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Posts posted by fasteddie

  1. Bangkok is a feudal system. It is running Thailand.

    No worse then the shin dictatorship.

    Never seen an elected dictator. Universal suffrage is far from perfect, but people usually get the government that deserve. As much as you and other despise them, the Shinawatra are hardworking and intelligent. More so than any other Thai family. They paid attention to those in the countryside while other privilege families stayed home. There are reasons to dislike them but why can't some other family challenge them ?

    Iran, Venezuela, Turkey. Egypt (Morsi). And, of course, Germany, Hitler. That's just a beginning of a list of elected dictators.

    your point is nonsense, but just for the record: hilter was not elected dictator. He was appointed by the power that be. They, presumably, were sorry later.

    So no different to Yingluck, she was appointed as well. Unlike popular belief she wasn't elected as she wasn't a constituency MP just party list. She was appointed PM after a parliamentary vote!

    Perhaps you would like to elaborate on who was the elected "dictator of Venezuela,

    if you're referring to the late great Hugo Chavez, read on.


  2. You can't honestly believe this. Amnesty bill that the majority didn't want, but was voted through by 310 - 0 for the benefit of one unelected accused mass murderer, accused terrorist and convicted criminal fugitive. Even the Junta votes were not this one sided and they never purported to be democratic.…Sure, yingluck was elected, but it don't make this scenario right.

    Indeed, I don't see anyone anywhere I go that is affected by martial law, but then I don't associate with politicians or trouble makers.

    The OP says there are 20 people detained......Out of 65 million.

    While the other 64.9999, whatever million go about their normal business.

    and 64.999999999999 cannot vote .000000000000000001 are 'given' their posts by the Junta but you are not a fan of democracy as it's not 'your country' Thais I know are downcast and 'waiting' because they ALL know this is about something we cannot discuss here

    What is democracy?

    For sure it is not a bunch of brainwashed sheeples being abused to fulfill the will of a greedy family clan

    and being helped as well as controlled by a violent gang abusing the word democracy in their name

    you can't honestly believe this? you really have fallen for the Junta spin, Goebbels would have loved it

    'we are getting rid of democracy for your own good because you keep voting the wrong way' clap2.gif

    To get rid of democracy you must have had it in the first place and by golly gee 1/15th democratic does not count.

    It has been shown by the PTP that democracy ceased post ballot box. That is where democracy should begin.

    A supporter base was being manipulated by unsustainable unaffordable policies to ensure electoral victory. A dictatorship is appealing to a very narrow supporter base in this case, rice farmers. A democracy is an ability to appeal to a broad section of the population and not just rice farmers.

    The majority of Thai's realize this and to make it a reality, reform is needed before the next election lest in 10 to 20 years time that narrow voter base is manipulated again and we go back to square one. I cannot speak for the Thai's and I don't purport to, but if the PTP win after the reform my wife who is a supporter of all the principles of democracy would herald the win a success of democracy knowing full well there will be no abuse of power, no blatant corruption, no ramming through amnesties against the will of the majority and no telling voters "you will get what you want when you vote for us" and as is indicated by the brutal repression of peaceful protesters that is more akin to Iraq than Thailand where the UDD supporters laugh and cheer when they realize the opposition have been killed and maimed. That's not the democracy I am used to.

    I look forward to a true real democracy. The one that is defined in the dictionary. Not the principle called election. People always harp on about elections as if that is it. Start finish and middle of democracy. Yet they stay silent on the abuses that the PTP perpetuated when they held power. Whether it is ignoring the fact or ignorance is still out with the jury, but suffice to say only one principle is only ever repeated here. One. Democracy is more than one.

    Bizzaro world is when millions come out to protest. The biggest protests in Thai history and they are dismissed as the minority. When 3 students hold up 3 fingers in front of Prayuth they are the overwhelming majority.

    ​Lets have an election you may say? Why…If they did and the PTP didn't win you have already got the narrative lined up that the Junta have rigged the polls or some other wonderful excuse to disrespect the majority.

