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Posts posted by fasteddie

  1. And that justifies allowing a civil war how?

    Thailand was no where near a civil war. The problems could have been solved by an election, which could have been conducted by certain powers making it clear the wanted the election to proceed. Now...censorship rules prevent me from commenting.

    ..................."The problems could have been solved by an election"...................

    Oh really ? You have not been paying attention.

    And if only you knew how pathetic you guys sound when all you have to defend an evil regime are the words democratically elected, hi-so, fascist, elite and amart.

    .................."Now...censorship rules prevent me from commenting"...........................

    There is a reason for those censorship rules, comments from red fans like yourself are deemed to be "inciting unrest". (your posts are full of it)

    Personally this is one of the best things to come out of the coup, so far. Not having to skim over the top of all the bs red propaganda is a blessing and I hope TV holds on to this policy.

    Long live freedom of speech! Long live democracy!

    • Like 1
  2. And that justifies allowing a civil war how?

    Thailand was no where near a civil war. The problems could have been solved by an election, which could have been conducted by certain powers making it clear the wanted the election to proceed. Now...censorship rules prevent me from commenting.

    Exactly! if the army, as promised, had protected the election, and the police had been allowed to enforce the law, this all would have been sorted. No other democracy in the world would have allowed the hijacking of an election.

    • Like 2
  3. 4. If you want to practice Thai, hire a tutor or something. Instead of getting annoyed of that fried chicken vendor who refuse to let you practice your Thai. Also, think it this way, that chicken vendor may simply be trying to practice her English with you.

    Why do most of you Thai people foolishly believe that all white people want to speak or practice English?This is not England, this is Thailand. You should have more pride in your culture and language than this! Thai people love to say how they were never colonized but your behavior, especially on this issue, says something very different in my opinion.

    It's not that they think all white people want to speak English, it's they who want to as it's the international language of commerce.

    Sent from my LG-P880 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  4. Seriously?

    The parallels are inescapable.

    It wasn't so long ago that Red Shirts attacked peaceful protesters in Trat, murdering two innocent children. And if I remember correctly, the parents of the murdered children were actually Red supporters.

    What we see now is the military dismantling the Reds. We should all hope that things learned dismantling the Reds can be useful dealing with the south.

    It may not be easy, and doing the right thing often isn't. But that doesn't make it any less right.

    And nothernjohn's post was very good. The Thais should indeed embrace the southerners, just as the recent leaders have embraced the farmers.

    We should be a friend to those less fortunate, and ruthlessly pursue those who would harm another.

    They are not dismantling the reds, that's some 25 million plus?

    They are dismantling the Shinawatra influence, nothing like the problem in the south. With Thaksin and the Shin dynasty gone the "reds" will still have a massive say in what goes on in Thailand unless the "reforms" are something completely outrageous.

    As for deaths and violence, all sides, parties, colors, creeds here have an equal number of idiots capable of atrocities,it's not limited.

    You are correct it is not limited. But it is only carried out by the red shirts and the Muslim terrorist's.

    One other thing the problems in the south have been around for a very long time. But it is only since the Shinawatra influence in the early 2000s that it has become so big.

    Close to 6,000 deaths in ten years. As is typical of the Muslims they don't care who they kill they will kill other Muslims. Makes no difference to them.

    "As is typical of the Muslims they don't care who they kill they will kill other Muslims. Makes no difference to them"

    As opposed to Christians, who slaughter mainly Muslims by the thousands!

  5. Everyone is against a coup in principal including General Prayuth, he said so many times, however circumstances and stubbornness left him little choice, now lets look at freedom.

    Those who want to talk about freedom of speech, the press and such like consider what freedoms were curtailed before the military took over.

    There were parts of BKK where if you had expressed a political opinion against whoever was there it could well have got you killed.

    That has now been mostly eliminated and people are free to speak their mind without the previous threat.

    There were many parts of the country where the same thing applied and still applies, that is still being worked on.

    In many of the same parts of the country election candidates could not campaign for fear of their lives, meaning that some parties could never have their policies heard, meaning by extension there could not be free and fair elections in those areas.

    We are told, by people who live there, that in some areas people are told how they must vote this is backed up by threats, bribery and intimidation, is this freedom of choice ?

    There was open intimidation and threats to the courts, judges, independent checks and balances agencies and the media, does that promote freedom of speech ?

    And there are more.

    Now we have some freedoms suspended by the military by the curfew, limits on what the press can publish, this site and others having to be very careful what the put up for discussion, some TV channels off air, illegal radio stations shut down and personal freedom of some alleged likely trouble makers.

    The way I see it is if these temporary freedoms that are at present curtailed, including speaking out against the military, eventually bring about a return to the people of the freedoms that were taken from them by previous administrations and those supporting them then it will be worth it.

    Up to this point, day 5 everything the military has done is for the good, although those who are against the military on principal will not agree.

    It looks at this point as if they are going to continue the good work.

    We wait to see, and I for one are willing to give them a chance.

    Franklin knew what he was talking about when he penned what became known as Franklin's Canon in the 18th Century. Particularly pertinent, I feel, for some here

    "Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

    Yet another twist.

    What we have here is temporararly giving up some freedoms to ensure lasting liberty, safety, freedom of speech and free and fair elections.

    Completely different.

    Bull! the excuse of all dictators!

