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Posts posted by fasteddie

  1. The police also dismissed a rumour that Mr. Duangchan was in fact a pro-government taxi driver who had been murdered by an anti-government protest guard, insisting that the case was purely motivated by personal disputes.

    If the truth was known I expect this rumour was started by Khaosod. Never let the facts get in the way of a good story especially if you have an agenda and never miss an opportunity to start a rumour if it supports your agenda.

    "never miss an opportunity to start a rumour if it supports your agenda."

    What? Like you just did!

  2. well done Kerry let's hope Suthep's thugs take heed

    John Kerry statement:

    "A democracy is not solely defined by an election"

    OK, now please stop using that worthless and meaningless tripe statement of 'we woz democratically elected' as John Kerry says winning an election doesn't necessarily mean that democracy will prevail!!!!!

    We don't need any advice from that fool! The same guy who slated Russia after the elections in Crimea, calling them bullies and stating big states have no right invading sovereign states in the 21st century. That despite there having been no invasion unlike in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya etc. A fool and a hypocrite!

  3. A warning from the US to Thaksin not to get his red army involved.

    And to PT and Yingluck to accept the ruling of the courts and not to try to hang on to power at any cost.

    I wonder if the letter actually mentioned coup or is this just a bit Surapong added on ?

    The US know the army aren't going to give Thaksin the military coup he has been trying for.

    They also know that the judicial coup is just the law being applied as it should.

    And I am sure they will see the latest 'modern coup' as the BS that it is.

    You've actually got 8 likes for that piece of fiction, you misinterpret the whole article and 8 blinkered numpties agree with you, unbelievable!

    It's actually a warning to Suthep and the courts alike that the US will in no way support the removal of the elected government on trumped up charges, again!

    You might like to explain where the fiction is.

    But first I will clarify some points :

    We all know from statements by red supporters that there is an armed faction of the reds and that they have been claiming they are getting together a force of 200,000 who will come out and 'fight' should a court verdict go against Yingluck and the caretaker cabinet.

    We also know that when PT were in Govt they refused to accept court rulings so it is quite possible they will do the same again and we also know that their UDD supporters have said they will not accept any court ruling that goes against any PTP members.

    Should Yingluck or her caretaker ministers defy the law of the land and refuse to accept the legal rulings of the courts it is then equivalent to clinging to power as a negative verdict would require them to step down.

    These things must be of concern as they have the potential to escalate into a civil war.

    Of far greater concern than Sutheps peaceful rallies in favor of reforms before elections.

    We still do not know if the letter mentioned a coup, possibly you do ?

    I have explained in a subsequent post why a coup would benefit Thaksin.

    Oh and if you could do a post without insults it would be great.

    And for your information there is no elected Govt and no MP's at present only a caretaker cabinet.

    "You might like to explain where the fiction is"

    All of it!

  4. A warning from the US to Thaksin not to get his red army involved.

    And to PT and Yingluck to accept the ruling of the courts and not to try to hang on to power at any cost.

    I wonder if the letter actually mentioned coup or is this just a bit Surapong added on ?

    The US know the army aren't going to give Thaksin the military coup he has been trying for.

    They also know that the judicial coup is just the law being applied as it should.

    And I am sure they will see the latest 'modern coup' as the BS that it is.

    You've actually got 8 likes for that piece of fiction, you misinterpret the whole article and 8 blinkered numpties agree with you, unbelievable!

    It's actually a warning to Suthep and the courts alike that the US will in no way support the removal of the elected government on trumped up charges, again!

    Well that can't be right. The charges weren't 'trumped up' but they were politically motivated. They were used as way to show the PM was not fit to govern the country and thus the coup was justified.,

    The issue with the army is that no one is quite sure which way Prayuth will jump. He talks a lot about his <deleted>ture and sometimes it sounds as if he playing the 'Swiss gambit'.... see which side is winning and support them whilst pretending to be neutral.

    What the US definitely does not want to see is a redshirt army reminiscent of the KR. Now that would provoke a response.

    "What the US definitely does not want to see is a redshirt army reminiscent of the KR."

    Oh dear! not a good example, given the US supported the Khmer Rouge.