    So many inaccuracies it's impossible to address.

    Fact is, they had a democratically elected government, but the losers, egged on by corrupt courts and a corrupt army, violently seized government buildings seriously hampering the workings of government, then violently disrupted democratic elections (despite the promises of the general to protect said elections), deemed necessary by the removal from office of the PM, by the corrupt courts on the flimsiest of excuses. Of course this was all according to plan, the elites/Prem/Generals will never let democracy flourish, they have no wish to share the trough. What's needed is a Chavez/Gadaffi type to clear out the fascists and start running the country for the good of the Thai people and not just the old order.

    • Like 1
  3. Not sure when the ferry stops. I assume you have a hotel booked and they will book you a mini bus, again not sure how much, not been to Lanta in a while, but it aint much.

  4. What is next ?

    Anyway.....it certainly seems that many Americans and British have one thing in common.......thinking that they, and ao their countries set up, are the centre of the world.....one can only wonder.....

    That's because they are! thumbsup.gif

    There wouldn't be a "free" developed world without the good'ole US and Britain.

    Depending on where you're from you'd be speaking German, Japanese or Russian if it wasn't for American and British resolve and sacrifice.

    How very true,unfortunately there are large numbers of people with very short memories! thankfully in the UK we always have our rememberence days,for all those,that gave their lives in Europe for us,AND without the help of Americans, and their huge loss of life,Europe would not have the freedom,they enjoy now! and undoubtedly Europe and the UK would have lost WW2.

    You need a history lesson mate, "huge loss of life"? tell that to Russia.

  5. wow another piece of 'non-discrimination'?

    No, the time for justice has come for some politicians that avoided the law for years.

    Jesus rolleyes.gif.pagespeed.ce.hZ59UWKk-siBMq you are some piece of work Costas

    It is clear its a witchhunt the public prosecutor DECLINED TO PROSECUTE so they are going to do it themselves as time continues there is less and less credability for this government that took over at the point of a gun under the guise they are indpendant of any color LOL its very clear who is back at the reigns by having to use the GUN because they could never get in by the VOTE.

    yes they took over at the point of a gun..because chalem had all the guns firing at the protesters ..your memory selective again..at least try to be honest or dont bother posting biased remarks ok..

    ."because chalem had all the guns firing at the protesters"

    and you call him dishonest, what a crock of s**t!

  6. wow another piece of 'non-discrimination'?

    No, the time for justice has come for some politicians that avoided the law for years.

    Jesus rolleyes.gif.pagespeed.ce.hZ59UWKk-siBMq you are some piece of work Costas

    It is clear its a witchhunt the public prosecutor DECLINED TO PROSECUTE so they are going to do it themselves as time continues there is less and less credability for this government that took over at the point of a gun under the guise they are indpendant of any r LOL its very clear who is back at the reigns by having to use the GUN because they could never get in by the VOTE.

    Yes. I cannot understand, and on other social media, people are talking about this, that on this board, so many think that the yellow shirts are the good guys, when they were responsible for all the chaos, in the first place. When they managed to impeach Taksin, they saw they still not could elected, and every time, over and over again, they put the country in chaos. Taking over the airport, is only a small thing (but cost Thai society an arm and a leg!), compared of all the impact all their actions has caused wrong. And you are the bad guy, stopping this madness?

    A government should be ELECTED, and neither the Yellows, or the army has been. I would have much more sympathy, for this government, if they would keep BOTH parties to rest in any action to put the country in problem for their own benefit.

    They should not have interfered to throw over an democratic chosen Government, but to stop illegal actions from the opposition, to paralyze the country for their own benefit. And again, I am totally aware, tha the "red shirts" are no saints either, but at least they have been elected, and if there is doubt about that, it should be investigated a legal way, and no witch hunt be involved. Get new elections, see that none of the parties are able to bribe the result, and that the army interfere, not to act against a legal elected government, but to act against the disturbance of the peace.

    the yellows did not contest in the elections....

