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Posts posted by fasteddie

  1. mate, it's you who needs a nanny.

    'It's like talking to a 4 year old having a tantrum', "mate, it's you who needs a nanny." They are uncalled for insults that aren't warranted. Just because other people have a different point of view doesn't give you the right to be abusive. And it has been pointed out there is no law regarding bullbars in Thailand. So, if you have an axe to grind in Australia or England regarding bullbars.....go there and grind away!

    To be fair, the redneck started it, from one of his earlier gems,


    "You are clearly a clueless sheep just like that eddie guy"

  2. So, some college's opinion on bullbars..... wow.

    This whole "Zomg, bullbars are killers and should be banned" debate has been ongoing in Australia for as long as I can recall and guess what, they are still allowed.

    Baaaaaaaaad Aussies.

  3. "Bullbars are dangerous! if you can't understand that, so are you!" Do I have to repeat the old sAYING about assumptions? Oh.....I do! '“When dealing with critics always remember this: Critics judge things based on what is outside of their content of understanding.” '

    I ride a pushie and scooters and I know if I get hit by anything doing 40kph+, on 4 wheels or more, I will be spending a long time in hospital or a little earn on the wife's mantel piece. At 5kph it probably gravel rash and hurt pride.

    It seems you still have a lot to learn.

    So, why don't you en-lighten all of us with your pool of knowledge. I am sure it won't take more than a paragraph.

    "I ride a pushie and scooters and I know if I get hit by anything doing 40kph+, on 4 wheels or more, I will be spending a long time in hospital or a little earn on the wife's mantel piece."

    No you don't know that, that's just 25mph, I've been riding bikes for 50yrs, including 350,000mls in 5yrs as a m/c courier in London. I've hit, and been hit, at much higher speeds than that and never even spent a night in hospital, car bonnets are amazingly pliant if you're wearing good gear.

    What you can safely assume is, if you are hit by, or hit, totally non pliant things like bull bars at speeds of 25mph or more, you are going to break.

    They should be banned worldwide, damaged vehicles are much less important than mangled, or dead bodies.

    Well Fasteddie, your've either got a four leaf clover in your lapel button or the lord rides with you.

    I'd imagine that somewhere on the net there is factual information regarding how many pedestrians and cyclists are killed or injured each year in motor vehicle accidents...and if you drilled down into that accident data the accidents involving vehicles fitted with bullbars would be exposed. My guess is it wouldn't be that many in comparison to the total.

    Yeah been dead lucky, only a broken wrist, a couple of acres of gravel rash and a few stitches in 50yrs of often manic riding. One accident when I was couriering, a lorry side swiped me (on purpose) in to the back of a parked car, snapped the forks clean off my Revere and left me with one very swollen nut. Finally lost my nerve and had to give it up and move to vans. 120 seems fast enough on a bike these days now I'm a codger, and only back in the UK, definitely not in Thailand.

  4. Just my general two cents on the subject. I didn't bother reading all of the posts because it seemed to go off topic a bit...

    I've had a head injury before (I was wearing a certified helmet) and I've seen the results of other people's. Being knocked out is horrible, and I should imagine that scarring and disfigurement would be even worse. And let's not even go into permanent brain damage.

    Most of the helmets available cheaply here were not made with decent research, and were probably not safety tested. Personally I wouldn't ride without a decent helmet here - I even take my own helmet if I travel abroad and rent bikes there. Choose a reputable make. Sacrifice a weekend away somewhere to pay for it, or find some way to afford it, because it's about the single most important bit of insurance you'll ever buy.

    Back in the 80's n 90's I also used to bring my helmet with me when I came here, couldn't find any decent helmets for sale in Thailand though things have improved now.

  5. To be honest the helmets the OP is displaying are not that great.. I go for full face ones. I got a nice "real" (brandname) helmet for when i don't want to secure it to the bike during shopping (theft) and a shoei helmet (20k bt) that i take on longer rides and will have to secure to the bike in a special made helmet bag. These helmets he shows wont do much if you fall differently your chin will be damaged a lot.

    I do agree with you, but having said that, I still have the scar on my chin from dumping my Commando alongside Loch Lomond wearing my brand new first ever full face helmet.

  6. "Bullbars are dangerous! if you can't understand that, so are you!" Do I have to repeat the old sAYING about assumptions? Oh.....I do! '“When dealing with critics always remember this: Critics judge things based on what is outside of their content of understanding.” '

    I ride a pushie and scooters and I know if I get hit by anything doing 40kph+, on 4 wheels or more, I will be spending a long time in hospital or a little earn on the wife's mantel piece. At 5kph it probably gravel rash and hurt pride.

    It seems you still have a lot to learn.

    So, why don't you en-lighten all of us with your pool of knowledge. I am sure it won't take more than a paragraph.

    "I ride a pushie and scooters and I know if I get hit by anything doing 40kph+, on 4 wheels or more, I will be spending a long time in hospital or a little earn on the wife's mantel piece."

    No you don't know that, that's just 25mph, I've been riding bikes for 50yrs, including 350,000mls in 5yrs as a m/c courier in London. I've hit, and been hit, at much higher speeds than that and never even spent a night in hospital, car bonnets are amazingly pliant if you're wearing good gear.