  5. Well please explain how the position that Suthep and his bunch is supporting democracy.

    Animals? Sc***w you and your petty insults. You are continuing the horrendous class split that exists in this country. How on earth you as a probable farang can support Suthep and his nonsense I don't know.

    You think the reds will feel superior around me? The one thing I know for sure is that your average yellow shirt definitely laughs at your support and definitely feels superior to you.


    Pushed your buttons did I?

    You support the child murderers all you want. Maybe your little terror friends will pop a few more off for you.

    Personally I support reforms, you lot simply don't support reforms.

    It is simple as that really.

    Thai at heart...... OMG!!

    More like People's Republic Of Lanna at heart.

    Your stupid Idol has wrecked this country, and actually made the poor, even poorer..... You know it, but your wife won't let you admit it.

    Enjoy your exodus when your red buffs turn on you...... lol

    Well "Hello Dolly"! the nastiness returns.

    • Like 1
  6. Well that outburst meant he lost any credibility as far as I was concerned. At least one military leader has some moderation thankfully.

    He hasen't lost any credibility with me yet. That is all talk. What he does in the future could change my opinion but at this point I think he is just mimicking Jatuprn and dribbeling nonsense.

    It in no way takes away the good he has done rthe nation so far.

    Furthermore, it is highly unlikely that millions of pro-government supporters in the north and northeast will quietly accept Mr. Suthep's effort to remove their elected government.

    Have to agree with that.

    In a separate mass rally in Nakorn Pathom province yesterday, Redshirts leader Jatupon Prompan insisted that the Redshirts are willing to fight for Ms. Yingluck, and ominously warned that a "civil war" could break out of Ms. Yingluck is removed by undemocratic ways.

    Typical red shirt reaction threaten violence if they don't get their way. I wish he would complete the big baby scene and threaten to hold his breath until he get's his way.

    Suthep had best back off up until the last few days he was being rational the Thai way. Now he is listening to Jatuporn and trying to equal his nonsense.

    But I do admit he has done a great job up to this point. Time to let the system take over. If the red shirts stage an armed revolt the Army will crush them like a bug. They learned in 2010 what being nice to them get's them.

    "It in no way takes away the good he has done rthe nation so far."

    Name one good thing! Good for Thailand, not for himself or those that refuse to recognise the democratic process, just Thailand.

  7. Keeping in mind that there is no possible way to speak on this subject without conflicting with ThaiVisa's rules of conduct

    Let's just game this out:

    So what if Suthep is stupid enough to go through with this pan- and assuming no member of the Royal family engages with the request- then what?

    Is a refusal tantamount to opposition? =\

    This seems extra sketchy, even for mad dog Suthep.


    Suthep is not so stupid... all you farang may think he is, but he is a wily old fox... Far from being stupid.

    He knows he would never get a royal endorsement for a revolution. He would also never put his majesty in the position of having to make a decision like that.

    He has not yet shown his hand regarding what actually the process is.

    This has all been made up to stir up hatred for him, so that him and his movement will hopefully be attacked with unrelenting violence. That is all this stupid report is all about.......... incitement.

    Suthep's an incredibly smart operator.

    Never doubt that...... He has out-manouvered this government and all their so called legal experts constantly over the past 5 months and he will win this war for the people.

    He also is well aware of the possible violence from the reds, I am sure he has plenty of plans laid out to thwart them.

    The government lay out all their cards on the table on a daily basis about doing this next and that next... the smart poker player plays his cards close to his chest.... leaving people to guess and speculate.... he is laughing his tits off.

    Sure is a guy to be respected and looked up to. So far he has failed at every hurdle. 1995 to present corruption scandal[edit]

    As part of the Sor Por Kor 4-01 (สปก.4-01) land reform scheme, Suthep gave title deeds to 592 plots of land in Khao Sam Liam, Kamala and Nakkerd hills of Phuket province to 489 farmers. It was later found that members of 11 wealthy families in Phuket were among the recipients. Suthep addressed a huge crowd in his Surat Thani constituency a month before a no-confidence debate and called on his supporters to march on Bangkok in the hundreds of thousands to defend his reputation.[5] The scandal led Prime Minister Chuan Leekpai of the Democrat Party to dissolve the House of Representatives in July 1995 in order to avoid the no-confidence debate.[6] In subsequent elections, Thai Nation Partywon a majority, leading to the downfall of Chuan Leekpai's Democrat Party-led government.