    And a government that uses full scale vote buying isn't democratic elected. And even if it would it needs to follow the constitution and the separation of power....

    Still trotting out the discredited party line bah.gif.pagespeed.ce.-cCHYEZ1LoY-G7rYjbH Boring!

  7. The premier acknowledged that some people spread false information without knowing they were doing that, but he asked people who used social media to reduce the level of political hatred.

    Political hatred! He staged a coup to get rid of a democratically elected government.

    A government that was in caretaker mode, whose "official" PM had been removed by a court, that was openly controlled by a fugitive criminal and that had lost control of law and order or was actively condoning illegal violent acts.

    Remember the threats of a Lanna republic, civil war, democracy defense volunteers marching on Bangkok, war drum meetings (where few turned up), etc etc.

    Some government, elected or not.

    Oh give it a rest, nobody believes your bull!

    • Like 1
  8. This is crap a fantasy, but to think that Americans are honest and dont have ulterior motives is crap too.

    America is not that trustworthy plenty of proof for that. They look out for themselves and bully and push others around.

    They are better as Russia and China but certainly not angels without ulterior motives in what they do.

    Here's my problem. As an American, I am constantly treated as if I am the American government; over which I have zero control. The anti-Americanism is really bad in Europe and I am treated more fairly by Thais than Europeans in Thailand (who don't bother to get to know me as soon as they realize I'm from the US). I am not Geo. Bush and I did not invade Iraq (nor did GB ask my opinion before he took us to war). I am also not Barack Obama and have little say so about Mr. Russel's comments in Thailand. Most Americans I know would be horrified if they found out the true extent of what meddling the US GOVERNMENT is doing in countries around the world and in our name. Most Americans I know mind their own business and try not to infringe on what other people want to do with their lives/countries. The media will take examples of some Americans and blow them up to become representative of all Americans. Come and live here a while and you will see that most of us bear little resemblance to either our government or to media stereotypes. I would very much appreciate if you would substitute American government in place of Americans. I don't look at British people and think they are Tony Blair or David Cameron. I don't think Russian people are just like Putin. Please differentiate between the citizens of a country and their (usually corrupt and unrepresentative) governments. Thank you.

    BTW, I agree that the US government, under any president, is evil but that is because it is actually run by banksters, corportions, the the military/intelligence agencies and not by elected 'representatives of the people'.


    I hope our Government gives the US Expat some kind of "hostile fire" pay.

    Seems like I always am on the defensive, every time I am in a farang inhabitated establishment. Either the stiff shoulder, or the sneer. It does bode ignorance, on their part...of what reality really is. Sort of like hating all Brits because of their stinking meat pies. lol.

    If my Texas/southern accent weren't so strong, I'd tell farangs I was Canadian. Nobody hates Canadians. As for the US government giving me something, I don't want it. It always comes with too many 'strings' attached.

    Nice to see you quote Ron Paul, America missed the chance to have a good president there.

    • Like 1
  9. So typical of TV posters from non American countries!

    Here we have an article that is obviously transparent Thai propaganda.

    What do many posters coment about?

    Evil America and their horrible foreign policies!

    I would like to see all of you America haters post your country of origin and tell us about your foreign policies...you probably have none!

    Tell us about what good you have tried to do for the rest of the world or even for your own sorry countries!

    America's foreign is sometimes flawed, yes.

    But, America does get out and try to make the world a better and safer place for , yes, Americans first , but also for others.

    What do you and your country even try to do for yourselves and others????

    I will be waiting for your lists.

    "But, America does get out and try to make the world a better and safer place"

    Oh give it a rest, safer in Novorossia? safer in Iraq? safer in Afghanistan, Libya et al, or even at home in the US? American hegemony is driven solely by it's big business, and there's non bigger than armaments and oil. War is good for business, and America means business!

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