    • Like 2
  6. Several avenues have been tried and yet all have failed.

    The people that they hope to deal with are extremists and hardcore and do not reflect the beliefs of the Muslim faith.

    There is no negotiating or compromising with these lunatics as they are fanatics who think nothing of killing and maiming innocent men women children and even fellow Muslims .

    Only joint bipartisan action by both Thailand and Malaysia will rid the south of this scum.

    But getting Malaysia on board has proved difficult in the past,

    Hmmm... Sounds a lot like the problem the country is currently having with the Reds.

    And how in your tiny little oxygen starved mind do you come to that conclusion?

    • Like 1
  7. Thailand is a great place to make automobiles and this is why MG(Shanghai Automotive and CP) are setting up and several other brands are considering to set up ie VW. Once the politics are smoothed out, we can expect a roaring 2015 onwards for the programs that are scheduled and for newcomers as well.

    "Once the politics are smoothed out" - now there's a thing.

    I think it is more a case of "despite the politics"

    Capitalists don't care about politics.

  8. Everyone is against a coup in principal including General Prayuth, he said so many times, however circumstances and stubbornness left him little choice, now lets look at freedom.

    Those who want to talk about freedom of speech, the press and such like consider what freedoms were curtailed before the military took over.

    There were parts of BKK where if you had expressed a political opinion against whoever was there it could well have got you killed.

    That has now been mostly eliminated and people are free to speak their mind without the previous threat.

    There were many parts of the country where the same thing applied and still applies, that is still being worked on.

    In many of the same parts of the country election candidates could not campaign for fear of their lives, meaning that some parties could never have their policies heard, meaning by extension there could not be free and fair elections in those areas.

    We are told, by people who live there, that in some areas people are told how they must vote this is backed up by threats, bribery and intimidation, is this freedom of choice ?

    There was open intimidation and threats to the courts, judges, independent checks and balances agencies and the media, does that promote freedom of speech ?

    And there are more.

    Now we have some freedoms suspended by the military by the curfew, limits on what the press can publish, this site and others having to be very careful what the put up for discussion, some TV channels off air, illegal radio stations shut down and personal freedom of some alleged likely trouble makers.

    The way I see it is if these temporary freedoms that are at present curtailed, including speaking out against the military, eventually bring about a return to the people of the freedoms that were taken from them by previous administrations and those supporting them then it will be worth it.

    Up to this point, day 5 everything the military has done is for the good, although those who are against the military on principal will not agree.

    It looks at this point as if they are going to continue the good work.

    We wait to see, and I for one are willing to give them a chance.

    He also said he would guarantee the security of the last election, he lied then as well!

  9. Looks like the army predicted a clash at Victory Monument , lots of police, troops, 14 Prison vans..........................and nobody came. coffee1.gif

    By 4.00 p.m hundreds of troops and police are blocking traffic to the Monument ahead of the 5 p.m. deadline for protesters to move out.


    Biggest elsewhere"


    "He did not reveal what measures would be taken but said they would be dealt with step by step and in line with international standards."

    Love that quote, didn't know there were "international standards" for elected officials to be overthrown and a fascist junta installed.

    • Like 1
  10. The world is doomed, the sky is falling. Humans will be extinct by 5098. YAWN !

    I am sorry neverdie! You usually have sensible comments but but the above is just not one of them. Do some serious research and not just look at or listen to climate change doubters. Winter begins in Australia in another 4 days. In Victoria - one of our coldest states the roses are still in flower. My brother's elm tree hasn't even begun to lose its leaves. Melbourne has just has a record run of days OVER 20 degrees - I think it is 15 days - and it is winter in a few days. Reports like this are coming in from all over the world and yet people like you are still in denial.

    I am 70 years old. When I was a kid in the Mallee of Victoria it was big news if we had 2 or 3 days over [then 100 degrees F] 37 degrees C. Now in the Mallee and elsewhere they have 7 or 8 days in a row over and up to the mid 40's C.

    So what? the climate changes, always has, always will. What baffles me is the complete misunderstanding of climate change the alarmists have, but then with all their business interests I suppose I shouldn't be too surprised.

    • Like 1
  11. Did they arrest her?

    Sent from my GT-S5310 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Arrest her for what ? Being the democratically elected Prime Minister of Thailand ?

    totster rolleyes.gif

    For running the rice scam, trying to whitewash a fugitive convicted criminal, trying the bankrupt the country by illegally passing a 2.2 trillion Baht loan......................You want a few other valid reasons ?

    Some valid reasons would be nice.

    • Like 1
  12. It seems that the Only side that is threatening to do any harm to Thailand and it's people are the Red Shirts... Again

    Most likely with some influents from the Fugitive him self... True Thuggery

    Excuse me! A fascist junta has suspended the constitution and seized the democratic government! What do you expect them to do, dance in the streets?

    Long live democracy!

    • Like 1
  13. Fine upstanding citizens these two are. Look at the lovely uniforms, the braiding, the medals. they must surely have the nations Interests at heart. Maybe the NACC got it all wrong. How can a lovey looking uniformed person smiling do any wrong?

    Off with their heads if they are guilty! Off with them then!

    that would be the only way to usurp corruption here!

    "that would be the only way to usurp corruption here!" cheesy.gif

    A Freudian slip methinks!

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