    Wikileaks diplomatic cables from the US embassy revealed that many members of his own party have long complained of his corrupt and unethical behavior.[7][8][9]

    Interestingly. That wiki has been HEAVILY updated since I last looked at it about 6 weeks ago.. looks like Amsterdam's work. A very eloquent mud Slinger!

    Sent from my XT1032 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    All documented facts! Where's the mud?

    Sent from my LG-P880 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    • Like 1
  8. Keeping in mind that there is no possible way to speak on this subject without conflicting with ThaiVisa's rules of conduct

    Let's just game this out:

    So what if Suthep is stupid enough to go through with this pan- and assuming no member of the Royal family engages with the request- then what?

    Is a refusal tantamount to opposition? =\

    This seems extra sketchy, even for mad dog Suthep.


    Suthep is not so stupid... all you farang may think he is, but he is a wily old fox... Far from being stupid.

    He knows he would never get a royal endorsement for a revolution. He would also never put his majesty in the position of having to make a decision like that.

    He has not yet shown his hand regarding what actually the process is.

    This has all been made up to stir up hatred for him, so that him and his movement will hopefully be attacked with unrelenting violence. That is all this stupid report is all about.......... incitement.

    Suthep's an incredibly smart operator.

    Never doubt that...... He has out-manouvered this government and all their so called legal experts constantly over the past 5 months and he will win this war for the people.

    He also is well aware of the possible violence from the reds, I am sure he has plenty of plans laid out to thwart them.

    The government lay out all their cards on the table on a daily basis about doing this next and that next... the smart poker player plays his cards close to his chest.... leaving people to guess and speculate.... he is laughing his tits off.

    "he is laughing his tits off."

    And we're laughing ours off at you!

    • Like 1
  9. It seems Maj-Gen Rienthong Nenna and the unnamed "former permanent secretary" are perhaps struggling with the core concept of democracy. They would do well to ask others not stuck in Thailand's dark totalitarian past as they seem to be. The country does have the right to throw out a government but only via an electoral process. Gen Prayuth is completely correct in his interpretation - he does work for the people's elected government.

    The PDRC long ago lost the plot so their comments - as usual - are someone irrelevant. They represent nobody apart from those pulling their strings above them (and that ain't the people of Thailand).

    If the government breaks the law or regulations then impeachment is another constitutional way to throw out member(s) of the government.

    Only if the judges is not owned. Just for your info 3 of the CC judges was appointed by the last junta and several others just after the previous judicial coup. The majority of the CC judges are thus seen as a product of unconstitutional actions and in the eyes of many are unfit to serve their present positions. For courts to be legitimate they need to be appointed in an impartial and constitutional way and must act in an impartial way.

    You are close, very close, to defaming the judges. Many people including one of PTP's spokespeople have been convicted.

    Being impartial means the judges make their decisions based on law and the facts presented. It does not mean bending to PTP's will, accepting their pastries, or succumbing to their intimidation. PTP like everyone else are subject to the law, not above it as they often act.

    "Being impartial means the judges make their decisions based on law and the facts presented"

    Usually, but not in Thailand, most Thai judges are old guard appointees.

  10. The problems with democracy are many. Regarding the "will of the people," the question is always "which people?" Elections can be rigged, the masses can be bribed and manipulated. Even when people elect their candidate, they realize too late that they were lied to and fooled again. Rulers exist to maintain order and restrain evil. Perhaps the military can do a better job than the civilians...

    Same sort of argument used by Hitler, Mussolini, Franco and all other fascist dictators in history.

  11. The country does have the right to throw out a government but only via an electoral process.

    Apologies for cutting out most of your post - but I would be interested to know your opinion on this.

    If a government (and i'm not being specific to Thailand here) is generally making a complete mess of running the country and the population are unhappy. And the next election is a few years away. Do you think that the people have to put up with 2 more years of incompetent government before they can reject them electorally or should they be more pro active?

    I guess what i'm alluding to is which is more important - democracy or competent rule?

    "I guess what I'm alluding to is which is more important - democracy or competent rule?"

    That's easy, Democracy, if the latter was the case most democratic countries would be in a near permanent state of anarchy!

