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Everything posted by ALLSEEINGEYE

  1. Someone is watching too much FOX and is a bit wound up about their latest dog whistle catch phrase. Take a breath and just switch to a different station. Everything is gunna be alright
  2. looks like Uncle Leo from Seinfeld haha. Why you so angry???
  3. As a Canuck I would really like to know what pizza cake is. Never heard of it. Maybe because it's so bad?? hehe
  4. They all pay for their positions, i have head chief of police can pay over $1 million USD for his post. The entire system is set up to extort. The Joe Ferrari case is a classic example. How do you think someone like the fugitive ex PM goes from being a cop to one of the richest men in Thailand? The entire force needs t be fired, anew force hired with far less officers, higher pay and a system in place where they do not pay for their positions, they do not profit from arresting people. Just do your job. Harsh jail sentences for any corruption. Of course this will never happen. If it did, we would all probably move because Thailand would be as boring as most other countries.
  5. Overworked? They just sit on their butts and usually sleep. Must be a bit grumpy when he is woken up???
  6. then you'll only be needing the stolen ventilators?
  7. Well you clearly believe that your dear leader is a victim so you should go ahead and give him as much of your money as possible. The poor guy needs your help, Come on be generous, be a good patriot and help him out heheheh
  8. not frivolous at all. The findings said that he was definitely not absolved of wrongdoing and that in addition to that there was at least 10 examples of obstruction of justice by Trump. The report released by Bill Barr was a bogus coverup and did not reflect the actual report filed by the investigators. If you only watch FOX then you only heard the coverup version and none of the real facts. The DOJ has a long standing policy of not charging a sitting president. Hopefully they will open an investigation on that as well. Can add it to the other 63 ongoing investigation against him. He is a one man crime wave and needs to FINALLY be held accountable.
  9. Living in Canada about 25 years ago, my gf at the time was working in a restaurant. We had a fight and she was angry at me so she made some kind of voodoo doll of me out of wax. She put it in the microwave at work and ended up burning the microwave, her boss was not impressed. Instant Karma hehe. P.S. it must have worked because the girls at nana keep telling me I'm hot ever since ????
  10. I'm thinking it is about 50 years overdue. The guy is a lifelong habitual criminal, a 1 man crime wave. Of coarse the cult followers don't believe any of it to be true even though out of the more than 1000 witnesses that testified, the vast majority were republicans that worked directly for 45. To wonder why the country is so divided just take a look at what FOX is reporting today. I just now looked at FOX online and there is NO mention of this at all, just as there was NO mention of the Trump Org. being found guilty of 17 counts of fraud. Imagine a president being referred for criminal prosecution for the first time in American history, and the #1 rated information (entertainment not real news) program in the country doesn't even cover it. Freedom of speech is one thing but this alternate universe of bogus information needs to stop. It is the biggest danger to the entire world. Facts just don't matter anymore.
  11. Sickens me to see the super rich willing to whiz away millions and millions on useless trinkets or pay millions to politicians to save on tax dollars but they are often the very last people in society to give a dollar to charity or give to help society in any way. Hang the rich!!!
  12. I was here legally, they can find a lot of ways to grab you that don't need to be above board if people with more power than your friends want to mess with you.
  13. Yes, 100% it needs to be purchased through IDC. I know first hand.
  14. Corrupt old dinosaur is just <deleted> because he didn't belly up to the trough quick enough and is missing out on his cut.
  15. Thank you for that Captain obvious
  16. Only 15 days overstay but Thailand will have no issues keeping him in IDC indefinitely unless he can pay the triple price airfare from IDC office to get out.
  17. Taking Viagra before a trip on a motorcycle taxi is always awkward.
  18. Good!!! Zero sympathy for the Russians. The vast majority love Putin so go ahead and die for him. God Bless Ukraine, fight on until Putin and the drunk Russians are forced to leave your homeland.
  19. Another big payday for the police when they get commissions on solving this case? Did they bring in Joe Ferrari as a consultant to solve this mystery?
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