    What you can safely assume is, if you are hit by, or hit, totally non pliant things like bull bars at speeds of 25mph or more, you are going to break.

    They should be banned worldwide, damaged vehicles are much less important than mangled, or dead bodies.

    • Like 2
  7. Jeez - by now I've forgotten who's for and who's against......and I'm not reading through this mess again to find out.....now that we are down to the biting and hair pulling I think the OP has enough info/food for thought to decide what he wants.....

    I actually think the OP got one answer, and that was ARB.
    Yeah! Got us all bickering and effed off lol

    Bickering! I don't know about that, this is the evening entertainment for me. 95% of what you read on forums is BS....but it can be very funny....sometimes.

    Better than watching Thai TV. saai.gif

    Sliding down a razorblade using your balls as a brake is better than watching Thai TV.

  8. Jeez - by now I've forgotten who's for and who's against......and I'm not reading through this mess again to find out.....now that we are down to the biting and hair pulling I think the OP has enough info/food for thought to decide what he wants.....

    I actually think the OP got one answer, and that was ARB.

    Yeah! Got us all bickering and effed off lol

  9. No motor now has a front bumper, it has to pass crash tests INCLUDING hitting a pedestrian. Put one of those things on and all that research is out the window. You hit someone, your problem..whistling.gif

    bullbar or no bullbar if you hit a pedestrian it is always gunna be your problem.

    Toyota sell them as genuine accessories.

    So do other manufacturers, don't make it right or sensible. I ride bikes 90% of the time, if you hit me with them things u r seriously gonna <deleted> me up, without them I stand a much better chance.

  10. Im American and Im proud of that fact. I really dont care who YOU are and as long as you are decent to me we will get along and have my respect. But that being said, there are many people who open their a.s.s. traps here that spew hatred who would never see the time of day in my world. The OP posted an article an interesting one at that, and out spews hate from the masses.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    There jealous that there not Americans.

    They're not jealous of their education!
  11. All the bullbars I have seen are bolted to the chassis under the radiator cross member. It's totally absurd. There should be a rail on each side running back to the chassis under the cab with the rail bolted in at least 2 places. Well it makes sense to me. And the bullbar can be made a lot stronger.

    Heck yeah yeehaa! y'all wouldn't want to run the risk of not completely pulverising that kid on his wave!

    Get serious, if a driver can't stop in a metre from 5 kph when he see's the kid .....the driver need some serious help.

    Bullbars are dangerous! if you can't understand that, so are you!

    • Like 1
  12. All the bullbars I have seen are bolted to the chassis under the radiator cross member. It's totally absurd. There should be a rail on each side running back to the chassis under the cab with the rail bolted in at least 2 places. Well it makes sense to me. And the bullbar can be made a lot stronger.

    Heck yeah yeehaa! y'all wouldn't want to run the risk of not completely pulverising that kid on his wave!

  13. lol your evidence is some online UK news publication cheesy.gif

    But it does clarify my point though that an impact at 5mph will make little difference

    The advice was prompted by research at the TRL and in Germany. The German research proved that bull bars are deadly in crashes at low speeds. Whereas 95 per cent of children would be expected to survive the impact of a normal car at 20mph, a vehicle fitted with bull bars would inflict life-threatening injuries on all children it hit at 12mph and many would die even at 10mph.

    maybe you should have claimed 10mph instead of 5mph !!

    p.s. your silly little laughing emoticon does you no credit, the article is from the independent, a respected British newspaper and just the first one on my search, there's plenty more.

    your the one that linked it, not me.

    Maybe next time find the published research documents and link them instead of some news tabloid.

    OMG! you said you googled it and found nothing, so I googled it and linked the first result I got which is from probably one of the only two respected newspapers in England and most definitely not a tabloid.

    "But it does clarify my point though that an impact at 5mph will make little difference"

    And as for that dumb remark, have someone drive into you at 5mph with a foam filled plastic bumper, then have someone drive into you with a steel bull bar and see what "little difference" it makes!

  14. lol your evidence is some online UK news publication cheesy.gif

    But it does clarify my point though that an impact at 5mph will make little difference

    The advice was prompted by research at the TRL and in Germany. The German research proved that bull bars are deadly in crashes at low speeds. Whereas 95 per cent of children would be expected to survive the impact of a normal car at 20mph, a vehicle fitted with bull bars would inflict life-threatening injuries on all children it hit at 12mph and many would die even at 10mph.

    maybe you should have claimed 10mph instead of 5mph !!

    p.s. your silly little laughing emoticon does you no credit, the article is from the independent, a respected British newspaper and just the first one on my search, there's plenty more.

  15. lol your evidence is some online UK news publication cheesy.gif

    But it does clarify my point though that an impact at 5mph will make little difference

    The advice was prompted by research at the TRL and in Germany. The German research proved that bull bars are deadly in crashes at low speeds. Whereas 95 per cent of children would be expected to survive the impact of a normal car at 20mph, a vehicle fitted with bull bars would inflict life-threatening injuries on all children it hit at 12mph and many would die even at 10mph.

    maybe you should have claimed 10mph instead of 5mph !!

    What's 5mph between friends? Still unnecessary dangerous things.

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