with no name removes himself from the political scene, going to the people to determine the government would be a waste of time. Because no matter who wins, there would be aftershock demonstrations, protests and violence from both sides following the elections. Thailand is currently calm and peaceful again. Most day to day people really don't care what the government does, they just want to live their lives an support their families.

    What's Clint Eastwood got to do with this?

  10. Indeed, it would be rude not to. Let's make it 5 - It is a nice round number after all.

    If the alternative is the next Thaksin crony and shooting on the streets, than he may stay 10 years.

    While I think a PM should be better than Prayuth, I only need to think back to Yinglucks, Samaks, Abhisits and Somchais government. There Prayuth is surely the best option.

    The only reason there is 'shooting' in the streets is due to powerful groups facilitating, financing and orchestrating the overthrow of democratically elected Govts.

    You can never condone violence, but when the people's wishes continue to be thrown out then it is kind of understandable that some people turn to more extreme measures unfortunately.

    Protests against an elected governments legal excesses and illegal acts are desirable in a democracy. But the killing of those protesters, not to mention a few children who happen to be nearby, is " kind of understandable" in your strange little world.

    How do you feel about PTP/Thaksin "facilitating, financing and orchestrating" an armed militia? Legitimate political expression?

    Protests yes! but killings, mass violence, kidnappings, violent disruption of free and democratic elections, NO!

  11. No-body likes to see this kind of thing happening anywhere , however Khun Amnuay should stay focused on why he is Agriculture Minister and not get side tracked with personal side issues, This mentality of subsidies is undermining the true market price of the product , if Rubber farmers like Rice farmers cannot survive in the real world and have to resort to a subsidised price , sad to say , they are not competitive enough to operate. coffee1.gif

    You capitalists are all heart!

  12. The part i don't understand about this is that this is really stupid to request people to throw used, shitty toilet paper in a bin, so that slowly but surely the whole building can smell like excrement because my experience is that they don't pay much attention to emptying the bin.

    You're doing it wrong. The paper you throw in the bin shouldn't be shitty.

    Soi Biker is right. Use a bum squirter first to clean yourself and dry with toilet tissue. Place toilet tissue in bin, it's not rocket science.

    Boy, when I think back to the days of shiny toilet paper in the UK sick.gif

    OMG yeah I remember that stuff, absolutely no absorbent properties at all, just smeared everything everywhere. No wonder I had severe dingleberry problems as a boy.

  13. The anathema to any restricted society as such in the movie Game of Thrones is unrestricted contact with people from outside that society. While there may be language and cultural barriers between citizens and different nationalities, the ideas, behaviors, and culture of foreign tourists will germinate changes within the restrictive society as a natural consequence. That North Korea place such emphasis on cultural and educational isolation to keep its society closed.

    Even the rigidly ruled China has now a daily and growing confrontation with ideals of participatory democracy and personal independence. For while it carefully controls foreign visitors into the nation, it cannot insulate its people from exposure to noncommunist ideology when they visit other countries with far greater freedoms such as Japan, Taiwan, Europe, and North America.

    So I hope that Thailand tourism explodes next year, not from the Chinese who would be culturally the blind leadly the blind, but from the open and free societies of Western and Oceanic countries. Not for the sake of expanding the Thailand economy but for the sake of expanding the Thai mentality to a more free and vigorous society capable of controlling its own destiny.

    All vry well, but Thais from top to bottom do not give a rats for the attitude of foreigners.

  14. The two poor boys are from Rakhine State in NW Myanmar and so can be called Myanmar workers, as they are Myanmar nationals.

    Ethnically they are Arakanese. (They do not look like Bengalis) and they speak Arakanese.

    Myanmar is now the correct name of this country as it reflects the breadth of ethnic diversity more than the name Burmese, (representing a single tribe; Burman) does. One day the Brits and the US will have to accept this.

    A common misuse of the word Myanmar is using it as the name for the national language. i.e. I speak Myanmar. Thats like saying, 'I speak Thailand'. The national language of Myanmar is Burmese.

    KOH SAMUI: -- Two Myanmar workers……

    I know that people from Burma are Burmese and that Burma is now Myanmar. But I don’t like the phrase Two Myanmar workers that continually appears in the press. So what can they be? Does Myanmarese work? Or Myanmarian? Myanmarish?

    Anything else work?

    Two Myanmar workers – don’t like it – am over it.

    What? w00t.gif

    Two Brits; two British men; Two Americans; two Yanks, Two frogs; Two French men; and so forth.

    What is wrong with two Myanmar workers? You prefer Myanmese workers, or Burmese workers?

    Myanmarian? Myanmarish? Jeez, you must go through some kebabs, or smoke them. facepalm.gif

    When the democratically elected leader calls it Myanmar then so will I, until then I agree with her, it's Burma.

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