    That's what elections are for.

  12. " The one good thing to come out of the 2006 insurrection was the demise of Sae Dheng - now he was a nasty piece of work"

    Yeah, we don't want anybody with expertise fighting on the side of democracy do we.

    The general was murdered by Sutheps fascist thugs!

    Quit trolling or seek medical help. No offence meant. The general was a renegade who led an armed insurrection against the legitimate government at that time. He swore his allegiance. He was nothing but the traitor.

    I am a soldier of the Royal Thai Army.

    I will perform my duty for the country, religions, monarchy, and people.

    I will perform my duty, while supporting others, for the benefit of the nation.

    I will be physically and mentally tough.

    I will train myself with determination and perseverance to become proficient in combats.

    I will dedicate myself for the success of my mission.

    I will fight the enemies of my country to protect my people.

    I will sacrifice my life to protect my country's sovereignty and the Monarchy.

    I will never leave a fallen comrade, dead or injured.

    Because I am a soldier of the Royal Thai Army.

    "I will perform my duty for the country,"

    And his country had been hijacked by an unelected government.

    He was performing his duty, he was murdered by a coward in uniform on the orders of the butcher Suthep.

  13. Prayuth has not sided with either side

    Of course he has. Every government official in Thailand has, along with pretty well every businesswoman, media worker and poster to this oasis of misogyny. Prayuth has specifically and purposely sided with the government over and over, and said he has. On Wednesday he said the armed forces cannot disregard the authority of the caretaker government as called for by anti-government protesters.

    This is why the whole concept of "neutral" prime minister is silly. There are lots and lots of *_fair_* people, but there is no such thing as a neutral one. Every Thai worth knowing has done something to help or line up with one or both or many sides. If they haven't they're brain dead and useless.

    Everyone who knows anything knows Prayuth's political views. Everyone also knows his reasons for not ordering his troops to act on those views for the past five months. That is a long, long way from saying he has not sided with certain people or "side".


    Oh please! Sided with the government? that's a joke, if he had he would have let the police do their duty in enforcing the law and protected the election like he promised, instead he's sat on his hands, refused to rule out a coup and put the army on the streets against the wishes of the government.

    Sent from my LG-P880 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  14. The military have no right to meddle in politics. Who the hell does Prayuth think he is? By rights, this monster should be stripped of his rank for his continued threats to launch a coup.

    Sent from my IS11T using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    you should be careful what you write. Calling the Army chief a monster is defamation. I wish he could see what you wrote and be deported for soch childish and ignorant posts. In Singapore you would be quickely dealt with as would a lot of other posters on this forum

    555 right now I am in the middle of moving out of Thailand anyway. I am deeply worried by the way things are going, and have no desire to live in a dictatorship (the yellow dream, and what Singapore is BTW), or a war zone (which is what will likely eventuate because a lot of Thais don't want dictatorship either) . Plus I think that if Prayuth wants to sue anyone for defamation, then he has much bigger fish to fry than anyone on this forum.

    You say that my posts are childish and ignorant? Do some reading on what happened in Bangkok in 2010. I was living in central Bangkok the whole time and saw what Prayuth unleashed with my own eyes.

    Sent from my IS11T using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Moving out because of the way things are going!!!! Even though you are way over reacting I wouldn't dream of trying to stop you.

    You seem to have conveniently forgotten that the black shirts started it all and we all know who was behind that don't we.

    The one good thing to come out of the 2006 insurrection was the demise of Sae Dheng - now he was a nasty piece of work and taking him out was the best thing that could have happened!!

    " The one good thing to come out of the 2006 insurrection was the demise of Sae Dheng - now he was a nasty piece of work"

    Yeah, we don't want anybody with expertise fighting on the side of democracy do we.

    The general was murdered by Sutheps fascist thugs!

  15. Thailand is obviously not ready for a democracy as we know it in the West, maybe in 40-50 years.

    If we can not get it our way we try to shut down the country and cry like babies, is what both sides do.

    Maybe a coup is not the worst that could happen with the country run by the armed forces and police together. Probably would be the most peaceful time in Thailand for years.

    "If we can not get it our way we try to shut down the country and cry like babies, is what both sides do."

    No! not both sides, just the side that can not accept the democratic vote.

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